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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上徐州市中考英语模拟试卷(二)第卷(客观题) (共45分)一、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。( )1. My brother is _honest studentWe all like him Aa Ban Cthe D( )2. Some of my classmates cartoons documentaries.A. prefer; to B. would rather; thanC. like; better D. like; less ( )3. -Hi, Millie, I have

2、 passed exams!-Oh, congratulations! I hope my sister has also passed .A. mine; hers B. mine; her C. my; hers D. my; her ( )4. Detective Johnson wanted to find out .A. where was the witness that day B. where has the witness gone the day beforeC. where the witness was that day D. where the witness has

3、 gone the day before( )5. Yesterday morning Mr Wu went to work in such a hurry that he his keys at homeA1ost Bmissed C1eft Dforgot( )6. -Mr Wang,my son is i11He cant come to school today- . AThanks for telling me BIm sorry to hear that CIt doesnt matter D. Thats bad.( )7. My cousin spent on computer

4、 games,so the result of his study isnt A. time enough;good enough B. enough time;enough good C. time enough;enough good D. enough time;good enough( )8. I have two sisters. of them is at home. They are now studying in Japan. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None( )9. It is nice you to help me with my

5、EnglishIt is important me to study English very well A. of;of B. for: for C. of;for D. for: of( )10. Mr Smith told me that he wasnt used to by plane and he used to sick a lot.A. travelling; feel B. travel; feeling C. travel; feel D. travelling; feeling( )11. The girl is and she cant see anythingA. d

6、eaf B. blind C. disabled D. outgoing( )12. Which sign tells us the way out of a theatre? A. EXIT B. ENTRANCE C. PULL D. EXIT ( )13. It is hot today,though not so as yesterday Ahot Bhotter Chottest Dthe hottest( )14.The cake smells . Throw it away. A. well B. badly C. bad D. good( )15. -Why not read

7、the morning paper today? -Because there is in itA. important something Bnothing important Canything important Dimportant anything二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。How can kids get closer to their families? Parents are the closest people to you in the worldThey love you just 16

8、 youre youAnd they would like to do 17 for you Like a lot of middle school students, Zhang Xiaomei has a problemShe and her parents dont 18 on well“I really want to be my Daddys little girl,but it feels like he just doesnt understand,” said Zhang,a junior 3 student in Xuzhou,Jiangsu Do you and your

9、parents also have 19 ? Well, why dont you take a walk and have a 20 on Saturday? It is the International Day of FamiliesOn May 5th,people around the world give thanks for good things about their 21 and work on family problemsA study last year 22 that 1,500 Beijing families had the 23 problem as Zhan

10、gs familyThe children,12 to 15 years old,didnt like talking with their parents 24 They werent happy at homeOf course, lots of kids feel that wayBut you and your parents will be 25 if you can be friends.Here are some 26 to have a good talk with them: Find a good time to talk,like 27 you are eating di

11、nner, going out for a walk or watching TVTell them something you are _28_ in,or ask them about their lives when they were young. They love to talk about that! Listen to them carefully,look them in the eyes,and be 29 Your parents will trust(信任)you moreA family full of 30 is a happy family( )16.A. bec

12、ause B. because of C. since then D. as if( )17.A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything ( )18.A. have B. get C. make D. do ( )19.A.problems B. talks C. chances D. differences ( )20.A. story Breport Ctalk Dtrip( )21.A. brothers B. teachers C. families D. schools ( )22.A. tells B. showed C. found D. knew( )23.A. different B. same Calike D1ike ( )24.A.1ittle B. few C. much Dmost( )25.A. more interested Bmuch happier C1ess surprised D1ess excited( )26.A.news Btime Cways Dfamilies ( )27.Awhere B. when Cwh



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