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1、初一英语外研社期末试卷(单项、句型转换)单项选择1. Tony works _ than Jacky.A. more careful B. most carefully C. more carefully D.much carefully2. Jacky Chan is one of _ in the world.A. better stars B. best star C. the best stars D. the best star3. He often goes to work _ subway. A. by B. on C. in D. at4. Did you read Romeo

2、 and Juliet? Its writer was _.A. Bill Gates B. Stephen Hawking C. William Shakespeare D. Lu Xun5. He had breakfast and _ his office in the morning.A. left B. left for C. went D. went for 6.Thegirlis _ thesun .A. lieing inB. lying under C. lying in D. lieing under 7. You can see _ birds in the parkA.

3、 two thousands B. thousands C. two thousand of D. thousands of8. Washington D.C. is the capital of America, _ it is smaller than New York.A. so B. but C. and D. or9. Betty_at four in the afternoon the next day.A. got to B. arrived in C. reached D. arrived10. It _me half an hour to walk to school. A.

4、 take B. spend C. takes D. spends11.There is going to _ a class meeting tomorrow.A. is B. has C. be D. have12. Its unfriendly _others.A. point at B. to point out C. pointing at D. to point at13. _isitfrom yourhometoschool?Its five kilometers .A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How often14. How ma

5、ny parts does a newspaper article usually have?A. A headline B. background C. Latest news D. all the above15. Didnt your friendsplay computer games yesterday?_. They watched TV yesterday.A. Yes, they didnt B. No, theydid C. No, theydidnt D. Yes, they did.16. I dont think we can live _ plants! If the

6、 plants die, we will all die. A. with B. as C. without D. not have17.Who was called “ Chinas first astronaut ” ?A. Yao Ming B. Yang Liwei C. Yuan Longping D. Zhan Tianyou18. He is only_ 8-year-old boy.A. an B. a C. the D. /19.Noone _speak English badly.A. want B. wants to C. want to D. wants20. I _

7、hercarefully, butI _ nothing.A. listened, heardB. listened to,heard C. heard,listened to D. heared , listened21. It is morning in New York now. It is _ in London.A. morning B. midday C. evening D. midnight22. Which of the following is not in Beijing?A. the Great Wall B. the Forbidden City C. Beijing

8、 siheyuan D. Tower Bridge23. There are many holidays in China. Which holiday is in May?A. National Day B. Spring Festival C. Labour Day D. Teachers Day24. You can find many _ stars in Hollywood.A. movie B. basketball C. football D. table tennis25. What do you think of Bill Gates?A. rich B. friendly

9、C. clever D. A. B and C.单项填空1. I went to California_ Thursday morning.A. at B. on C. in D. for2. They went to the _ to have a big dinner. A. shop B. theatre C. beach D. restaurant3. -Was there _ rain tomorrow? -Yes, we were wet all over. A. heavy B. strong C. strongly D. heavily4. The Smith dont liv

10、e here any longer. They _ to another city ten years ago. A. hurried B. got C. moved D. returned 5. -_ did your journey last? -Five days. A. How far B. How much C. How long D. When 6. Please knock on the door before you _ the room. A. entered B. pushed C. noticed D. counted 7. Im hungry_ Im going to

11、buy some food. A. however B. because C. but D. so 8. -Ill go to Hong Kong to do some sightseeing. -_ A. No, I wont. B. No problem.C. Have a good time. D. Its kind of you. 9. In 2012, _ people will go to London to see the exciting Olympic Games. A. ten millions B. millions of C. ten millions of D. mi

12、llion of10. The days get _ in summer.A. long and long B. longer and longe rC. the longest D. longest11. I dont like fall behind _ students. A. the other B. the others C. others D. another12. When he was young, he _ a hospital to help the sick people. A. opens B. opened C. will open D. is opening13. -What is your teacher like? -_ A. He likes teaching. B. He is like a friend. C. He is strict but nice. D. Vegetables and fruit. 14.



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