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1、Factory organizational structure工厂组织结构Sales 业 务 Deputy general manager 副总经理Administration DEP.行政部Finance manager 财务总监General manager总经理Cashier出 纳Factory Director厂 长 marketing 市 场Materials DEP. 资材部Engineering DEP. 工程部Production DEP.生产部Quality DEP.品质部Produce control生管Material control物控Purchase采购Auxili

2、ary materials warehouse辅料仓Hardware Engineering硬件工程Software Engineering软件工程Production engineering生产工程Packing group包装 组Test group检测组Assembly group组装组IQCQEIPQCElectronic warehouse电子仓warehouse仓库Finished product warehouse成品仓General affairs 总务Reception前台Internal security内保Logistics后勤After-sales service售后a

3、ccounting会 计QAElectronic material电子料仓Plastic patsPackage material塑胶件/ 包材1 purpose目的In order to effectively operate the quality management system, the job responsibilities and conditions of appointment of various functional departments and personnel at all levels within the organization shall be stip

4、ulated so as to facilitate the management of human resources and the exchange of information, strengthen communication, enhance understanding and coordinate actions.为了质量管理体系的有效运行,规定组织内部各职能部门和各级人员的岗位职责和适任条件,以便于对人力资源的管理、信息的交流、加强沟通、增进理解、协调行动。2 The scope of application适用范围Applicable to the companys qual

5、ity management system management, functional departments and personnel at all levels of post quality responsibilities, the provisions of the authority, as well as the conditions of competency of each post.适用于公司内对质量管理体系的管理层、各职能部门和各级有关人员的岗位质量职责、权限的规定,以及各岗位的适任条件。3 responsibilities职责The general manager

6、and deputy general manager presided over the production, operation and management of the company and are fully responsible for the work undertaken.总经理及副总经理主持公司生产经营及管理工作,对所承担的工作全面负责。Director厂长Assist the deputy general manager and the general manager to complete the management of the entire production

7、 system, optimize the process and improve the system.协助副总经理及总经理完成整个生产系统的管理,优化流程,完善制度。1. Do a good job in production technology management, organize the development and improvement of the production technology in the management system, technical standards and operating procedures, and do a good job t

8、o improve the management of production technology, the company completed a full set of production tasks and technical and economic indicators , Regular reports to the general manager.抓好生产技术管理,组织制定和完善和生产技术方面的各项管理制度,技术标准和操作规程,并抓好落实,提高生产技术管理水平,全面完成公司下达的各项生产任务和技术经济指标,定期向总经理汇报工作。2. Do a good job of produ

9、ction scheduling command, coordinate and balance the production of the whole plant, so long-term safe and stable economic operation. To organize long-term impact on the production of the weak links and key issues of technology research.搞好生产调度指挥,协调平衡好全厂的生产,做到安全稳定长期经济运行。对长期影响生产的薄弱环节和关键问题要组织技术攻关.3. Do

10、a good job of safety, to ensure complete production without incident. For all types of accidents that occur during the production, it is necessary to organize the relevant personnel in an timely manner to conduct analysis, find out the reasons, clarify the responsibilities, come up with reasonable h

11、andling opinions and formulate preventive measures.抓好安全工作,确保完全生产无事故。对生产中发生的各类事故,要及时组织有关人员进行分析,查清原因,分清责任,拿出合理的处理意见,定出防范措施。4. Do a good job of quality and output, strict process indicators, improve the quality of qualified products.抓好质量和产量工作,严格工艺指标,提高优质合格品率。5. Do a good job of technological innovation

12、, and actively adopt advanced technology to mobilize workers and staff rationalization proposals and technological innovation projects.抓好技术改造,积极采用先进技术,发动职工广提合理化建议和技术革新项目。6. Presided over the good production scheduling, special sessions, and various regular meetings, inspect and supervise the impleme

13、ntation of the directives, often in-depth workshop, post supervision and inspection work, grasp the internal management of the workshop, implement the monthly production plan, do a good job in workshop costs Accounting and assessment work.主持开好生产调度会、专题会、和各种例会,检查督促会议指令的落实情况,经常深入车间、岗位监督检查工作,抓好车间内部管理,落实

14、好每月生产工作计划,抓好车间成本核算和考核工作。7. Do a good job of discipline and production areas of the scene management.抓好工艺纪律和生产区的现场管理。8. In accordance with the system of examination found problems in the implementation of the power of assessment.依照制度对检查中发现的问题实施考核的权力。9. Production system staff appointment, dismissal o

15、f the right to advice.生产系统员工聘任、解聘的建议权。10. Ask the relevant departments to cooperate with the related work要求相关部门配合相关工作的权力.Engineering Departments responsibilities工程部的工作职责:Supervisor general manager, factory director上级主管总经理,厂长。Department staff: software engineers, production engineers, after-sales maintenance部门人员:软件工程师, 生产工程师,售后维修.1. Responsible for product production process documentation preparation and process specification负责产品生产工艺文件的编制及工艺流程的规范。2. Responsible for product improvement and new product proofing负责产品改进及新产品打样。3. Responsible for the technical information coll



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