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1、第17课时随堂演练. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空或根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词1Can you eat with a knife and f ?2I feel very r when I travel. 3Chinese people often s hands with their friends when meeting. 4I like the waiters in this restaurant, because they always g guests with a smile. 5They all had a great time e him. He worried about

2、 his cat all the time. 6In my opinion, Lue Besson is an excellent (direct)7Tina felt a deep (sad) when she heard the death of her grandfather. 8There are different (custom) in different countries. 9Though you failed this time, dont give up (study). You still have a lot of chances. 10Keep your eyes (

3、close) when you are doing eye exercises. 11Learning basic talking (manner) is my biggest challenge at present. 12Shanghai lies in the (east) part of China. 13He is (suppose) to arrive at the station at 8:40. 14What kind of fruits do you (更喜欢) most? 15 (战争) and Peace is a famous novel by the Russian

4、writer Leo Tolstoy. 16Five persons were (受伤) in the car accident. 17I dont think its easy (掌握) a foreign language. 18Look at the photo and make up (对话)19His teachers are full of (赞美) for the progress he has made. 20My pen pal Dan is an (澳大利亚人). 选择填空1Do you know the girl is standing under the tree? A

5、which Bwho Cwhom Dwhat2Soon the bowl was and the little boy came over for a second bowl of rice. Afull Bempty Cexpensive Dcheap3It is good of you to go out of your way us at the station. Its my pleasure. Amet Bmeeting Cmeet Dto meet4Listen! Somebody is at the door. Dont open the door!Mom doesnt let

6、us do it while she is out. Aknocking BstandingChearing Dlying5What kind of music do you prefer? I prefer music I can dance to. Awhat Bwhere Cwhose Dthat6Im tired these days, I prefer at home to going shopping. Astaying Bto stay Cstayed Dstay7Why not think about another way to solve the problem. Dont

7、 only one way. Aput up Bstick to Cstand on Dstick on8Youre supposed to your shoes before you enter the room. Atake off Bput offCget off Dturn off9Both Rita and her mother know my address. They often my home. Aopen up Bturn downCdrop by Ddress up10I am sorry I didnt do a good job. Never mind. , you h

8、ave tried your best. AAbove all BIn allCAt all DAfter all. 完成句子1她喜欢能清楚唱出歌词的歌手。She likes singers the words . 2经常帮助我学英语的那个女孩来自英国。The girl me with my English is from England. 3我们偶尔出去吃饭。 we eat out. 4有些人坚持只看一种电影,而我喜欢根据当天的感觉看不同的电影。Some people only one kind of movie, while I like to watch different kinds

9、depending on how I feel that day. 5许多人害怕乘坐汽车,他们宁愿骑马旅行。Many people were afraid of taking cars and horses for travel. 参考答案 . 1. fork2. relaxed3. shake4. greet5. except6director7. sadness8. customs9. studying10closed11. manners12. eastern13. supposed14prefer15. War16. wounded17. to master18dialogs19. praise20. Australian. 15 BBDAD610 ABACD. 1. who/that sing; clearly2who/that often helps3Once in a while4stick to5. preferred to ride



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