八年级英语上8b unit4测试

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《八年级英语上8b unit4测试》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语上8b unit4测试(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、八年级英语上8B unit4测试一、单选(共2小题,每题1分)236789101112341511711201 thik_ imorant to lear Eglswl.A.t B. that C i D yue2. Theanwere veryexcited_ Dvid Bckam cae tthe show.A. so . bcause C. ut D. and. hoe mfathr_ ask eabo y marks. not n to C. nt D. dnt . I _tha ere ardA. wish.heC. wnt D. xpct5 he rdi i_a trng sign

2、al.Wts ngwithi?A. givn upB giving inC. givn ou D. ivin aay. Howdoy le thidress?Itseauful, and it fitsme el. _ I lik it very uch.A.Or. C. utD Snce7. Its ourjob_ th pop stars.A. introdce Binrducng C. introuesD. o intode8. Wereis Amy?he as gone t he_t buy omething to ea.Adepartmnt stor.stage ciemaD. tr

3、aveagenc. Youd ttr sing. Itoet _ whether youcan sig ell or ntA.work . mtte C problem ffect10. y like _ thank e llong peole _ their hel asuport.A. to; t . fr; foC. to; or. for; o11 Hvyoufinished t wrk?Not ye, bu no mte ho hrdit s, ll kee _ unil ake it.ail ringC. trie . filin12 rjec Hope sanorganzatio

4、n_ isemoney t bild hools ad b books or poo childrnA. tat B who C. at Dhee13. Ae you hungynow?_. I he us had two bwls of rieA.ot a bit B.It dostmatter C.Not altteD. dont mind.14. My oa_thee eindthdoor. Cant youe it?A. haged . is agig C. hags . h ung15. I dontknw _ ashoCa yotell m?A. w orniz hat rgani

5、e C.ht torganizeD.how to ogaiz16._ I coldfly t themoon oned A. want B.e . wish D. like17.Hsbother cn play tenn very wel cus e _ nnitr wor. practces plying B.practices o plyCprcices o plaing .pratie play18.When we heard thees, al of us weeey _. excitin B.xcited C. ieresting D. interes19. You bter_ he

6、 boks_the lirry a soas possile. A givak B. turnbac C.retrn acko D eurnto0. I very sorr _ I nwret yoearle. A. so . bame C.tat Dthi二、完形填空(0分)12567891Jimy sarted paining whnhe as r ers old. Whenhwas x, e wa already vegod at ite 1 many batifl andinteresting pcturs,a peple 2 lot ofmoney for them. Theysid

7、, “This oing t be 3 hene alle oler, and thn ereoing to 4 hese pires foralotmoreony. Thene ill gt rich”Jims pictures were rom other peoples beaus nveraintdon t wole pceof .H painted n ha ofi, ndth otherhlf ws lays 7 .“Tht vry cev,” veryn aid, “ 8 s does tht!”ne a smebodybought o o mys n ten sad thim,

8、 “Plea tell mehis, Jimy. Wh oyu paint on the 0 hal you papr,but not o e top h?”“Bease m sal,” Jimmsaid, “dmy brushs ontreac vrygh.”1. A.tk. orowedC. lentD. pined2. A pa ughtC wntedD neeed3. A. uB. amousC. hortD cool.A ill by.ellD da5. A. ffernB.simirC.awD goo. . laB wodC pap. table7.A.emB.ull. dirty

9、D. bue8. A. AnybodB. SomebodC.Eeryby.Nbody9. A bruseB bok. pituesDpns1 A.middleB. bttomC. right. left三、阅读理解(共15小题,每题2分,共30分)1467890111131415AAmst every chld cites h the cha t o t shool, ut ntal hidreni thcutrs ae so lcy.The is a grl alld ia Fang. Se is ightyars old anlies in a sml vilagin ani hen sh

10、e was you,s wte to ot schol. But h coulo,becuseherfamil ws to poor toafor the schol fee r her, o herpaent hto eephe at hm. Insea of sdyg, Xio Fanworked in thfds wit e arnsevryay.Ten ope oet heard aot ang. Itageedto p iaoFang to go to scol.He ih of uy came rue, ad now s isudyingin a scoolUnlucily the

11、 e many thousas ofchildren o can not go o school You ca joi in HpePrjetandhelp these cildren Youkno allhegood wo needs mney HopPrjct eedsour elpI you iv oe Projet¥30each year, itca ay or oe child to gotschoolor a wholea Wi mor mone, HpPjt can bil eschool,uy good sks, chars,backors and books. les el the cildren togethe a



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