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1、牛津初中英语 重点句型 语法1、请注意:掌握一个句型需要8-12次巩固,前4次为固定(几乎不变化),4次后就要变化人称、句式和时态了。听写一、两次就了事的做法只能导致前功尽弃。2、很多结构是不断出现的,过分期冀一蹴而就、不愿持久巩固、忽视前后关联、复现方式单一肯定是学不好的重要原因。3、默写含介词的短语时,给介词加上宾语。4、理解掌握运用句型结构是学习的核心。1.埃迪,你想住在一个宫殿附近吗?2、你下个朋想去哪儿参观?华盛顿,美国首都。3.我住在一个离伦敦15里的小镇上。4、5、住在莫斯科中心的一个公寓里。6、我和我的妹妹共用一个房间。7、我们经常在床上听音乐。(in bed on the b

2、ed )8、我有自己的房间和卧室。9、我喜欢坐在阳台看外面的大海。(look out ofat 区别)10、起居室是最好的聊天和看电视的地方。11. 23,81312. 6,425,20013. Cn Tower 1,815英尺高。14. 你的屋子的确和我们镇上的公寓不同。15. 你的花园充满鲜花。1Eddie would like to live next to a restaurant. (介词短语next to与Grammar息息相关,必须掌握)2. - Where would you like to visit next month? - Washington DC, the capi

3、tal of the USA.3 I live in a town 15 miles form Lodon.(数+名复 from sp.)4. I always have fun with my dog.(have fun doing sth have fun with sth5、 I live in a flat in the center of Moscow.(the center of in flat on floor)6 . I share a bedroom with my sister. (share sth with sb )7. we often listen to music

4、 in bed .8. I have my own bedroom .= I have a bedroom of my own.9. I like to sit on the balcony and look out at the beach.10、 The sitting-room is the best place to chat and watch TV.( a place to do sth)11. twenty-three thousand eight hundred and thirteen.12. six million four hundred and twenty-five

5、two hundred(几十几 连字符,若与几十几,要用and连接)13.Cn Tower is 1,815 feet tall.(foot -feet)14. your house is really different from the flats in our town.(really,real的副词, 与不同 be different from与相同事 be the same as )15. your graden is full of flowers.(be full of =be filled with).19. your garden looks beautiful.look s

6、ound smell taste feel 系动词,一定要跟形容词注意:look 与look at look at 要用副词修饰look happily at sthsb= look at sthsb happily20. I hope to visit your home some day21. I hope you (that) canwill vistit my home some day.22. may I speak to Daniel?speak to sb .对谁说 重过程 say to sb 也是对某人说,重结果 talk to sb 和某人谈话说重交流。)23. (whos

7、speaking ?=whos that?打电话, 你that 我this24. Can you ask Jim to call me back ? (请求某人(不)做某事。ask sb (not )to do sth tell want would like 用法相同 25. Can I take a message for Jim?12326. My dream home is at the foot of a hill.( at the foot of )27. I would like to invite my friends to watch films with me at the

8、 weekend.邀请某人做某事invite sb to do sth28. Each room has a new computer .each +名单 看作单数 each of +名复 也看作单数They each (have ) 看作复数26I can use the new words to talk sbout my dream home.和某人谈论某事talk to with sb about sth.用某物做某事 use sth to do sth19. 你的花园看起来很漂亮。20. 我希望某天能去参观你的家。21. 我希望你某天能来参观我的家。22. 我可以和Daniel讲话吗

9、?23. 你是哪位?(打电话)24. 可以让Jim给我回个电话吗?25. 要我捎个口信吗?(26. 我的理想家园在山脚下。27. 我想邀请我的朋友在周末来和我一起看电影。28. 每个房间有一台新电脑。29. 我会用新单词谈论我的理想家。 Unit 2 Neighbours1. 我怕他们不会欢迎你这样的游客。2. 我住在第九街城市花园的一个公寓里。3. 住在一个像那样的居民区里非常好。4. 他们中有一些是志愿者。5. 他们经常在社区中心相聚并分享他们的技能。6. 他们帮助我们解决各种各样的问题。7. 我的电脑出了一点问题。8. 我将请个电脑工程师来帮我检查(修理)它。9. 你能去找个人帮你做家庭

10、作业吗?10. 准备做什么(乐于做什么)11. 你很幸运住在一个这样的社区。12. 某事需要帮助13. 你需要帮助吗?14. 我将等你的电话。15. 生火121. Im afraid they wont welcome visitors like you. be afraid of sthdoing sth害怕某事2. I live in a flat in City Garden in Ninth Street. A:名称要首字母大写,B英语地名由小到大。3. Its good to live in a neighbourhood like that .Its adj to do sth .

11、做某事怎么样4. Some of them are volunteers.Some of 看作单数还是复数主要看of后的名词5. They often meet at the community centre and share their different skills.6. They help us with all kinds of problems.help sb with do to do sth7. There is something wrong with my computer.There is nothing wrong with sth .某物没问题8. Im going

12、 to ask a computer engineer to check it .ask sb (not) to do sth 9. Can you find anyone to help you with your homework?10. be ready to do sth (be willing to do sth)11. You are lucky to live in a neighbourhood like that . Sb be adj to do sth 某人做某事怎么样12. need help with sth help 做名词13. Do you need any h

13、elp ?14. I will wait for your call.等待 wait for 15. make a fire16.你将来想做什么?17.我确信你将会擅长它。18.那听起来像是个好主意19.我想帮助生病的人。20.我们将于三月5日下午在社区中心开一个互助会议。21你有一些问题吗?请看下面的信息。它可能会帮助你。22. 你这些天觉得好吗?他们会使你感觉更好。23. 你是否正在担忧去派对穿什么或如何设你的家。24. 他们会很乐意给你出一些主意。25人们将会得到帮助,如果他们的冰箱或洗衣机出现问题。解释:主将从现翻译:如果明天不下雨,我就去钓鱼。16. What are you goi

14、ng to be in the future?17. Im sure youll be good at it 。宾语从名18. That sounds like a good idea. 听起来像 (look like smell like taste like)19. I want to help sick people.但不能说ill people 只能说Sb is ill20. We are going to have a “helping hands”meeting at the commuity centre on the afternoon of March.(英语中的时间副词一般要放在最后,且从小到大)21. Do you have any



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