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1、白马初中 九 年级英语 教案备课组成员: 李鲜丽 马有莉 孙亚兰 葛艳丽 备课组长:李鲜丽 主 备 人: 李鲜丽课题:Unit 14 Have you packed yet?总第5课时教材解读:The topic of this unit is about recent events.教 学目 标A类 (1) Key Vocabulary bathing suit, water, travel, guidebook, beach towel, street map, refrigerator, garage, suitcase, clean out, put in, turn off(2)Ta

2、rget LanguageHave you watered the plants yet?Yes, I have already watered themB类Train students listening ability C类Train students communicative competence重点Target Language难点1 How to train students listening ability2 How to train students communicative competence预 习作 业Preview new words and phrases.教 学

3、 板 块个体学习清单一、 创设情景,导入新课(3)ask a student to come to the blackboard and write the numbers 1 to 20 on the blackboardT: Has he written the number 1 yet?Class repeat the question Has he written the number 1 yet?Ss: Has he written the number 1 yet?T: (Pointing to the number 1 on the board) Yes, he has alre

4、ady written the number 1.Class repeat Yes, he has already written the number 1Practicewith yourpatners.二、 揭示目标(2)1.How to train students listening ability2How to train students communicative competenceLook and read.三、 指导自学(12/A)1aThis activity introduces key vocabulary and helps students review voca

5、bulary they already knowRead the instructions aloud to the classGet students to add some things to the lists under the two headings.1b Play the tape The first time students only listen Play the tape a second timeNow listen to the tape again This time please put your checkmarks on the correct blanks

6、Check the answers with the whole class1cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target languageTell students they will be making conversations with a partnerThen get several pairs of students to say their conversations to the classListen and fill in the chart.四 、点拨、交流与探究(13/B,C)2a. Pla

7、y the recording for students the first time This time students only listen to the recording Play the recording a second time This time let students write Min front of Marks statements, and T in front of Tinas statementsCheck the answers with the class2b Play the recording for students Let students w

8、rite their answers in the blanks Play the recording again if necessaryCorrect the answers2c Invite a pair of students to read it to the classThen practice in pairs. Invite two pairs to say their conversations to the class. Listen and try to write down the answers.五、当堂训练(6)根据提示用所给词的适当形式填空1. These stu

9、dents _(main) visit that high school and then enjoy some sightseeing on the way back.2. Many people are _(deep) moved by the film.3. I realize that I am _(culture) rooted in China.4. Maybe that concert is the _(turn) point of his life.5.Mai Liqian is a famous Chinese _(history).6. Can you give some

10、money to the _(home) children?Do it on their own.六、课堂小结(3)In this class, weve learned some important words, such as water, travel, guidebook, beach towel Weve also learned the target language Have you watered the plants yet? Yes, I have already watered themTry to say what they have learned.七、布置作业(1)

11、Make conversations in pairs to review the target language教学反思:白马初中 九 年级英语 教案备课组成员: 李鲜丽 马有莉 孙亚兰 葛艳丽 备课组长:李鲜丽 主 备 人: 李鲜丽课题:Unit 14 Have you packed yet?总第6课时教材解读: The topic of this unit is about recent events.教 学目 标A类 (1) Key Vocabularychop, wood, light, village, well, farm, member, original, songs, aw

12、ard(2) Target LanguageHave you bought a newspaper?Yes, Ive already bought a newspaperB类 Train students integrating skillsC类Train the ability of expressing students own opinions重点Train students integrating skills难点How to improve students integrating skills预 习作 业Preview new words and phrases.教 学 板 块个体

13、学习清单一、 创设情景,导入新课(3)Make sentences using the structure Have youyet? Yes Ive alreadyHave you? No I haventyetMake sentences to revise the target language二、 揭示目标(2)Key vocabulary.Target language.三、 指导自学(12/A)3aLook at the e-mail message Let a student read the e-mail aloud to the classGet students to rea

14、d the e-mail message individually, and underline the different chores on their own,Check the answers with the class3b Look at the pictures of the three people and read their names aloud to the classEach student in a group will decide to be one of the people The other students in the group will ask q

15、uestions to find out which person in the chart he or she has decided to beInvite a pair of students to read it aloud to the classRead the passage quickly.Practice the conversation below.四 、点拨、交流与探究(13/B,C)Part 1 What can you see in the picture. Point to the box Invite a student to read the four questionsGet students to fill in the blanks on their own A moment later, ask several students to read



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