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1、第2期 Starter Units 13 参考答案及解析参考答案. 15 BBACC . 610 AACAC 1115 AAACB . 1620 ABACB. 2125 DDCCB 2630 ACDBA. 3135 AACBD 3640 ABCCD. 4145 ACDBD 4650 BABDA 5155 CCBBC. A. 56. Thanks 57. white 58. brown 59. good 60. cup B. 61. color 62. English 63. are 64. my 65. spell. A. 66. What is 67. What color 68. How

2、is 69. OK 70. That is a key in EnglishB. 71. a black quilt 72. Good evening 73. Can you say 74. Spell “morning”, please. 75. That is my jacket. 76. Good 77. am 78. quilt 79. color 80. It 81. what 82. in83. an 84. The 85. blue. One possible version:Bob: Good morning, Cindy! Cindy: Good morning, Bob!B

3、ob: How are you?Cindy: Im fine, thanks. And you?Bob: Im OK. Whats this in English? Cindy: Its a jacket. Bob: Spell it, please. Cindy: J-A-C-K-E-T.Bob: What color is it?Cindy: Its red.试题详解单项填空21. D。考查字母书写。G、J和P这三个字母书写时分别是1笔、1笔和2笔。B、L和K这三个字母书写时分别是2笔、1笔和2笔。S、T和W这三个字母书写时分别是1笔、2笔和1笔。B、D和M这三个字母书写时都是2笔。22.

4、 D。考查字母书写。字母I书写时占上两格,字母y书写时占下两格,字母B书写时占上两格,字母f书写时占三格。23. C。考查语音。map中a发/?覸/音,而thank中的a也发同样的音。24. C。考查情景交际。hi是一种打招呼的方式,回答通常也用hi。25. B。考查代词。题意为“你叫什么名字?”“我的名字叫戴尔。”my表示“我的”。26. A。考查冠词。book为以辅音音素开头的单词,应用不定冠词a。English为以元音音素开头的单词,应用不定冠词an。27. C。考查be动词。am和人称代词I连用。is和单数名词、单数指示代词或单数第三人称代词他(he)、她(she)、它(it)连用。a

5、re与表示复数的名词、复数人称代词(we和they)、复数指示代词或第二人称代词(you)搭配使用。28. D。考查动词。spell表示“拼写”。29. B。考查句型。“Whats this? ”表示“这是什么?”30. A。考查情景交际。熟人相见,常用How are you? 来问候。答语一般是“Fine./ Im fine.”。完形填空早晨,鲍勃遇见了艾丽丝和弗兰克。鲍勃简单介绍了他们三人的几样物品。31. A。我是(am)鲍勃。32. A。我在早晨(morning)看见艾丽丝和弗兰克。33. C。艾丽丝有一把(a)直尺。34. B。这把直尺(ruler)是什么颜色的?35. D。你会拼写

6、(spell)“white”吗?36. A。它(It)是棕色的。37. B。in French表示“用法语”。38. C。我的(My)钢笔是蓝黄相间的。39. C。我的直尺是什么颜色的(What color)?40. D。它是红色的(red)。阅读理解A短文介绍了几种文具。41. A。细节理解题。根据“Im Dale. Im a green and yellow pencil box (铅笔盒).”可知本题答案。42. C。细节理解题。根据“And thatsFrank, a ruler. Helen is black and Frank is blue.”和“Its a jacket, a

7、white jacket.”可知本题答案。43. D。细节理解题。根据“Its a jacket, a white jacket. Its (它的) name is Alice.”可知本题答案。B表格中介绍了四个人的四样物品。44. B。细节理解题。根据“This is my CD. Its red.”可知本题答案。45. D。细节理解题。根据“This is my ruler and its green.”可知本题答案。46. B。细节理解题。根据“Im Dale. This is my yellow pen.”可知本题答案。47. A。词义猜测题。根据图片可知world表示“世界”。C短文

8、介绍了海伦拥有的物品及颜色。48. B。细节理解题。根据The jacket is purple. It is M. 可知答案。49. D。细节理解题。根据I have (有) a pen. What color is it? It is black and yellow. 可知答案。50. A。细节理解题。根据What is red? Its my cup. 可知答案。51. C。细节理解题。根据This is my ruler. It is green. 可知答案。D短文介绍了弗兰克书包中的几样物品。52. C。细节理解题。根据“This is my schoolbag (书包). Its

9、 black and red.”可知本题答案。53. B。细节理解题。根据“This is my schoolbag (书包). Its black and red. My pens, my ruler and my books are in it.”可知本题答案。54. B。细节理解题。根据“Its a map. Its red, yellow and green.”可知本题答案。55. C。细节理解题。短文中提到了书包、钢笔、直尺、书和地图这五样物品。第2期 听力录音材料. 短对话理解听短对话,根据你听到的内容从每小题的三个选项中选出正确答案。1. M: Mary, what is it?

10、 W: Its T.2. W: Good morning, Frank. M: Good morning, Helen.3. M: Hi, Grace! Whats this in English? W: Its a map.4. W: Whats this? M: Its a quilt. A green quilt.5. W: The pencil is red and white. And the ruler? M: The ruler? Its yellow and blue. 对话理解听下面A、B、C三段对话,并从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。(A)W: Hello! How

11、are you? M: Fine, thanks. And you? W: Im OK. Whats this in English?M: Its a key. W: What color is it? M: Its white. W: Oh, whats that? M: Its a pen. W: What color is it?M: Its red. (B)W: Hello, Dale! M: Hello, Grace! How are you? W: Im fine, thanks. And you? M: Im fine, too. W: Whats this in English

12、? M: Its a pen. W: Oh. What color is it?M: Its red, yellow and green. W: Oh. Whats that in English? M: Its a map. W: What color is it?M: Its white and black. W: And whats that?M: Its a red ruler. (C)W: Hello, Eric!M: Hello, Cindy!W: Whats this in English?M: Its a jacket.W: Do you have a jacket?M: Ye

13、s, I do.W: What color is it?M: Its blue. I like blue. What about you?W: I have a red jacket. M: You like red?W: Yes. I like red, green and yellow. And I have a green pen and a yellow ruler. 短文理解听短文,并从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。This is a map. It is an English map. This is a ruler. It is green. This is a key.

14、The key is black. This is a pen. It is blue. This is a jacket. What color is it? Er, it is red. The quilt is orange. Whats this in the quilt? Ah, its an orange.第4期 自我测试题 参考答案及解析参考答案. 15 BAACC. 610 AAABC 1115 CABBC . 1620 CCCAA . 2125 BCAAB 2630 DCDCA. 3135 CBADB 3640 BCAAC. 4145 CABBC 4650 DAADB 515

15、5 CDACB. A. 56. your 57. Three 58. China 59. school 60. Ms. B. 61. zero 62. her 63. Yes 64. number 65. too . A. 66. last name 67. Is he; he isnt 68. in China 69. Her name is Grace. 70. This is my middle school. B. 71. I am 72. Yes, he is 73. What is his 74. Whats your 75. Is she. 76. friend 77. first 78. in 79. phone 80. is 81. That 82. too 83. se



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