英语教学设计 (3)

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《英语教学设计 (3)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语教学设计 (3)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语教学设计沈阳市铁西区曹家小学刘倩倩SubjectEnglish TeacherLiu QianqianTime2014年 5 月 Grade4TopicModule 6 unit 2TypeNew LessonAnalysis of the Teaching MaterialThis is an important lesson in this book. Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it is a good examp

2、le of learning by doing. It can help students to attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.Analysis of the studentsMost students are interested in spaceship. So this topic can greatly attract

3、their interests. It can accelerate them to learn English and geography well. After learning this lesson, they will know something about the spaceship.Teaching objective(1). Perception objective: a) Important words and phrases. b) Important expression.(2). Ability objectivea) Help the Ss to comprehen

4、d the text through listening and reading. b)Learn to make a model of a spaceship.(3). Emotion objectivea) Love our motherland, and proud of our country. Key pointsListen, speak, read and use the target sentences.Difficult pointsTo say what they did when they made their spaceship. Teaching EquipmentM

5、ulti-media computer, PowerPoint, some cards, some presents (pen, a school-bag)Teaching procedureTeaching contentTeachers activities Students activitiesPurposeTime.Warming up.a. Sing a song.b. Free talkGreeting to the students. Then sing a song.Say hello to teacher.Sing a song.Free talk.活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习

6、兴趣,为后面的学习营造愉悦气氛。复习上节课学过的对话,为本课重难点的学习扫清障碍。5New teachingaPresentationbLearn to say. Use the pictures to introduce the word and sentences. Teach Ss how to say and use these drills. According to the pictures and learn to say the word and sentences. Try to remember these drills.发挥教师主导和学生主体的性质,让学生带着兴趣走进学习

7、任务。自主体验并掌握语言。 15c. Listen to the text.Play the tape or show the CD-ROM, let them know something about the text.Look or listen to the tape and try to translate the text.让学生明白本课重要知识点,围绕本知识点进行知识的扩张与练习。通过知识扩展,激发学生的爱国之情。d. Make a model of a spaceship.Show them how to make a model of a spaceship.Make a mo

8、del of a spaceship in pairs.让学生在自己动手的过程中学习,达到从做中学的目的。培养学生的合作精神。Practicea. Choose the right words.b. Read and complete.Let students try to read the sentences.Students choose the right answers according to the meaning.通过本课知识点的学习,使学生学会使用过去时。培养了学生的综合语言的运用能力。学以致用。15. Game: Guess the present.Show them how

9、 to play this game.Play the game by say the important sentences.通过游戏学习,巩固提升学生对重点句型的学习效果,保持学生对本课学习内容的兴趣。3. Quiz. (if time)Let students do the words excise.Students choose the right answers.通过flash的方式检验学生对本课所学单词的掌握情况。3.Summary and homework.a. Translation.b. Recite.Let students translate the sentences. Try to say what they did when they made their spaceship.进一步培养提高学生英语的实际语言运用能力。讲英语学习延伸到课后,并还原于生活。 2Blackboard designModule 6 unit 21. New word 2. New sentencesmodel 模型 Daming and Simon made a model of a Chinese spaceship.a model of a spaceship The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou. 曹家小学 刘倩倩



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