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1、小学六年级英语毕业模拟考试试卷I.选出不同类的单词:(5 分)()1.A.watermelo n)2.A. niceB. bearB. bikeC. orangeC. train()3.A.Mo ndaydayB. SunC.Thirsty()4.A.shirtB. jacketC.basketball()5.A.twelveB. fifty C. year 根据句子意思,选择相对应的图片: (5 分)()1.1 go to school by bike every day.()2.-What s this? -It s a cat.()3.-What are they doing? -The

2、y are playing chess. )4.My father is a driver.)5.She doesn t like hot dogs, she likes hamburgers.单项选择:(15 分)( )1.Look! There are two birds in _ sky.A. aB. an C. the(-On e.)2.-How many _ are there in the classroom now?A. child B. people C. boy( )3.Its very cold _ May_ August in Hainan.A. from, to B.

3、i n, on C. i n, in( )4.1 feel very sad _ I lost my bag.A. soB. and C. because()5.1 helped _ yesterday and _helped me today. A. he, he B. she, her C. him, he( )6.- _ ? -It s a red pen.A. What color is the pen B.What s that C. Is it a pen( )7.Which bag is _ ,the blue one or the blue one?A. goodB. bad

4、C. better()8.Don t climb the tree. It s _A. tiredB. dan gerous C. funny()9.S un day is the_ day of the week in a week. A. first B. seco nd C. third( )10.Tom, please_ the letter to your brother.A. talkB. give C. say()11. - _ he go to the supermarket?-Y es, he bought some fruits.A. Does B. Did C. Will

5、( )12. I want to buy some clothes, let s _A. go swim ming B. go shopp ing C. go skipp ing ( )13.He _up at six every morni ng.A. get B. gets C. gett ing( )14.-Have some tea, Tom. - _.A. You are welcome B. Thank you C. Y es, I do ( )15.-How do you go to school?- _ .My school is n ear.A. By a bike B. B

6、y pla ne C. By busIV(5 分).选择方框内的单词或词组完成下列句子。每个只限用一 次。1.-May I ask you a _ ? Yes, of course.2.1 always get up _in the morni ng. 3. _! You can run fast!4. _! Or you will be late for school. 5. There are twelve _in a year.V.从右栏中选择左栏句子的正确答语。 (10 分)( )1.1s Yao Mi ng tall? A. Y es, it is.( )2.What about g

7、oing to the zoo? B. Yes, please. ( )3.Ca n I have a hamburger? C.l think so.()4.ls it a ruler? D. Good idea.( )5.Ca n I help you? E. Of course, here you are.W.情景交际:根据对话内容,选择方框内定的句子完成下列 对话:(10 分)A:Good eve ning, doctor.B:Good eve nin g,y oung man,What s the matter?W阅读理解:(10 分)Dear frie nds,I m Zha Xi

8、. I m twelve years old. I m a student in YushuPrimary School. There was an earthquake 他震)some days ago.Whe n it was on April 14th ,my gran dpare nts were on thefarm. My un cle worked at the airport and my aunt was in the office. My pare nts did housework at home.Some of the boys played football in t

9、he playgro und. Some ofthe girls clea ned the desks at the back of the classroom. My goodfriends and I were behind the teacher s desk. My teacher was in front of the blackboard.It s very lucky. My family ,teacher and classmates are safenow.We n eed some help .Ca n you help us? Y oursZha Xi()1. Zha X

10、i is_ years old.A. ten B. eleve n C.twelve( )2. -Where were Zha Xi s grandparents? -They were _ . A. at the airport B. on the farm C. In the office()3.What did the girls do? They _ .A. played football B. played basketball C. clea ned thedesks()4. The earthquake happe ned in _A. April B. August C.May( )5. Zha Xi s teacher was _ the blackboard.A.beh ind B.i n front of C. un der


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