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1、精锐教育学科教师辅导教案学员编号: 年 级:初三 课 时 数: 学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: 授课类型T Unit4(牛津9上)基础知识梳理(上) 星 级教学目标1、 使学生掌握本单元重要的短语搭配与重点词汇的意思与运用;2、 对单元重点句型能够细致的理解,并能模仿句型进行写作;3、 能够将每个知识点灵活的运用到单项选择和词汇运用等基础题型当中。-Do you know, little Snow, I made you yesterday.-I know that I was made by you. T同步-U4基础知识梳理(上)(建议2-5分钟)批注: 通过图片,了解被动语态的基

2、本用法,基本构成,以及具体时态中的被动语态。(建议20-25分钟) 一、词汇Words1. sendsend out 发送,传播 send up 发射send for 派人去请; 派人去拿 send away 解雇例:The sun can send out light and heat. In the past 40 years, our country has sent up many satellites.典型例题 He was seriously ill, so it is necessary to _ a doctor. A. send out B. send for C. send

3、 away D. send up答案:B 批注:send的本意是“送”,但是初三阶段单独考察send的可能性不大,所以需要关注send的搭配,期中send out和send for 这两个词组的考察频率较高。2. distance 名词,距离(有延伸释义为“远处”) 常用搭配:a distance 一个远的地方,一个远处 in a distance 在远方,在远处例:All of us could see a deer running in the distance while we were in the forest.?批注: distance对于学生们来说,基本上都认为是“距离”的意思,

4、对这个意思不是特别了解,所以对于“in the distance”这个短语就更陌生,所以课上要强调到位:有一定距离的地方就是“远方”,注意介词“in”。 3. number 的两个短语:1)a number of “许多,大量”,修饰可数名词的复数形式,相当于many,作主语时谓语动词用复数。 例:A number of students are playing on the playground. 2)the number of 的数量, 后接可数名词复数,作主语时位于动词用单数。 例:The number of students in our class is 42. Now the nu

5、mber of the traffic accidents is increasing.?典型例题 There _a number of people standing on the playground, and the number of them _ about 2000. A. is, is B. are, are C. are, is D, is, are答案:C批注:这两个短语,无论是在平时小考还是中考等大型考试,都是一组高频短语,学生总是分不清是因为这两个短语“长得太像”,可以给学生一些提示,如:a number of 与a lot of 就很相似,而学生们对于a lot of

6、相对比较熟悉;另外,关于谓语动词的单数还是复数,the number of是“的数量”,重心词在数量上,而数量这个概念是不可数的,所以后面接的是复数名词,但仍然应该用单数谓语动词。4. 充满,装满 1)be full of 充满,装满 2)be filled with 充满,装满例:The world is full of colours. The bottle is filled with water.典型例题The cup that is filled_ tea is mine, and the one that is _ of pure water is his. A. with, fi

7、ll B. with, full C. of, filled D. of, full?答案:B批注:要让学生死记硬背住这两个词组,对于部分学生还是有些困难的,所以就从这两个词组的来源说起,为什么full是原形,而fill就是加ed的形式呢:full是形容词,“满的”,fill是动词“填满,装满”。某容器中装满了什么,就得说1)是满的(因为里面有什么,用of表示)2)被装满(是用装满的,用with表示)。最后的出,be full of 和be filled with. 5. mind 1) v. 介意,反对, 后跟doing sth. 句型:Would you mind / Do you min

8、d ? 表示征求意见例: Do Would you mind my smoking here? Do you mind if I smoke? 2) n. 表示“大脑、精神” 例:Wearing blue is good for the mind and body. He has made up his mind to be a teacher. (下定决心去)典型例题-Do you mind _ here? -_. Its for my wife. A. my sitting, Of course not B. me sitting, Yes, of course C. me to sit,

9、 Youd better not D. my sitting, Youd better not答案:D批注: mind 最难且最常见的考点,并不是后面接动词什么形式,因为mind +doing 的用法学生们基本上记得都不错。学生比较头疼的考点是mind的疑问句如何回答:1)如果不同意,就回答:Youd better not. 或Im afraid not. 2)如果同意,也就是不介意,就回答:Of course not. 或Certainly not.6. disagree vi. 不同意,有分歧。 (agree的反义词) 用法:disagree with sb. 与某人意见不一致 disag

10、ree with sb. on/about sth. 与某人在某件事情上意见不一致例:I disagree with you on that point. 我在那一点上与你意见不一致。批注:用法与agree 相同,只是意思相反,接人时一定要用介词with. 另外,可以拓展一下,复习agree 的用法:1) agree with sb, 2)agree to do sth, 3) agree on sth (就某事达成一致)。7. “如此”:such 和so1) such adj. 后接名词 Such+ a an +adj+ 可数名词单数 Such +adj +可数名词复数或者不可数名词 例:T

11、oday is such an exciting day!2)so adv. 后接形容词或副词 So +adj adv So+ adj+ aan+ 可数名词单数例:Today is so exciting a day!看下面两个句子:She is such a good teacher that everyone likes her.She is so good a teacher that everyone likes her.such interesting stories 如此有趣的故事典型例题 There are _beautiful dresses in this room that

12、 I cant decide which one to put on. A very B so C much D such答案:D批注:注意细看,可以发现,so 和such 这两个句型的区别与感叹句是基本相同的。另外,还有一种特殊情况,当名词前面有little, few, many, much 时,无论该名词是何种形式,都必须用so 连接。如:so many people.二、重要句型Important Sentences structures1. Murder in a Country House is a horror film directed by Cindy Clark, a new

13、 director. 乡村小屋谋杀案是一位由新导演辛迪克拉客导演的恐怖片。【解析】directed by 是过去分词短语做定语,修饰film。 一个动词现在分词与过去分词均可以位于名词之后修饰该名词:若动词与被修饰名词之间是主动关系,则用现在分词修饰;若动词与被修饰名词之间是被动关系,则用过去分词修饰。例:Do you know the girl sitting over there? (坐在那边的女孩,sit与girl 是主动关系)The boy dressed in blue coat is my new friend. (穿着蓝外套的男孩,dress与coat 是被动关系)典型例题 Th

14、e man _John used to be a teacher, but now a man _ himself Professor Jones is standing in front of me. A calls, called B called, calling C called, called D calling, calls答案:B批注:分词做后置定语:如果名词后面所接的动词与前面的名词之间能够构成修饰语被修饰的关系,如:“穿着红色衣服的女孩”; “叫着Tom 的男孩”,则可以用该动词的分词形式来修饰前面的名词,放在名词的后面。2. It is you who made our story so perfect. 是你让我们的故



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