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1、UNIT ONEIndustrial Engineering Education for the 21st Century21世纪的工业工程训练The 21st century is just a few years away. Strategic planners all over the world are using the year 2000 as the point future business activities. Are we all ready for that time? As the industrial world prepares to meet the techn

2、ological challenges of the 21st century, there is a need to focus on the people who will take it there. People will be the most important of the “man-machine-material” systems competing in the next century. IEs should play a crucial role in preparing organizations for the 21st century through their

3、roles as change initiators and facilitators. Improvements are needed in IE undergraduate education if that role is to be successfully carried out.21世纪来临在即,全世界的战略家们把2000年作为商业活动的焦点。我们的工业工程训练为这一时刻的到来做好筹备了吗?当工业界去迎接21世纪的技术进步时,有必要去关注将要从事这些技术挑战的人。在下一个世纪,人将是“人-机-物料”系统竞争中最重要的构成部分。工业工程师为21世纪在正在筹备的组织工程中扮演了一个至关

4、重要的角色,他们的角色是作为创始者和促进者。如果这个角色成功执行的话,在工业工程本科训练过程中,改进是必须的。 Undergraduate education is the foundation for profession practice. Undergraduate program are the basis for entry into graduate school; and other professional fields. To facilitate this transition, urgent improvements are needed in education str

5、ategies. Several educators have recognized that the way engineering is practiced has changed dramatically over the year and an upgrade is needed in engineering education. Educators, employers and practitioners are calling for a better integration of science with the concepts of design and practice t

6、hroughout the engineering curriculum. Such an integration should be a key component of any education reform in preparation for the 21st century. 本科训练是专业实践的基础,本科训练的课程是进入商量院和其它专业领域的基础。为了促进这个转变,在训练策略方面作以紧迫改进是必须的。很多训练者已经意识到工程训练实施的这种方式在很多年中有了很大的变化,并且意识到工程训练中的改善是必要的,训练者、雇主和从业者提倡用设计和实践的观念,通过工程课程使其有一个较好的科学的

7、综合。这种综合将是为21世纪作筹备的任何训练改革的一个关键的要素。Hurried attempts to improve education are being made in many areas. We know have terms like total quality management for Academia, just-in-time education, and continuous education improvment. Unfortunately, many of these represent mere rhetorics that are not backed b

8、y practical implementation models. IE should take the lead in reforming its own curriculum so that it can help to developed practical implementation models that can be used by other disciplines. Many educators and administrators are searching for ways to transform improvement rhetorics and slogans i

9、nto action. Models developed by IEs can provide the answers.很多地方在尝试着快速改进训练,在学术界,我们已经有了像学院全面质量管理,准时制以及持续的训练改革等专业术语。圆满的是,很多这样的词汇仅仅是口号,而没有以可行的实践为基础,工业工程应该领先改革其自身专业,这样就有助于产生出可以运用在其他学科的可行性的实践模式,很多训练学家和管理者正在寻求能把理论和标语运用于实际的方法,经由工业工程师进展的模式将会供应答案Quality in IE educationIncorporation quality concepts into educ

10、ation is a goal that should be pursued at national, state, local and institution levels. Existing models of total quality management (TQM) and continuous process improvement (CPI) can be adopted for curriculum improvement. However, because of the unique nature of academia. re-definition of TQM will

11、be necessary so that the approach will be compatible with the academic process. For example, in industry, the idea of zero defects makes sense. But in academia, we cannot proclaim zero defects in our graduates since their success on the job cannot be guaranteed. Nonetheless, the basic concepts of im

12、proving product quality are applicable to improving any education process. Clynes, while reflection on discussions he participated in at a National Research Council colloquium on engineering education, said Teaching quality, like a companys customer service, can never be too good and always needs at

13、tention for improvement. This is true. A careful review of IE curriculum will reveal areas for improvement. This will help avoid stale curricula that may not meet the current needs of the society.工业工程训练的质量将质量理念融入到训练之中是民族,国家,地区甚至是协会标准的追求目标,现有的全面质量管理和持续程序改进模式可以纳入课程改革。但是,由于学术界的独特性,重新定义全面质量是必要的,这与理论的进程是

14、全都的。例如,在工业上,零缺陷很有意义,所以在学术界我们就不能宣称零缺陷,由于毕业生在工作方面的成功不能得到保证。不过,提高产品质量的基本理念同样适用于任何训练过程。Clynes在参加国家工程训练学术商量会时,经仔细考虑说,“训练本质就像公司对消费者的服务一样, 不行能达到最好,需要不断的改进。”的确,仔细回顾工业工程课程能够发现需要改进的地方,这就有助于避开过时的,不能应用于当今社会要求的课程。Theory and practiceTeaching determines the crux of research while research determines the crux of te

15、aching. Integration of teaching and research is required for effective professional practice. The need to incorporate some aspect of practice into engineering education has been addressed widely in the literature. Pritsker recommends that professors must combine research interests with teaching resp

16、onsibilities. The declining state of university education was described by Samuelson with respect to waste, lax academic standards and mediocre teaching and scholarship. These specific problems have been cited in the literature.l Increasing undergraduate attrition despite falling academic standards at many schools. Decreasing teaching loads in favor of increasing dedication to research;l Migration of full professors fro



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