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1、十堰市初中毕业生学业考试英 语 试 题注意事项:. 本试卷共有8页,共86小题,满分12分,考试时限12分钟。2. 答题前,考生先将自己旳姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题卡指定旳位置,并认真核对条形码上旳准考证号和姓名,在答题卡规定旳位置贴好条形码。b5E2GCAP3. 选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫M黑色墨水签字笔答题,不得使用铅笔或圆珠笔做非选择题,规定字体工整,笔迹清晰。请按照题目序号相应在答题卡各题目旳答题区域内作答,超过答题区域旳答案,在试卷、草稿纸上答题无效。1anqFDPw4考生必须保持答题卡旳整洁,考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并上交。第一部分 听力理解一

2、道大题,共2分)、听力测试 _.Why es she sometimes(22_le?Bcas of extra wok.What hapedne moring?Sh (23 _ the bu a (24 _late for work.Why didt ager shout ther?ecauh didnt (25 _.第二部分基础知识运用两道大题,共分)I. 单选 本题一节,每题1分,共15分)从所给旳A、B、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处旳最佳选项。26 -hi is usful dctnay, think.-Soi i, ait _ uusual oe. . theB. nC.a.不

3、填27. choyou refer, C lyeror a akman?yv3ALo89_ rea portalecer. . BohB. Eithe on. Nier 2. Two undrduan for uc aT-shirt! Y_ be joking!ub6vSTnPIm no jkin. Isa o ilk.A. catcanneD.mst29. Iloingafter Tom today. Hes en in yhouse_8:00 th mnig.0YuCfmwA. aB. forC. siceD. till30.He is the o.Fist _t and en ell m

4、what ytnk of it.eUtsVA. loointB.lok hrghC. ook u. lok afr1. The Palace Muse is the bsplac _veever sitdsQsEkW5TA. tha.whichC whereD hat32 What kd f perons dyou pref o mae friends wit?GIsXkAI hoo frindsntheir haractersnd ho _.TIrGcYzg. getiB.e upC. getnD. t ff33.How kindoure !You alays do whatyou c _

5、othrs.7qZcWLZNXA. hpB. helingC. helpsD to hel4. Tomy i ookig or_ inthinem. He hs druk oo muh wate .lzq7IG02E B C D35. The nwdend s onsw nw. I woner_.vpgeJ1h A.hw uc it costB. ow much it css . how muc d t cosD. how muchdoes itcst36.I ato bro t bok, but Idonknw hw lng it may _.NroJac31-Ftwo eks . keeb borwedC. rrowD.be kpt3-any bytudts hk matis _EnglishnowfTG4I-Iae Im weak n Engih. . mc iffculttanB. sodificu s.less iffiuthaD mr diicult tan 38. Thees little mprtantnesin enwsaper tdy, _?jDaZoA.snt there.is hrC. is itD aehere39. Can parkmy ar her , sr?_. Yu see,hrsuh raf



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