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1、山东省东阿县姚寨中学八年级英语 M11 Unit 1 It may be cold tomorrow 教案 Subject :English Grade :8 Name :Xiao jing Time :dec.15, 2011. Teaching aims:1. To learn and remember the new words:cloud,shower,degree,Temperature,freezing,snowy,joke,windy,sunny,sound2. To learn and remember the phrases: at the moment,come,not b

2、ad,sound great, better get going3. 3.To understand these sentences:(1)You must be joking.(2)It might be windy.(3)It may not be even cold ,just wet.Teaching steps: Step 1: Greeting. Step2: Lead in and show the aims to the students.(2 minutes)Step3: Guide the students to teach themselves .(3 minutes)1

3、. Have the students dicate the words.Checkandcorrect the mistakes.2. Have the students listen to the tape and anstwer the question.3. Readthedialogue.Thencompletethequestionsandcheckthe answers.4. 4.Read again and underline the important phrases and sentences .Discuss their meanings. 5. Step4 :拓展. (

4、5 minutes) 6. Step5: Exercises . (10mins)7. Step6: Homework: Finish off Activities 5and 6.学习永威学案设计Subject:English Grade :8 Name :Xiao jingTime:Dec.15 ,2011 一、自学导航1. Read and remember the new words. Then dicate the words.2. Listen to the tape and answer the question :What is the weather like today?Wh

5、en is the best time to visit the USA?3. Read the dialogue fast . Then complete the questions and check the answers.4. Read again carefully. Find out and underline the important phrases and sentences in the dialogue. 二、自学检测。1.默写单词:(1) 多云的_(2)阵雨 _ (3)温度 _ (4)_冰冻的_(5)可能_(6)_ 凉爽的 _ 2.填写短语:(1)和比起来_(2)依靠,

6、依赖,取决于_(3)给某人量体温 _(4)加油_(5)此刻_(6)最好现在就走 _ 3、完成句子。1你一定是在开玩笑. 2天气既不太冷也不太热.3. 明天将会是什么天气?4. 什么时间是来美国最好的时间?三、拓展延伸1. You must be joking! 你肯定是在开玩笑。【用法】这是一种非正式用法,常用来表示说话者对对方所说的话感到惊讶或不相信。【例句】You must be joking! Its so cold outside. 你在开玩笑吧!外面那么冷。2. Were off to Hong Kong.我们要去香港be off离开,出发(去某地)。I must be off(I

7、must leave now) 我必须要走了。They are off to America. 他们要去美国。3. Come on,better get going.好了,走吧! better get going相当于had better go, “最好现在就去走”。四、达标检测情景对话(每空一词)A: Did you hear the weather _1_this morning?B: Yes, I _2_A: _3_ is the weather today?B: Its windy and rainy.A: _4_ bad weather! I dont like it at all.

8、B: Yes, its too bad.A: Will it last _5_?B: No, it _6_. I think it will get better soon.A: I hope _7_. What does the radio say?B: It _8_ the rain will stop later on.A: Thats great. We can go out _9 _10_ basketball 单词拼写1. Can I borrow your c_ ? I want to take photos.2. Take your u_ with you; it is raining outside.3. I wanted to swim in the sea, but I forgot to bring my s_.4. When f_ comes, the leaves of the trees turn yellow.5. I dont like it when the teachers c_ me with my classmates.


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