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1、对于银补口和焊料成分含量你了解多少对于银补口和焊料成分含量你了解多少 For repairing and silver solder composition content is how much do you know 在的世界,科技不时开展,使人们的生死水平大幅度进步。人们对饰品的外观、外型的请求,将会像对时装的需求一样。正由于如此,新型贵金属饰品资料的开发研讨显得越来越重要,怎样使其可以消费出外型更精致、颜色更丰厚、资料性能愈加稳定的饰品,以满足消费者的需求,正在成为这个范畴的研讨热点。 In the world, from time to time to carry out the s

2、cience and technology, make peoples life level greatly improvement. Peoples appearance, appearance requests to act the role ofing is tasted, will like the demand for fashion. Due to this reason, the development of new precious metal jewelry materials research is more and more important, how to make

3、it can consume out of shape, color is more rich, more and more refined data performance more stable accessories, to meet consumer demand, is becoming the research hotspot of this category. 这就使得我们有必要对现今在市场上存在的各种贵金属合金首http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ 饰的成分和含量以及制造工艺做大量的研讨,以求在充沛理解市场及各种金属成分及其含量的变化所带来的贵金属合金各方面性

4、质变化的根底上,为我们开发出愈加美观,合适人们佩带,并有利于人们身体安康的贵金属首饰奠定根底,从而顺应日益开展的市场的需求。 Which makes it is necessary for us to now exist in the market all kinds of precious metal alloy jewelry as well as the composition and content of the manufacturing process to do a lot of discussion, in order to full understand the market

5、 and in all kinds of metal composition and its content changes brought about by the precious metal alloy various aspects the warp and woof of nature of change, for us to develop more and more beautiful, suitable for people to wear, and is beneficial to peoples physical well-being precious metal jewe

6、lry, lay the foundation so as to comply with the demand of increasingly developing market. 银补口、焊料的制造加工工艺也在期间日臻成熟。其中银补口是为了能很好的处理银饰品的氧化、变黑、麻点、沙洞、断裂等问题而在银料中填加的其他金属元素;而焊药是指在加工贵金属资料时所用的衔接贵金属及其合金之连续口的一种与贵金属及其合金性质类似的合金资料。焊药也是由各种贵金属合金资料制成的。 http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ Silver filling mouth, during the manufa

7、cturing process of the solder in mature gradually. Which the silver fill is in order to handle the oxidation of silver ornament, turning black, pitting, sand hole and fracture in the silver material to add other metal elements; And fluxing agent refers to the cohesion of precious metals and their al

8、loys used in the processing of precious metals data of the serial port of a similar alloy materials and precious metals and their alloys. Coating is made of all kinds of precious metal alloy materials. 目前我们采用的主要是两种比拟常用的对银补口和焊料的成分含量停止剖析的办法,首先是X射线荧光光谱剖析法-x射线荧光光谱剖析法的基木原理是:以足够高能量的x射线光子轰击样品,从样品原子中激起出能反映不

9、同元素特征的独立的特征x射线。检测特征x射线的波长(能量)及其强度,从而对样品停止定性和定量剖析。能够用于贵金属成分及含量剖析办法的综合剖析。这次测试中所用x射线荧光光谱剖析仪的型号为GY-I,测试温度为常温。 Currently we use mainly two compared commonly used for repairing and silver solder the component content of stop profiling method, first the X-ray fluorescence spectrum http:/ http:/ http:/ http

10、:/ analysis method, X-ray fluorescence spectrum analysis method in the base wooden principle is: with enough high-energy X-ray photon bombardment sample, sample from atomic stirred out can reflect the characteristics of the different elements of independent characteristics of x-rays. Detection of ch

11、aracteristic X-ray wavelength (energy) and its intensity, to stop the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the sample. Can be used for metal components and content analysis method of comprehensive analysis. X-ray fluorescence spectrum analysis instrument used in the test model for GY - the I (D)

12、, the test temperature to room temperature. 另一种剖析办法是电子探针x射线显微剖析法-电子探针x射线显微剖析法的根本原理是:用高能微细的电子束轰击样品,使样品产生特征的x射线,由此能够定性、定量的剖析样品微区的元素类型和含量。其剖析微区的下限能够到达1um,剖析的元素能够从第11号92号五角枫。由于电子束映照面积很小,因此相应的x射线特征谱线将反映出该微小区域内的元素品种及其含量。显然,电子探针将电子放大成像与x射线衍射剖析分离起来,就能将所测微区的外形和物相剖析对应起来(微区成分剖析),这是其最大的优点,本次所用电子探针x射线显微剖析仪型号为JCX

13、A-733,测试温度为20,湿度为60%。 http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ Another analysis method is the electron probe x ray micro analysis method, electron probe x ray micro analysis method the fundamental principle is: use high energy micro electron beam bombardment sample, the sample x ray features, thus can be qualita

14、tive and quantitative analysis sample micro area of the element type and content. Lower limit can reach 1 um, it analyze the micro area analysis of elements can from 11th 92 (Na U, high model of this instrument is able to analyze the element number 5 92). Due to the electron beam reflected area is s

15、mall, so the corresponding X-ray characteristic spectral lines will reflect elements varieties and contents of the small area. Obviously, electron probe to separate electronic amplification imaging and X-ray diffraction analysis, it can be measured in shape and match them with the physical phase analysis (micro component analysis), which is the biggest advantage, electron probe x ray micro analysis used in the device model for



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