非谓语动词 不定式 分词动名词专项练习

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1、非谓语动词不定式,分词,动名词专项练习Infinitives1.I know him a good football player while in college.A. to have been B. to be C. was D. had been2.I you off yesterday , bu t I didnt have time.A. hope to have been B. hope to seeC. hoped to have seen .hoped to see3.I _him a favor several days ago.A. promise to do B. pro

2、mise to have doneC. promised to do D. promised to have done4. I am glad _by him yesterday.A. not to be seen B. to not have been seenC. not to have seen D. to not be seen5. I am sorry not it to you soon.A. mailed B. mailing C. to have mailed D. have mailed6. Mr White was seen the Palace Museum .A. en

3、ter B. to enter C. entered D. to have entered7.I had rather him today than tomorrow.A. seen B. see C. saw D. to see8.he would rather stay at home than out with you.A. go B. to go C. going D. goes 9.She cannot help when she heard the bad news.A. burst into tears B. bursting into tearsC. to burst into

4、 tears D. to burst out tears10. Would you be to do me a favor, please?A. so kind as B. too kind C. as kind as D. enough kind11. Paul did nothing but all day long.A. playB. to playC. playingD. played12. Now we could not to do anything but for him here.A. waitB. waitingC. to waitD. waited13. The lost

5、child desired nothing but home.A. to go B. going C. went D. go14. The teacher told the pupils to stand in row and loudly.A. not call out B. not to call out C. to not called out D. not called out15.I dont know her and dont .A.either B. wantC. want toD. want it16.- Go to the cinemawith me, will you?-

6、I should like _, but I dont havetime.A.to B. tooC. to doD. going17. -How about going for a swim this Sunday?- very much.A.Ill like it B. Id like it C. Ill like to D. Id like to18. You stay here till your father comes to take you back.A. had better B. had better to C. would rather D. would rather to1

7、9. He had done nothing except some books from the library.A. borrowing B. borrow C. to borrow D. borrowed20. -Which do you like better, reading or writing?- I like to read but I would rather.A. writeB. to write C. writing D. in writing21. I meant you with your homework but father didnt permit me to.

8、 A. to helpB. to have helped C. helping D. having helped22. To learn to speak English well,.A. much practice is needed B. one needs much practiceC. much practice is needed by one D. one is needed much practice23. Tom kept quiet about the accident lose his job.A.so not as to B. so as not to C. so as

9、to not D. not so as to24. Last summer I took a course on.A. how to make dress B. how dresses be madeC. how to be made dresses D. how dresses to be made25. We all felt that promise foolish.A. be B. being C. was D. to be26. - The maid is coming today.- Please have her the windows in my room.A. washed

10、B. to washing C. washing D. wash27. His doctor has forbidden him beer until his condition improves enough tostop taking medicine.A. from drinking B. to drink C. drunk D. dink28. Im sorry. Were you speaking to me ? Yes, I was. Would you please in this room?A. not to smoke B. not smoke C. no smoking D

11、. no smoke29. I spoke to him kindly him.A. not to frighten B. so as not to frightenC. in order to not frighten D. for not frightening30. - Will you go home tomorrow evening?- No, I am going to a lecture, or at least ,I am planning .A. on B. to C. it D. so31. -Does anyone want an extra ticket o go to

12、 the play?- Whom would you rather with, George or me ?A. have to go B. go C. to go D. going32. - Tomorrow is a holiday! Why are you doing your homework?- I am doing this exercise now so that I wont have on Sunday.A. for B. them C. it D. to33. - I thought you had planned to practice the piano today.-

13、 I did nothing but letters all day.A. write B. to write C. wrote D. writing34. - How do you like my new motorcycle?- Its very nice, but would you please _ park in here?A. not B. not to C. to not D. dont35. - I hear that you and Francis will spend your vacation in Nepal next spring. - Yes, were plann

14、ing.A. to B. to be C. it D. to do it36. It me two hours to find your new house.A. coat B. took C. spent D. used37. I feel it an honour to speak here.A. to ask B. to asking C. to be asked D. having asked38. We all think it most foolish this mistake.A. for you to makeB. of you to makeC. of your making

15、D. for your making39. - I dont understand that sentence.- Lets get Tom _that sentence again.A. explain B. to explain D. explained D. explaining40. - How was your weekend?- Tiring. My friend bought anew house, so I helped him.A. move it B. move C. to move it D. moved41. My dad promised to buy a new car and _it.A. that he would let me driveB. to let me driveC. that I would let him to driveD. promised to let me drive42. - I wish I cou



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