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1、英语专项测试名词复数(总分100分)一、请写出下列词的复数形式。(1*=50)city _ _ _cntry _ toth _ mue _ _ bom _cr _ te _orse _ bu_ fo _ branc _ay _ famy _dih _ rio _photo _pa _knfe _leaf _ life _ thif _ _ _ won _ child _ oo ths _ watc_ iary_ da_book_dress_eep_ tea_ bo_stwerry_ pac_ sanwih_ ppe_juce_water_milk_rce_peope D o_deer_ ish

2、_二、单选 (1*0=1) ( )1 h _i or yar are e eautiful. . ct B. wtr . flowers( )2. Tomi onofthe Ces_ ouschool. A boy . boy . boie( )3 ca hsr_ , doent t? A. foots B. eet C. fees( )4. There are thre _ andfive _ i therom. A. merican,JaanesB Amercan, Japanese C. mrica,Jpnes ( )5. Can yo se nine _ in the pitue? A

3、. fi B. ook C. hose( )6. The _ha two_ boy; atch . by; atcs Cboys;th( )7. The_ a lying bcto the cur. A. Germany . Grany C. Germa( )8. Thirlbrushser _ eery day bfore he gos o e. A.tths teeth Ctehs( ).Isa mny _ in the sre. A pepls B.ppe C.peoples( )1.The green weater i his _ Abohe Brthrs brothers三、选择填空

4、 (1*0=0)( )1 he cm fo dffert _A. ountry .utries C ountry D.countrys( )2. Howmn _ do uee in th picure? . omatos B toates . tomto D. omato()3. Theyae_. A . man tahes Boentaches C. womenteacher D. woan tacher( )4. u you like _ ,lae? A. twola of atr B. wolses ater C to glasof wes D. twoglsses of wts( )5

5、. Most of _ live i _. A. Germns, Gema B. er, Gemen . Germen, Gerny D. erman,Germany( )6.Thre are some _i thse _. nfe ncil-bxs . kniv penis-box . is pci-ox D. kives pncils-boe( ) _lke _ bar. A. Greens, trvein . TheGeen, travelng C. Th Geens, travel D. The Greens, taling( )8 wonrw _ areinterestd i act

6、in ims(武打片). A. poe Bpeople peples .te peopl( )9. Teeis o _nte plte. . apl . oanges C. rie D eggs ( )1.My ucs three_. .child B.childs Chi D.chidrns四填入所给名词的对的形式(*102)1. Ihve to_(knif). Threare y _ hre. (box)3. Thee are may _ o th road. (us)4. A f_ arrawing te wall. (boy)5. Th _ ae playigfooba now(cil

7、d)6. Pes ketwo _ for m (phto)7. lk the ed _.(oato)8. Would yo pase canyour _ n? (tooth)9. Do you want ome_? (mlk)10. Tere eten_ _n urcho. (wmateacher)答案:一、请写出下列词的复数形式。(150=5)tie ooscontre tethmice boys broos carstre orses buss oxesraches bbiesfamls dshesadi phtos pians knives leaves live teve mewon

8、childr eet hsewtchesdaies day boosdreses she tea boxes trabeies pechs snwiches papersuice war mil ricepople CD oxe der ih 二、单选 (1*=10)1.C 2.B3.B 4.B .A.B 7C 8. 9.B 0C三、选择填空 (*110)1. .B 3. 4. D6.D 7.D 8.B 9C 1四.填入所给名词的对的形式(*=2)1. ni.boxs .bse 4.os 5.hildrn.hos .tmate8teet 9.milk .omen ahers小学毕业复习专项练习

9、之句型转换一、肯定句改否认句的措施 一步法1、在be动词后加not。如:s not , enot ,am nt, a nt, were nt;、在an,hu,wil等后加not。如:cannot, should not, will ot;3、上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否认形式dont/dosnt/didnt。4、sme 改成ny。二、肯定句改一般疑问句的措施 三步法1、把e动词放在句首,剩余的照抄,(some 改成any,y改成yur等)句点改成问号。2、把can,shall, wil等放到句首,剩余的照抄,(some改成any,m改成our等)句点改成问号。3、上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Dooes/Did帮忙,剩余的照抄,(some改成n,y改成your等)句点改成问号。三、肯定句改特殊疑问句的措施四步法1、在一般疑问句的基本上,句首添加一种疑问词即可,可根据划线部分拟定是什么疑问词。2、接着找b动词或can,shall, wil等放在疑问词背面,若没有则请助动词d/des/did帮忙,写在疑问词背面,w many/whos除外,必须先写物品,再写e动词等。3、划线部分



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