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1、英文歌曲在小学英语教学中的应用On the Application of English Songs in Primary School English TeachingAbstract: Since quality education advocated, some achievements have been made in English teaching in China. However, listening is the week point for the students. With the rapid social development in China, the trad

2、itional language teaching method cannot fit the requirements of the society and need to be improved, especially in listening. In the four skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing, listening makes the first place, which tells it significance. The poor listening of the students makes it hard f

3、or them to improve their communicative ability. Although the traditional teaching methods also sometimes pay attention to the listening aspects, it cannot fit the new situations and new changes during the new times, especially on the aspects of listening content and listening skills. This paper, bas

4、ed on the famous Lozanovs suggestive Teaching theory , music and songs can be used as an effective technique in foreign language teaching. Songs can arouse students interest towards language study and help to form their linguistic sense. This essay gives a brief introduction to the reasons why Engli

5、sh songs can be used in primary school English class, and how they are effectively used. Therefore through this thesis research the English listening teaching can be improved as well as the entire English teaching of our nation.Key Words: foreign language teaching English songs teaching method摘要 提倡素


7、能极大地激发学生学习兴趣,从而有助于增强对目的语的语感。本文分析了英文歌曲可以作为教学材料用于英语教学的原因,并简要介绍了英文歌曲在小学英语课堂是如何被应用的,从而可以找到新时代环境下我国英语听力教学的新的有效方法,从而提高我国整体英语教学水平.关键词 外语教学 英文歌曲 教学法CONTENTS1. Introduction12. The Possibility of using songs in English Teaching32.1 The characteristics of pupils32.2 The characteristics of song52.3 The Benefits

8、 of Applying songs63. Applying Songs to English Teaching63.1 To Pronunciation Teaching63.1.1 The Importance of Pronunciation Learning63.1.2 The Integration of Songs into Pronunciation73.2 To Vocabulary Teaching83.2.1The Necessity of Vocabulary Learning83.2.2 Applying Songs to Vocabulary Teaching93.3

9、 To Grammar Teaching113.3.1The Essentiality of Grammar Learning113.3.2 Using Songs at Grammar Teaching124 Choosing A Suitable Song164.1How to choose a suitable song164.2 The Important Stages in songs choosing175 Conclusion18Bibliography211. Introduction Since the year of 2001, English has become a r

10、equired lesson in primary school; from Grade 3.Some people say that the fundamental goal for introducing English to primary school children is to help them develop English language skills and knowledge so that they are able to use English to communicate with others. We will say that this is only par

11、tly true. What should not be neglected at the same time is childrens motivation and interests in learning. By offering a foreign language at school, we are aiming to educate “the whole child” rather than only teach them the language. Therefore, the first priority to teaching English at the primary s

12、chool is to cultivate their interest in learning, motivate them to work hard, help them establish good learning habits and develop useful learning strategies so that they are ready to continue their learning when they move into secondary schools. Introducing a foreign language to children is like op

13、ening up another window for them to see the other side of the world. This will arouse their interest and curiosity in different cultures and different ways of communication. It is hard to imagine that a child who gets tired of the subject will work hard and make efforts in learning it. In other word

14、s, if a child, after learning English at the primary school, hate s it, you would not expect him/her to work hard on it and he/she would have any interest and motivation in learning it when he/she moves to the secondary school. Therefore, motivation and interest in learning ate fundamental to ensure

15、 success in learning a foreign language got child.How to make English lesson vivid and how to attract pupils interest in it? Playing games in English teaching is one of the effective ways to motivate children to work hard and cultivate their interests in learning English. As we all know, children en

16、joy singing songs in their native language and this is a familiar experience for children to be developing positive attitudes towards the foreign language and language learning, and create a desire to continue learning.With the recent development of English teaching, the roles of games in class have been discussed in different aspects. And more and mote tea



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