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1、 (二)一、单项选择 1. _ is this dress? Its 50 yuan. A. How far B. How muchC. How long 2. She was born _ a small village. A. overB. ofC. in3. The computer_I bought last week doesnt work now. A. whichB. whoC. what 4. This apple is _ than the one on the table. A. bigB. biggerC. biggest5. The pet dog is so clev

2、er that I like _ very much. A. itB. hisC. us6. I _ to the party last night.A. goB. goesC. went7. I often have _ egg and some bread for breakfast.A. aB. anC. the8. I dont think she has gone to Beijing, _?A. has sheB. hasnt sheC. do I9. _you play tennis? No, I cant.A. MustB. ShouldC. Can10. Its nice_

3、you and talk with you. A. seeB. to seeC. seeing 11. The article _ by Lu Xun in 1922. A. writesB. was writtenC. will be written12. What were you doing when the lights _? A. looked outB. got upC. went off 13. The man is _ father.A. Lily or LucyB. Lily and LucyC. Lily and Lucys 14. Do you know _? A. wh

4、en will he come B. what is he doing C. where he lives15. What do you enjoy_ your holiday?A. spendB. to spendC. spending二、情景交际 A: Excuse me, Daming. May I borrow your dictionary, please?A. A. What can I do for you?B. B. Ill be glad to.C. C. What a pity!D. D. Here you are.E. E. Youre welcome.F. F. Im

5、not using it now.B: Sure. 1 A: Ill give it back to you in a minute.B: No hurry. 2 A: Thank you.B: 3 A: By the way, are you going to the bookshop this afternoon? B: Yes, I am. 4 A: Would you please buy a book for me?B: 5 三、综合填空A单词拼写21. My sister likes _ (鱼肉) very much.22. Womens Day is in _(三月). 23.

6、Remember to e-mail me. I hope to hear from you_(不久). 24. Miss Wang was _(生气的) with me for my bad job.25. In summer its very _ (热的) in China.died cities hundreds age bornB.选词填空 Mozart was a composer. He was _in Austria in 1756. His family took him around Europe and he gave concerts in many _. He wrot

7、e his first opera at the _ of 12 and _ of beautiful pieces of music for the classical orchestra. But he_ in 1791 when he was only 35. 四、句子翻译1.为什么不在课堂上讲英语呢? _ speak English in class?2.去山上种树是个好主意。 _ to plant tree on the hill.3.你能告诉我去医院的路吗? Can you tell me _?4.我想知道有多少动物濒临灭亡?I want to know how many animals are _.5.小红每天都浇花The flowers _ by Xiao Hong every day.1


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