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1、钟村锦绣小学2010学年上学期六年级英语上册教案MODULE 1UNIT 1一、单元教学目标1、 认知目标:词语:1、能认读下列单词和习惯用语:(1) flag capital America excellent(2) national flag, the capital of 2、 能听懂、说出、读出下列单词和词组:nation national flag Italian Italy Rome Paris Washington DC New York Tokyo Wellington Sydney Canberra 3、 在交际中能初步运用单词和习惯用语:句型:1复习巩固下列句型:Look

2、at 2、掌握下列句型:What national flag is it?Whats the capital of .?. is bigger than .is the biggest .3. 环保教育二、单元教学重点1、 掌握本单元要求应用的单词16个,词组和习惯用语12个。2、 掌握要求应用的4个句型。3、 学会描述某个地方。五、单元教学难点1 对于国籍和首都的掌握2 对于比较级和最高级的掌握六、教学策略 由于本单元是谈论国家城市,然后扩展到名胜的学习,配合图片等,创设情景引入,引导七、媒体的选择与设计 实物、图片(含课本挂图和插图)、投影片、录音带。媒体设计内容与要求请参考各课的“教学媒

3、体与练习内容”部分。六、教学步骤1、 Revision (3 minutes)(1) Greet the Ss.2、 presentation(18 minutes )(1) Display the city. Help the Ss to learn the new words : city, capital, national flag(2) Have the Ss practice asking and answering the sentences . Listen to the tape again and ask the Ss to finish the exercise .3、

4、Drills (4mins)Have the Ss read the new words and the conversation in chorus , then in half , in rows or in pairs .4、 Language points(8 mine)5.Practise (5mins)(1) Have the Ss read aloud the conversation in Part 16 in two groups .(2) Have the Ss read aloud the conversation again in two groups .5、 Home

5、work assignment (2mins)(1) Get the Ss to finish off the exercises for this period in activity book after class period .(2) Ask the Ss to recite the conversation in Part 16 and get ready to act out in next period .The 2nd period.三、教学目标(一) 认识目标1、 复习学过的以下句型2、 初步掌握以下单词China-Beijing the UK-London the USA

6、-Washington DC Australia-Canberra (二) 思想情感目标(三) 能力发展目标四、教学重点1、在模拟交际中能初步单词 五、教学难点六、教学步骤1、 Revision(8mins)(1) Greet the Ss .(2) Have some pairs act out the conversation in Part 1.1 of Lesson 17.2、Practice(15mins)(1)Have the Ss practice the conversation of Part 2 in pairs .3、Homework assignment(2mins)(

7、1) Get the Ss to finish off the exercises for this period in Book 1B and 1C after class. The third lesson三、教学目标(一) 认识目标1、 复习第17可学过的句型:Whats the date today ?2、 能听懂、说出、读出单词:(二)思想情感目标(三)能力发展目标四、教学重点1、 在模拟交际中能初步运用以下单词、短语:(1) mind , should , card , idea (2) Never mind ! the day after tomorrow 2、 掌握以下句型:(

8、1) Im going to buy a present for him .(2) Is he gong to be twelve or thirteen.五、教学难点be going to +动词原形六、教学步骤1、 Revision(8mins)(1) Greet the Ss .(2) Have some Ss act out Part 2of Lesson 17 in pairs . 2Presentation.3 .Language points4 .Drills5Homework assignment (2mins)Get the Ss to finish off the exer

9、cises for this period in Book 1Band 1Cafter class. MODULE 2三、教学目标(1)认识目标1、复习小学学过的以下句型:What day is it today ?2、复习第17可学过的句型:Whats the date today ?(二)思想情感目标(三)能力发展目标四、教学重点1、 在模拟交际中能初步运用以下习惯用语:Whats the date today?五、教学难点六、教学步骤1、 Revision(8mins)(1) Greet the Ss .(2) Have some pairs of Ss act out the conv

10、ersation in Part 1 of Lesson 18.2、 Practice (15mins )(1) Books open . Have the Ss practice the conversations of Part 2.1 in pairs .3、 Sound families (10mins )(1) have the Ss do the exercises in Part 4.1.(2) have the Ss do the exercises in Part 4.3 and check their answers .4、 Homework assignment (2mi

11、ns)(1) Ask the Ss to recite the conversations of Part 3 in Lesson 18 and get ready to act out in next period . (2) Ask the Ss to preview Lesson 19.三、教学目标(1)认识目标1、复习以下句型:(1) Whats the date today /(2) What day is the Childrens Day this year?(二)思想情感目标(三)能力发展目标四、教学重点日期的写法和读法五、教学难点两种表示日期的不同方法对比。七、教学步骤1、

12、Revision (8mins)(1) Greet the Ss .(2) Have some pairs of Ss come out to the front and act out the conversations in Part 3 of Lesson 18.2、 Practice (10mins)(1) Ask the Ss to check their answers .(2) Have the Ss tell the main parts of an English letter .3、 Language points 4、 (1)love +doing 5、 Homework

13、 assignment(2mins)(1) Ger the Ss to finish off the exercises for this period in Book 1Band 1C after class.(2) Ask the Ss to preview Parts 2 and 3 of Lesson 19. The 6th period 三、教学目标(1)认识目标1、熟练掌握be going to +动词原形的用法。1、 掌握专有名词的概念及写法。(二)思想情感目标(三)能力发展目标四、教学重点1、 专有名词的分类及写法。五、教学难点转有名词的概念及其分类。六、教学步骤1、 Revi

14、sion (1) Greet the Ss .2、 Presentation and practice (1) Have some pairs come out and act out .(2) Have the Ss notice the classifications and the features of proper nouns.2、 Homework assignment Ask the Ss to preview The 7th period三、教学目标(1)认识目标1、能认读单词和习惯用语。2了解不同国家的不同节日及风俗习惯,节日前要搞清洁卫生,保持室内外干净过节日。(二)思想情

15、感目标(三)能力发展目标四、教学重点提高学生综合运用语言知识和语言技能的能力。五、教学难点1、 专有名词的首字母要大写。2、 介词on/in/at/的用法。六、教学步骤1、 Revision(1) Greet the Ss(2) Look at the picture and guess the festivals(3) Learn the new words(图片显示植树的情景,学习植树节,并对学生进行教育。)2、 Practice 1(1) Have the Ss check their answers .(2) What are you go to do at these festivals?(当过节的时候,注意公共卫生,不要随地乱丢垃圾,购物时多用环保袋



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