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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上XXX中心小学2014年下学期期末考试卷六年级英语(时量:90分钟 满分:100分)听力部分一、Listen and circle. 听一听,圈一圈。( 10分 )( )1、bring fruit seed ( )2、always often never( )3、light heavy clear( )4、fresh film fever( )5、call hall tall二、Listen and judge. 听音,判断句子与所听内容是()否()一致,听两遍。( 10分 )1、Toms hair shorter than Mikes. ( )2、I feel co

2、ld and I have a cough. ( )3、We shall go to the theatre to see a play. ( )4、I can ask Mum to make cakes for the old people. ( )5、There will be a strong wind in Changsha tomorrow. ( )三、Listen and number.听音排序。( 10分 )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、Listen and number. 听音排序。( 10分 )( ) Look at the second one.( )

3、Welcome to our clay art show.( ) Its bigger than the second one. Its the biggest.( ) This bird is bigger than the first one.( ) Look at the first one. Its big( ) Look at the third one.笔笔试部分 五、Read and translate. 英译中。( 10分 )practice listening ( ) be late for school ( )send greetings ( ) lotus seed (

4、)heavy rain ( ) sunny and warm ( )a box of cakes ( ) make cakes ( )enjoy the music ( ) Santa Claus ( )六、Choose and write选择题。( 20分 )( )1、What did you do during the holidays?I _writingA、learn B、 learnt C、learned( )2、Katie always _her homework at 7:00 p.m.A、do B、 does C、did( )3、We can _our friends.A、 e

5、mail B、 emails C、emailing( )4、I enjoy _ mooncakes.A、 eat B、eats C、eating( )5、I will bring a few _of coke.A、can B、cans C、canes( )6、what can I do? I can help them _the road.A、on B、in C、at( )7、Tom is the_.A、 tall B、 taller C、tallest( ) 8、Anne, merry Christmas._A、Thank you B、Merry Christmas C、Thats ok9、

6、There will _ a light snow next Thursday. A、is B、are C、be10、There isnt _ water on the earth. A、many B、enough C、have七、 Read and make the sentences. 连词成句。( 10分 )1. wrong you with Whats ?_2.we theatre to Shall go the ?_3. always has at 6:30 She dinner p.m._4. will be a light wind There tomorrow._5. plan

7、t We more trees should._八、Read and choose. 选出合适的选项补全对话。( 10分 )A. You should take some medicine and rest in bed.B. Whats wrong with you?C. Can I go to school?D. Let me check.E. You have a bad cold.A: _B: I dont feel well. I feel cold and I have a headache.A: _ you have a fever. _B: _A: No, you cant .

8、_B: Thank you, doctor.1_2_3_4_5_九、阅读短文,判断正(T )误(F )。( 10分 )Tomorrow is Saturday. It will be sunny and warm. Mike and I will go to the park. We will fly kites there. We can go there by bus. But mike wants to go there by bike. Great, I have a new bike. Well go there by bike.( ) 1. Today is Friday.( ) 2. Mike has a new bike( ) 3. It will be sunny and warm tomorrow.( ) 4. Mike and I will fly kites on Saturday.( ) 5. We will go the park by bus.专心-专注-专业



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