(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题04 综合测试(四)(测)(含解析)

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《(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题04 综合测试(四)(测)(含解析)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题04 综合测试(四)(测)(含解析)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业 专题04 综合测试(四)(测)(含解析)I语法填空(15分)【2015届河北省唐山一中高三上学期期中考试】 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Lori: Good morning, Chuck. Are you here 1 (wait) for Professor Johnson?Chuck: Oh, yes. Good morning, Lori. The professor asked me to come here 2 (have) an inte

2、rview. Do you know something about job as 3 teachers assistant?Lori: Oh, yes. I know all about it 4 I have work experience in this field. Last year, I did it for a long time.Chuck: Really? How did you like 5 ?Lori: Well, actually I think it was 6 (good) I had ever had at school. I was paid nine doll

3、ars an hour, which 7 (be) three dollars more than the school post office paid us.Chuck: Yeah, I bet this is a good salary. But what did you do?Lori: My responsibility was to help Professor Johnson grade the students homework. It wasnt hard and the professor was always available 8 there were any ques

4、tions. I 9 improve myself through doing this job.Chuck: I think I would enjoy this kind of work. But Im a little worried about how much 10 it might take.Lori: Only about five or six hours a week and you can do that in your room.Chuck: It sounds good.【文章综述】本文讲述Chuck来约翰逊教授这来应聘,遇到 Lori,了解一些关于工作的情况;II短文

5、改错(15)【2015届辽宁师大附中高三上学期期中考试】短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Patience is of great importance in our daily life. Once I waited a bus to come at a stop. 30 minutes past, but no bus came. Both upset and annoyed, I decided to walkon feet. But no sooner had I left when the bus arrived. I thought if I had waited

6、for one more minute, I would have caught it. If I chose to take a next bus, I would have to wait for other 30 minutes. Only then do I realize my problem. Being impatient will possible waste all the effort that we have put it in. Now whenever I am close to lose my patience, Ill think of this experien

7、ce.III完形填空(40)【2015届浙江省重点中学协作体高三第一次适应性测试】第二节: 完形填空(共20小题:每小题2分, 满分40分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从21-40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。A mother and daughter living in my community are two of the most unfriendly people I have ever come across in my life. They are totally 21 , mixing with nobody. As th

8、ey drive past neighbors they keep their eyes looking away and make no sign of 22 . The only fame they have is making a nuisance (讨厌的人) of themselves to the local police station by 23 music played too loud, dogs barking more than once a day and any other petty (琐碎的) little 24 .On moving into this nei

9、ghborhood, I was 25 of these two but decided I would make up my own mind. This proved quite a 26 to me as more than once either the mother or the daughter would knock on my door and blast (猛烈抨击) me with some 27 or other. I 28 answered politely and made sure I 29 as they went past my place and also m

10、ade the effort now and then to make a kind 30 about their garden or pets.Time passed and in October, as part of the Kindness Rock Give, Maureen and I decided to place a kindness rock in their garden. Their 31 remained unchanged, however, and I continued to be as friendly as possible. During the East

11、er give, we decided once again to 32 these two unhappy ladies to our list and 33 a packet of cookies on their gate. Imagine my 34 when two days later they 35 at my gate and jokingly said they were 36 hanging their Christmas stocking on their gate, and they brought me a bunch of flowers!So, my fellow

12、 gifters, do not 37 on your random gifts of kindness. You may never know just what this 38 to others, nor how many broken or 39 hearted people you may just change 40 a simple act of kindness.21. A. protected B. depressed C. separated D. equipped 22. A. enthusiasm B. acknowledgement C. excitement D.

13、entertainment23. A. discussing B. requesting C. reporting D. rejecting24. A. events B. issues C. incidents D. affairs25. A. accused B. warned C. reminded D. convinced26. A. challenge B. project C. task D. matter27. A. quarrels B. opinions C. explanations D. complaints28. A. seldom B. never C. always

14、 D. sometimes29. A. waved B. stared C. noticed D. laughed30. A. difference B. account C. gesture D. remark31. A. smile B. attitude C. decision D. anger32. A. add B. recommend C. reduced D. drove33. A. shared B. took C. left D. fixed34. A. interest B. anxiety C. surprise D. doubt35. A. whispered B. stopped C. shouted D. wandered36. A. imagining B. intending C. considering D. approaching37. A. take in B. take up C. give in D. give up38. A. refers



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