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1、2020年精编仁爱版英语资料Topic 2 Im excited about the things that will be discovered in the future.Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第二话题的第一课时。主活动是1a和2a。1a 通过Kangkang 和Maria 谈论即将放映的电影来引入新时态:一般将来时的被动语态。除了引入新时态,也引入了新话题:未来的新事物。1b以训练听力技能为主,让学生在听觉上感受新时态。1c通过把对话转换成短文的形式,让学生巩固1a的内容。2a要求学生观察、体验新时态的构成。2b则要求学生能基本运用新

2、时态。3在内容上承接了2b。2b提到有些科学家认为在外太空存在外星人。3则是以听力的形式来呈现Kangkang和Maria对此问题的讨论,并且在听的过程中,学生要完成两个任务,进一步训练听力技能。.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步学习一般将来时的被动语态。2. Skill aims: 能够通过2a环节,自行找到一般将来时的被动语态的构成方法。 能够根据时间名词,正确的运用已经学习过的被动语态。3. Emotional aims: (optional)4. Culture awareness: (optional). The key

3、points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: screen, display, alien, in the future, one day, be able to do sth., come true, in order to, learn aboutSentences: What fun! I cant wait. A wonderful movie will be shown tonight. Houses, schools, and hospitals will be built on Mars. I hope

4、our dreams of space travel will come true.Grammar: will+be+pp2. Difficult points: We will be able to do anything that can be done on the earth. I wont believe there are aliens until I see them with my own eyes. Learning strategies 能够通过2a的示范,领悟一般将来时的被动语态的构成,自主对新知识进行初步总结、归纳。 能够运用3所提供的小秘诀,学会速记。. Teachi

5、ng aids有关新词的图片/实物(如:大屏幕)/录音机/有关火星的电影海报PPT等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(3mins)Class activityPresent a movie poster of the Extra Terrestrial(E.T.) to learn the new words. Move to 1a. T: Do you li

6、ke watching movies?T: Look at the screen. What is displayed on it?T: What is it about?T: Yes, it is about aliens. T: Do you think there are aliens in outer space ?Look at the poster and learn the new words.Ss: Yes.Ss: A movie poster.Ss:外星人。S1: I think so.S2: I dont think so.老师要在这个环节讲解生词:display, scr

7、een, alien, outer space。2Pre-listening (7mins)Class activityIndividual workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss predict the structure of future passive voice.T: Hi, class. How many kinds of passive voices have you learned?T: What are they?T: Fantastic! Could you tell me the structure of simple present

8、passive voice?T: Excellent! How about past passive voice?T: Great! What do you think the structure of future passive voice will be?T: Fine! I wont tell you now. I hope you can get it by yourself.Step 2: Let the Ss study the rules in 2a and complete the table.T: Now, please turn to page 90. Study the

9、 rules carefully and complete the table. If you finish, put up your hand.T: Hi, class! Have you got the rules?T: Whats it?T: You are so smart. Im really proud of you. Who would like to share your answers?T: Well done. Next one?T: Good job. What wonderful life in the future!Step 3: Let the Ss read th

10、e questions in 1b.T: Now, move back to page 89. Please read the questions in 1b. Find out what you should pay attention to while listening.Predict the structure of future passive voice.Ss: Two.Ss:一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态。Ss:am/is/are+ppSs: was/were+ppS1: is going to be+ppS2: be going to be+ppS3: will be +pp

11、Study the rules in 2a and complete the table.Ss: Yes!Ss: will be+ppS1: Buses and taxis are driven by men in 2014. In 2048, they will be driven by robots.S2: Trees and flowers are planted in the soil in 2014. In 2048, they will be planted in the air.Read the questions in 1b.这里只是让学生预测一般将来时被动语态的构成,老师不用

12、讲明白。老师暂时不要讲解be going to be+pp,在处理作业时再讲。3While-listening (5mins)Individual workLet the Ss listen to 1a and answer the questions in 1b. Check the answers and finish 1b.T: Now, you will listen to 1a and answer the questions in 1b. Dont write the answers completely, just write some letters, complete the

13、 answers after listening.T: Who would like to answer the first question? Please answer in full sentences.T: Right! Next one?T:.Listen to 1a and answer the questions in 1b. Check the answers and finish 1b.S1:The movie will be shown tonight.S2: Its about life in space.S3:.告诉学生先用速记的方式作记号,然后再完善答案。4Post-

14、listening(8mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a, underline the future passive voice and do 1c.T: Now, lets read 1a. You will underline the future passive voice and do 1c while reading. When you finish, raise your hand.T: Boys and girls! Who can tell us the future passive voi

15、ce?T: Is that all?T: Then, lets check 1c. Who wants to try the first blank?T: You all did very well.Step2: Let the Ss read 1a again and deal with the difficult and key points.T: Now, read 1a again and find out the difficult and key points. If you finish, put up your hand.T: Any questions, class?T: Sure. Its an attributive clause. We can change it into“If we can



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