新PEP版四年级下册英语期末测试卷(DOC 6页)

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1、精品文档 用心整理期末检测卷时间:40分钟满分:100分听力(40分)笔试(60分)总分 题号一二三四五六七八九十十一得分第一部分听力(40分)一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。(10分)()1. A. secondB. shortsC. scarfD. first()2. A. English classB. PE classC. art classD. math class()3. A. coolB. coldC. warmD. hot()4. A. green beansB. greatC. gardenD. get up()5. A. jacketB. glovesC. goatD. cl

2、othes二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(10分) () () () () ()三、听录音,为你所听到的句子选择正确的答语。(10分)()1. A. No. Its on the first floor.B. Its next to the library. ()2. A. Its seven forty.B. I have nine. ()3. A. Its snowy.B. Yes, you can. But its cold outside. ()4. A. Yes, we do. We have many potatoes. B. No, they arent. They are car

3、rots. ()5. A. They are twenty yuan.B. They are pretty. 四、听录音,根据短文内容连线。(10分) Chen JiedresswhitesheepWu YifanshoesgreenhensAmyT-shirtblackgreen beansJohnshortsyellowcarrotsMikeskirtorangehorses第二部分笔试(60分)五、选择每组中画线部分发音规律不同的一项。(5分)()1. A. waterB. horseC. sister()2. A. girlB. theirC. bird()3. A. horseB.

4、forkC. world()4. A. appleB. tableC. leg()5. A. hurtB. ourC. nurse六、根据图片提示选词填空,把短文补充完整。(8分)A. pants B. go home C. green beansD. sunnyE. PE class F. hamburgers G. gloves H. dinnerIts 1. _ today. We have a 2. _ on the playground. I wear my blue 3. _ and white 4. _ . After school, I 5. _ . Now its time

5、for 6. _ . I would like some 7. _ and 8. _ . 七、单项选择。(12分)()1. _ pants are those?A. WhoB. WhoseC. Whos()2. Its _. Lets swim. A. windy and coolB. snowy and coldC. sunny and hot()3. Are these green beans?_,they are. A. YesB. NoC. Sure()4. 早晨,你想告诉弟弟该起床了,你会说:A. Its time to get up. B. Hurry up!C. Its time

6、 to go home. ()5. _ is this coat?_ 500 yuan. A. How much; TheyreB. How much; ItsC. How many; Theyre()6. Is this _ skirt?A. AmyB. AmysC. she八、按要求写句子。(8分)1. inlikeWhatstheNew Yorkweather( ? )(连词成句)_2. Its time to have breakfast. (改为同义句)_3. Are they horses? (作否定回答)_4. That is a cow. (改为复数句)_九、根据问句选答语。(

7、5分)()1. What time is it?A. They are cows. ()2. Where is the library?B. Its 630. ()3. Whats the weather like in Beijing?C. Its on the second floor. ()4. What are these?D. Its 20 yuan. ()5. How much is this hat?E. Its cold and snowy. 十、阅读短文, 按要求完成各题。(12分)Amy:Today is warm and sunny. There is a show in

8、 our classroom. Liu Mei:Can I go and have a look?Amy:Sure. This way, please. Liu Mei:1. _Amy:Its on the second floor. Look! Here it is. Come in, please. Liu Mei:Wow! So many clothes! So many toy animals! So many things!Amy:Look! This coat is mine. Its eighty yuan. Liu Mei:Its cool! Look! 2. _Amy:The

9、y are sunglasses. They are Mikes. Liu Mei:3. _ Its cute!Amy:Yes,it is. Its Johns. (一)选择正确的句子,把序号写在横线上。(6分)A. Where is your classroom?B. Is it a toy lamb?C. What are those?(二)根据对话内容,填写下列展品的主人。(6分)The coat is 4. _. The sunglasses are 5. _. The toy lamb is 6. _. 十一、任选一幅图,仿写四句话。(10分) Sarah has a pretty

10、dress. Its fifty dollars. Its cheap. Its very nice. _ 期末检测卷听力材料:一、1. My classroom is on the second floor. 2. I like art class very much. I like to colour. 3. Its cold and snowy. I cant play outside. 4. I love to eat green beans. 5. I wear my fathers jacket. Its big. 二、1. Lets play a game in the comp

11、uter room. 2. I go to school at seven oclock. 3. Its warm today. Lets fly kites. 4. There are vegetables and animals on my fathers farm. 5. Those shorts are nice and cheap. 三、1. Wheres the teachers office?2. What time is it?3. Can I make a snowman?4. Are these potatoes?5. How much are these pants?四、

12、Hello, Im Chen Jie. Today we are on Mikes fathers farm. I wear an orange skirt. I like these orange carrots. Wu Yifan wears black shorts. He likes those black horses. Amy wears a green dress. She likes those green beans. Johns Tshirt is white. He plays with these white sheep. Mikes shoes are yellow. He runs with those yellow hens. 答案:一、1. A2. C3. B4. A5. A二、41532三、1. B2. A3. B4. B5. A四、 五、1. B2. B3. C4. C5. B 六、1. D2. E3. A4. G5. B 6. H7. C8. F七、1. B2. C3. A4. A5. B6. B八、1. Whats the weather like in New York?2. Its time


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