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1、THE MASKRevised by Chuck RussellThird DraftApril 21, 1993SHOOTING DRAFTEXT. HIGH SEAS - DAYThe dragonhead prow of an ancient Viking ship cuts through the thick fog of the rough North Atlantic Sea.MUSIC EXPLODES: WAGNERS GOTTERDAMMERUNG (Twilight of the Gods)SUPERIMPOSE: THE TENTH CENTURY A.D.EXT. BO

2、W OF THE SHIP - DAYViking explorer LEIF ERICSON carefully studies his fob compass as he dangles it above a parchment map. His SAILORS steal nervous looks at a large, diabolical-looking IRON BOX in the hold.OLAF, a fierce, one-eyed Viking warrior approaches Ericson. NOTE: Dialog is in OLD NORSE, with

3、 SUBTITLES)OLAFLeif, lets do the deedbefore another night falls. The crewsnear mutiny.Ericson draws his broadsword with a flourish.LEIF ERICSONKnow this! The first man to turnwill taste my steel in his guts.OLAFBut weve surely gone far enough.ERICSONThat accursed box must be thrownoff the edge of th

4、e world. Wewill go until we can go no moreSuddenly there is an ear-splitting SCREECH and the entire boat rocks violently as it runs aground.The LOOKOUT is thrown from his crows nest and CRASHES straight through the deck right in front of Ericson. His pained voice floats up from the black hole.LOOKOU

5、TLand ho.Ericson wheels about just as the fog parts off the starboard bow.A beautiful rustic coastline stretching off as far as the eye can see.LEIF(gasps)By Odins beardEXT. THE NEW WORLD - A HARBOR - SUNSETOlaf finishes digging a hole in the sand. He backs away, terrified, as burly Vikings, led by

6、Ericson, muscle the IRON BOX over to the hole and quickly bury it. Ericson turns to an exotic-looking Eurasian WITCH.ERICSONBe quick, Witch. Let the deedbe done.The Witch unravels a scroll and recites:WITCHOh Loki, ancient one. Thy mischiefdwell now in waters, base andbland. And in waves and sand th

7、ymagic forever sleepAs the Witch speaks, a strong wind kicks up and a black wall of clouds appears. The sky explodes in THUNDER and LIGHTNING. The men look about fearfully.ERICSON (CONT.)Back to the ship men, hurry.OLAFCaptain, youve discovered a newworld. It is your right to name it.ERICSONLeave th

8、at to the Italians. Werenever coming back here. Never.This land is now cursed.DISSOLVE TO:A SIGN: BEACH CLOSED - RAW SEWAGE - NO SWIMMINGEXT. BEACH - PRESENT DAYHot, smoggy and packed. Cityscape of towering skyscrapers stands in the haze just beyond the crowded beach.SUPER: EDGE CITY - THE PRESENTA

9、caffeine-driven D.Js voice booms over the beach-goers radios.D.J. (V.O.)Yessiree, its a four-alarmsizzler out there today with highs in the upper nineties and norelief in sight. We have a third stage smog advisory and a metrotraffic gridlock alert.Flourocarbons are up, the DowJones is down and were

10、expectinganother Spike Lee movie anysecond. In other words folks,its just another bee-youtifulday in Edge City.Camera ENDFRAMES on an industrial barge marked Department of Sanitation. A cranes cable line disappears underwater.EXT. UNDERWATER - SAME TIMESCUBA WELDERS repair a cracked, scum spewing pi

11、pe. One diver hits something hard with his dredger. He unearthsTHE ANCIENT IRON BOXRust and barnacles partially obscure the engraved images of Norse gods and demons.THE DIVER wedges his scuba knife under the corroded lock. Erie MASK theme SFX rise as he tries to pry open the lid.Suddenly the PIPELIN

12、E BREAKS FREE, crushing the diver and cracking open the box.SOMETHING (seen only in rippling shadow) explodes out of the box on a cloud of bubbles and shoots toward the surface.EXT. WATERThe Mask surfaces in the f.g. as lightening EXPLODES across the distant cityscape.CUT TO:EXT. EDGE CITY BANKA ban

13、ner displays their proud motto: WE BANK ON TOMORROW.EXT./INT. EDGE CITY BANKCHARLIE SCHUMACHER (30s) gazes out the window from his cluttered desk as the crack of THUNDER echos through the urban canyons.CHARLIELook at those clouds rollin in,man. Freaky weather.STANLEY IPKISS, a bright0eyed amiable yo

14、ung account exec pauses by Charlies desk and drops off a print-out.STANLEYHey Charlie, can you go over thesestats? Were supposed to havea complete report before lunch.Charlie takes one looks at the complex print-outs and tosses them back.CHARLIEWoah. Sorry Stanley, I just hadmy weave tightened and m

15、y headis killing me. Be a pal and takethose over to Hinkleman, will ya?MAGGIE, a cute young blonde now strolls by.MAGGIEHi guys. Did you have any luckwith those concert ticketsStanley?Stanley perks up at the sight of her.STANLEYI sure did. Friday night, justlike you wanted.MAGGIEOh, Stanley, thats wonderful.STANLEYWhat time should I pick you up?MAGGIEGee, I dont know. My bestgirlfriend just go


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