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1、ampliaci, introducci i projectes de transformaci tcnica daconseguir tres simultnies. 5, reforar leducaci viria pensaments en tots els quadres i experincia de treballadors a tots els nivells, resumeix la promoci de la seguretat en reconeixement avanat, cstig per als responsables de la negligncia, acc

2、ident. 6, desenvolupament organitzacional, modificaci, laprovaci de seguretat i millorar les condicions de treball de planificaci i execuci, les regions de producci conixer la salut nacional i normes de seguretat, seguretat. 7, va intentar un important accident i accidents greus, ha de visitar el ll

3、oc investigaci i anlisi de lorganitzaci, segons el tres cap principis, seriosament. 8, regular informant a Congrs Obrer o a tots els treballadors laborals de protecci i escoltar les opinions i suggeriments i a lexecuci de les resolucions de lAssemblea General. responsabilitats de seguretat branca Di

4、rector (Director) 100 1, conscincia implementar lestat i la poltica de seguretat relacionats amb la fbrica, les poltiques i sistemes per garantir que aquest (Departament) t la responsabilitat principal de seguretat de producci. 2, pla, presentaci, temps de producci de la inspecci, resum, valoraci, p

5、lanificaci, disseny, ressenya, resum, avaluaci de riscos laborals. 3, enfortiment branca (sector) seguretat gesti oficina seguretat feina de suport, establir i millorar el compte de gesti de seguretat de fbrica, realitzar les inspeccions de seguretat de fbrica i inspeccions diries, per resoldre el p

6、roblema, triple quatre cap principi de prendre mesures, en condicions segures per a la producci. 4 organitzeu educaci viria i seguretat professional formaci nous treballadors, canvi de personal, davant dels llocs per dur a terme tres nivells deducaci seguretat i de la gurdia personal doperacions esp

7、ecials daconseguir la ciutat mitjanant la formaci professional i examen Consell de permet operacions especials desprs de loperaci. 5, regular, programaci, va informar aquest mesures tcniques (Departament) per seguretat, planificaci, aprovaci, responsable dorganitzaci i implementaci, la millora contn

8、ua de les condicions de treball. . 101th canvi lder seguretat responsabilitats 1, seriosament realitzar i fbrica per normativa relacionat amb la seguretat insistir en les normes de seguretat de producci, pla, presentaci, comprovaci, resumida i avaluat producci tasques alhora destacar seguretat. 2, s

9、eguretat i educaci tcnica equip empleats amb freqncia, especialment per a joves treballadors reforar leducaci, noves fbriques i mobilitat tipus deducaci viria de tres nivells. 3, supervisi i Inspecci realitzada amb equipos empleats estrictament sadhereixen a les normes de seguretat i procediments de

10、 seguretat, ls adequat del PPE i organitzar la inspecci producci segur i civilitzada i trobava el problema per tresbalanced and run the satisfaction of the people education. Room XX City Bureau of educational supervision of XX municipality May 6, 2016 County economic information and Business Council

11、 System Committee two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for advance full strictly rule party, according to County Organization Department on County two learn a do learning arrangements of specific programme and I Board learning education implementation programme spirit, according t

12、o distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, ensure learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and Prom

13、ote the work and be qualified party members and learning arrangements are hereby makes the following specific programmes. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series

14、 to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. Constitution Party rules. Learning of the party Constitution, a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles,

15、goals, organization, good style, grasp conditions, rights and obligations of party members, bearing in mind that oath, clear qualified party member criteria and conditions. Learning the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPCs disciplinary regulations, the Chinese Communist Party Member Rights O

16、rdinance and so on, mastering self-discipline standards of four must, the four upholdings, mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions. 2. series spoke. To XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) and out poverty for basic textbook, learning understand XI General Secretary s



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