牛津英语7B Unit2练习题

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《牛津英语7B Unit2练习题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津英语7B Unit2练习题(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、. ito the dalgu d coose thebest answr to tquestionyou hear(根据你听到旳对话和问题,选出最恰当旳答案):(共分)( )6. A. Tefish. BTsoupC. heme. The chickn wing( ). unny.BWindy.C. Snowy. . Rain( )8. A. 8:3. 8:00. 9:0.D. :30.( )9.A.100 yuan. . 150 yuanC 30uan .400 yua.( )1 A. e liked the fm y mch.B Hejoyeh muscC. egree wt te wo

2、man. H didnt i th fi.( )11. . At theerof the street.B.t he ed the tret.C. t the No.8 us sp.D.Th womnhano ida( )2 A. Funny ils. B. Action fims.“Plice y”. D. Caroon fims.( )1. A n th park. B. Athme.C t school. D. I helibray. Listen to th assge n el wether efollowing taent are tre or le(判断下列句子与否符合你听到旳短

3、文内容,符合旳用“T”表达,不符合旳用“F”表达):(共6分)( )14. Andn (安徒生) was bo in Denmak over 200 yeasago( )1 derson camfro ashmakersfail.( )6.Adess ft died wen he was jt forten yar l.( )7. nrsnwntdtbea singe nd an actorat firt.( )18. Andersonwoe50 stris in less ta forty yea.( )1 Anesons stories are ony toldi English. ist

4、en o t ialogue ancopetethsenteces(听对话,完毕下列内容,每空格限填一词) :(共6分)0. Te gil wansto go ohestaurantm th_.1e rstauat is t vey_. 22Th by tellthe girlto al along Shoload unil she reache e_ rne.3The, turn _ and rehGreen Street 4 Th restauran is right et toth _ n the corer. 25. Th irla avea cup ofcoffe inthe _.P

5、ar Phonetics, oablaryad Grammar(第二部分 语音,词汇和语法)( )30. Afe uper,mygrandfather use t ake long walk _ the iverankA. ovr B btwen.along Dhrg( )3Kyhasvisite_ placesof inret in Bijinnd sloesthe cty vrych.A. ew .a lo of C. litle D a little( )2.The progammeclled our ace Sounds miiar (百变大咖秀) is very _.We laugh

6、ed l te time. A.inerested. ap . sdDn( )3.Te crchis one of _ i thisown.A he tal buidi .the lr uidigC. the lles uiling D.h tlletbuildgs( )34 _ flmre we goingto ethiweeend? Sall w ee “San Lae”?A. WhiB.WyC.WhenD. Whe( )5. I usllyseTomn his cssmtes _ footaln the plagond. paB. t play. layi .ply( )36 Kitty

7、 udlike _ action ilmA.seesBto seC. seeing.ee( )3. Iike funy films. Wha abo?_A ither woul I o I doC. So would I D. Soo I( )3 oou no how mc_ the ne mobile phonatwk? Maybe 900 yuan. Im not quteure.A she pai r illh payforC did s ayfor D. she ould pay for( )39. Excuseme, howcn get toth pstoffice? _A. No

8、at allB.Sorry, Imnewhere Tats KD.o aewecome( )0 Ann wolntl to staathome. _.A. odoe Mr. So wold Ma. Nether doe MarD. Nether would MayCopleethe follow psagewith the ords or epresion in b. Each canony e used ne(将下列单词或短语前旳字母填入空格。每个单词或短语只能填一次):(共6分)A.during B.first C.smiled D. cr Efid ouF. othe blackbar.

9、 wringI yu want to k fies hers, yo shul b friendl to hem t firsnew teacher made riends tte tudentin he class o the(41)_ day of schoo As te bel rang,heteahr (4)_ at h sue hnshesaid a quet voe, “Gd rning.Hwnie it to haveall ofu ycss Id ik t kow eac of youI am sure wewll njoy(3)_ togther.”Hr vocwas wee

10、 helok was iendly,o eeyon felt hppyhe o thtudentsher nmedwrot t (4)_ hn she od tem sme o teths she lked to an e was hoping o ith them (4)_ the ear. Then she ad the boys nd grs, “Nwyu knw y nme nd thingsIlk and I wn o know our names ad he thgs ou lik”Cld ou afrinds by di the ame as this tacher did?ne

11、 wao gting toknow irl and boys in yourcas is o (6)_ re aouthem. Pople ofte mak frieds with some epe, ndty hvete same obbies. Itis god wayo mke frinds. omplte the sntces ith hegien ods inr ropr orm(用括号中所给单词旳合适形式完毕下列句子):(共分)47. Polc Sor is a film with lot of _. (act)8.The lt lon is fl of _dun. (lag)9. _, yo wil fin heospial n te lef. (fnal). Thi th _ oue to et to th hospital.(short)51. ts h _ imeto go to thkho? (good)52. It



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