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1、九年级第一学期牛津英语知识点梳理Unit 4 ComputersI.词汇部分1. 单词 考纲单词1) screen2) depend3) common4) knowledge5) print6) operate7) spaceship8) order9) length10) seat11) distance非考纲单词12) * recognize13) * desktop14) * laptop15) * palmtop16) *tiny17) * unaware18) * rarely19) * importantly20) * aeroplane21) * meaning22) * com

2、mand23) * CD-ROM24) * DVD-ROM25) * writing26) * aware27) * blank28) * supply29) * contact30) * reference31) * quantity32) *peak33) * court2. 词组考纲词组n.v.adj.n.v.v.n.n. & v.n.n.n.)屏幕依靠;依赖常见的;普遍的知识;学问印刷;打印操作;控制;使运行宇宙飞船;航天器订购长度座位距离;间距v.辨认出;认识n.台式电脑n.便携式电脑n.掌上电脑adj.极小的;微小的adj.没意识到;未察觉adv.罕有;很少;不常adv.重要地n.

3、飞机n.意义;意思n.命令;指令n.只读光盘n.数字只读光盘n.文章;著作adj.意识到adj.空白的n.贮备;供应量n.联系人n.编号;参考n.数量n.山顶;山峰n.公寓大楼1) depend on 依靠;依赖2)for the time being暂时;眼下3)so that如此 以至于 4)play with玩耍,摆弄5)be able to能够(有能力)6)for example例如7)talk to与 谈话8)listen to听非考纲词组9)* (be) unaware of没意识到;未察觉10)* common knowledge常识11)*be small enough to

4、put in your pockets足够小放进你的口袋12)*like a bar of chocolate像一块巧克力13)*operate railways运行铁路14)*fly areoplanes and spaceships开飞机和飞船15)*call them electronic brains称它们为电脑16)*the answer to this question这个问题的答案17)*create new ideas产生新想法18)*raise some interesting questions提出一些有趣的问题19)*change our lives改变我们的生活20)*

5、help you recognize your voice帮助你识别你的声音21)*obey your commands遵循你的指令22)*write your letters写你的信23)*hold millions of pages of writing容纳成千上万页文章24)*read about读到;查阅到25)*since then自此以后3.英英解释考纲词汇1) obeyv.follow a command or order服从;听从;顺从2) operatev.use or control a machine操作;控制;使运行3) typev.write using a keyb

6、oard of typewriter打字4) realizev.become aware意识到5) raisev.put forward提出6) depend onneed依靠;依赖7) for the time beingfor now and some time into the future;暂时;眼下at present非考纲词汇8)* commandn.order or instruction命令;指令9)* desktopn.a full-sized computer with a separate台式电脑monitor and keyboard10)* laptopn.a sma

7、ll computer that you can carry便携式电脑around easily11)*rarelyadv.not often; seldom罕有;很少;不常12)*recognizev.know and identify辨认出;认识13)*superadj.excellent优秀的;极好的14) *tinyadj.15) *programn.16) *common knowledge17) *unaware ofII. 重点难点1. 重点词汇 考纲词汇1) knowledge n. 知识 know (knew, known) v.very smalla set of inst

8、ructions which can make a computer worksomething known by most peoplenot knowing about极小的;微小的程序常识 没意识到;未察觉了解;知道;认识2) calculator n.计算器 calculate v. 计算3) importantly adv. 重要地 important adj. 重要的 importance n. 重要性4) meaning n. 意思mean (meant, meant) v. 意味着;意思是;表示 的意思5) able adj. 能够的;有能力的 unable adj. 无能的

9、enable v. 使 能够 ability n. 能力;才能6) interesting adj. 有趣的 interested adj. 感兴趣的 interest n. 兴趣;趣味7) life n. 生命 lives pl.8) write v. 写 writer n. 作家 writing n. 文章;著作非考纲词汇9) unaware adj. 没意识到;未察觉aware adj. 意识到;察觉 (be) unaware of/(be) aware of 没意识到;未察觉 /意识到;察觉10) probably adv. 可能地 probable adj. 可能的11) rarel

10、y adv. 罕有;很少;不常 rare adj. 罕有的2. 重点句型1) Since then computers have become smaller and smaller.? 连系动词 be, become, get, turn, look, feel, sound, smell, taste, seem + adj.e.g. It will get hotter this summer.The mooncake tastes too sweet. 学生易将其当行为动词,后跟副词,可尝试变为词组来识记,并配以练习反复操练。2) They are small enough to pu

11、t in your pocket like a bar of chocolate.? adj. /adv. + enough + n. 足够e.g. The boy is not old enough to drive the car.We have enough time to finish our homework. 学生易将形容词和名词与 enough 的位置搞错,可尝试用举例或比较等方法区分。3) Other kinds of computers are so tiny that you may be unaware of them.? sothat+ 否定句 =too to 如此以至

12、于 ; 太不so that+ 肯定句 =adj./adv.+ enough (for sb.) to e.g. He is so young that he cant go to school. 他不够年龄上学。=He is too young to go to school.=He is not old enough to go to school. 学生在句型转换中易用错 tooto和 adj./adv. + enough (for sb.) to ,提醒学生先读懂 句意,再判断用何种结构。4) What kind of jobs can a computer do? 问种类用 what

13、kind of 提问e.g. What kind of films do you like to watch? 提醒学生注意 what kind of 跟可数名词复数。5) It is a common knowledge that computers are super calculators.? It is a common knowledge that = As we all know, 众所周知 提醒学生后跟句子,并注意单词拼写。6) However, one day computers may be able to do most things that a human brain can do and even do them better.? be able to 能够(有能力) 帮助学生通过举例和比较的方法区别be able to 与 can 的用法: be able to 强调通过努力而获得的能力,而 can 则强调自身已具有的能力。e. g. She can sing the song in English. 她能用英语唱这首



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