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1、2019届二轮复习书面表达话题 复习六饮食与健康(10页word版)2019届二轮复习书面表达话题复习话题六饮食与健康口喟话题词汇子话题(一)食物与食材1 .粮食与主食wheat n. flour n. grain n.dumpling n.noodle n. pancake n. porridge n.hamburger n.sandwich n. toast n.? beancurd n.? cuisine n.2.甜食 biscuit n. chocolate n.cookie n. dessert n.sweet n.3.肉食 bacon n.小麦面粉,粉谷物,谷类饺子面条薄煎饼稀饭,

2、粥汉堡包三明治烤面包豆腐饭菜,菜肴饼干巧克力小甜饼甜点甜食;甜点;糖果咸猪肉;熏猪肉beef n.牛肉chickenn.鸡;鸡肉muttonn.羊肉pork n.猪肉steak n.sausage n.4.蔬菜vegetable n.potato n.tomato n.cabbage n.carrot n.eggplant n.garlic n.mushroom n.onion n.pea n.5.水果fruit n.peach n.pear n.grape n.lemon n.melon n.pineapple n.strawberry n.watermelon n.cherry n.6.零

3、食及其他 refreshments n. chips n.cream n.butter n.cheese n.牛排,肉排,鱼排香肠,腊肠蔬菜土豆,马铃薯西红柿卷心菜,洋白菜胡萝卜茄子大蒜蘑菇洋葱;洋葱头豌豆水果桃梨葡萄柠檬(甜)瓜菠萝草莓西瓜樱桃点心,便餐(01.)炸土豆条(片)奶油,乳脂黄油,奶油奶酪蜂蜜胡椒粉爆米花色拉(西餐中的一种菜)酱;调味汁醋垃圾食品炊具(锅、炉灶、烤炉等)火炉,煤炉,电炉碗叉,餐叉盘,碟盘子,碟子匙,调羹筷子茶壶容器自助餐厅饭馆,饭店食堂,餐厅面包店菜单食谱自助餐小吃节食富含 honey n.pepper n. popcorn n.salad n.sauce n.?

4、 vinegar n.? junk food子话题(二)厨具、餐具与就餐1.厨具与餐具cooker n.stove n. bowl n. fork n.dish n. plate n. spoon n. chopsticksn.teapot n. containern.2.就餐 cafeterian. restaurant n. dining-room n.bakery n. menu n. recipe n. buffet n.snack n. be/go on a diet be rich/abundant in? be high/low in? keep a balanced diet?

5、 unhealthy eating habit子话题(三)进食与味道1 .进食 taste n.vt .& vi .swallow vt .chew vt.digest vt. appetite n. nutrition n.2 .味道delicious adj . tasty adj.tasteless adj . bitter adj .salty adj.sour adj .acid adj .子话题(四)疾病与病因1.疾病与残疾 disease/illness/sickness AIDS n.cancer n. stroke n.fever n. flu n. depression n

6、.含高/低保持均衡的饮食不健康的饮食习惯品尝,尝味;味道 品尝,尝味吞下;咽下咀嚼消化,吸收食欲,胃口营养美味的,可口的 味道好的无滋味的苦的,有苦味的咸的,含盐的 酸的,愧的 酸的n. 病,疾病艾滋病癌中风发烧;发热流行性感冒抑郁症头晕;头昏眼花 dizziness n.9choke n. & vt.窒息blind adj .瞎的? deaf adj.聋的? dumb adj.哑的lame adj.disabledadj .allergicadj .heart attack? infective disease2.病因pressure n. stress n.poison n. bacter

7、ium n. virus n.harmful adj . poisonous adj .unhealthy adj . unfit adj. be infected with? put on weight? suffer from? get overweight? break down子话题(五)伤痛与症状1 .伤痛跛的,病的,残废的 残废的,残疾的 过敏的心脏病传染病压迫,压力精神压力,心理负担毒药细菌病毒有害的有毒的,致命的 不健康的,不卫生的 不健康的传染上增加体重遭受,患上变得肥胖(身体)垮掉ache vi .& n.痛,疼痛backache n.背痛stomachache n.胃疼头

8、疼headache n. toothache n. injury n.burn n.harm n. & vt .hurt vt.injure vt .? wound vt .n.? painful adj .? bleed vi .? have a pain in2.症状 symptom n.sneeze vi .swell vi .serious adj .severe adj .abnormal adj . acute adj.dizzy adj. unconscious adj.子话题(六)药物与救护1.药物drug n.medicine n. pill n.capsule n. her

9、b n. tabletn. take medicine牙痛伤害,受伤处烧伤;晒伤伤害;损伤伤害,受伤;伤人感情损害,伤害使受伤,伤害创伤,伤口疼痛的,痛苦的出血,流血(某处)疼痛症状打喷嚏月中胀严重的十分严重的反常的(病)急性的头晕目眩的昏迷的,不省人事的药,药物;毒品药药丸,药片(药)胶囊草药药片吃药2.救护 clinic n.诊所ambulance n.救护车3) bandage n.绷带 prescriptionn. ward n.X-ray n. treatmentn.examine vt . rescue vt. free medical service? recover from?

10、 cure sb. of .? be under medical treatment? relieve the pain? send for a doctor? take ones temperature? take ones blood pressure处方 病房X射线;X光 治疗,疗法 检查;诊察 营救,援救 公费医疗 从中恢复 治愈某人 在治疗中 减轻痛苦 派人请医生 量某人的体温 量某人的血压operate on/perform an operation on sb.给某人动手术目背话题佳句1. In my opinion, we should try to develop healt

11、hy eating habits to build up a strong body.在我看来,我们应当努力养成健康的饮食习惯来增强我们的体质。2. The doctor advised that we should have a balanced diet and get into the good habit of getting up early.医生建议我们要均衡饮食并养成早起的习惯。3. In order to arouse his fathers attention of health, Li Mingreminded him of the bad effect of smokin

12、g.为了唤醒父亲对健康的意识,李明提醒他吸烟的害处。4. The majority of people take in too much fat and not enough fibre, which does great harm to their health.大多数人摄入的脂肪太多,而纤维不足,这对他们的健康很有害。5. A healthy diet consists of eating a variety of foods rich in vitamins, fibre and mineral, and low in fat and calories.健康饮食包括饮食多样化,吃富含维生

13、素、纤维和矿物质而脂肪和卡路里 含量低的食物。6. Getting rid of bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol is an important way to keep healthy.改掉像抽烟、喝酒这样的坏习惯是保持健康的重要手段。7. With the improvement of the living standards, more and more people, especially children, are suffering from obesity.随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人,尤其是孩子,正在饱受肥胖之苦。8. With the development of social economy, more and more people pay attention to t



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