云南省德宏州梁河县第一中学高中英语 情态动词课堂学案 新人教版

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1、高一英语情态动词 学案【学习目标】1 情态动词的基本用法 2情态动词表推测的用法 3 “情态动词+have done”的用法 4 情态动词的特殊用法 .can, could,be able to 意思为“ , ” 1) 表示能力 Some of us use the computer now, but we use the computer last year.Ill not come this afternoon.He go to the party yesterday evening in spite of the heavy rain. 总结:表示现在的能力,用 表示过去的能力,用 .当

2、表示“过去经过努力并能够得以做成功某事”时,意思为,succeeded in doing sth.应用 ,不能用can。表示“将来能”用 。2) 表示请求和允许。意思是 。3) -Can I go now? - Yes, you can.( No, you cant. )- Could I come to see you tomorrow? - Yes, you can. ( No, Im afraid not. ) 总结:could 不是can的过去式,只是语气 ,在答语中用 代替。 3) 表示推测(惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度),用于 和 句中。 意思为_.Can that be Mike?

3、I thought he was in Greece. This cant be done by him. How can this be true? I thought the story could not be true.4) 表示:过去可能做了某事,或过去本可能做没做某事,但没做; 表示对过去不可能或可能没做某事。 5) 常用句式总结 can +否定词+too/enough表示 .may, might译为“也许”1) 表示请求和允许。意思是 2) -Might/ May I smoke in this room? - No, you mustnt. - May/Might I take

4、 this book out of the room? - Yes, you may. (No, you cant / mustnt. ) 总结:might比 may语气 ,而不是过去式。否定回答时可用 -或 ,表示“不可以,禁止”。注意:用May I.?征徇对方许可时比较正式和客气,而用Can I.?在口语中更常见。 2)用于 句,表示 。 May you succeed! 祝你成功 3) may/ might do,表示推测、可能性。 意思是_He may /might be very busy now. Your mother may /might not know the truth.

5、 总结:表示推测用于 和 句中,疑问句用 代替。might不是过去式,它所表示的可能性比may 。4) 过去可能做了某事(猜测)还可表示“过去本可以做某事而没有做 He may/might have gone home. You might have told me earlier!你本可以早点告诉我(实际没有告诉) 5) 常用句式总结.must译为“ ”, have to译为“ ”1) 表示必须、必要 You must come here on time. I have to go now, because my mother is in hospital.- Must we hand in

6、 our exercise books today? - Yes, you must.( No, you dont have to / you neednt.) 总结:表示义务即必须时must强调主观,而 have to 强调 需要。must只有一般现在时,have to 有更多的时态形式。如,had to,will have to。在回答引出的问句时,如果是否定的,不能用mustn意思是 ),而用neednt, dont have to(不必). 3) 表示推测、可能, 意思是_只能用于 句中。其中must have done表示 Youre Toms good friend, so you

7、 must know what he likes best. Your mother must be waiting for you now. 4) 表示“偏偏”表示很不巧,通常都是令人不愉快的事。翻译句子:We were ready to leave, but the baby must catch cold. .need译为“需要”1)You neednt come so early. - Need I finish the work today? - Yes, you must. / No, you neednt. 总结:need 作情态动词用时, 常用于 和 句中。2)neednt h

8、ave done 意思为 ,did not need to do意思为_。Tom neednt have done it yesterday. 注意need作实义动词用时, 有人称、时态和数的变化。The house needs to be painted. Students need to finish their homework today. .shall1) shall 用于第一、三人称疑问句,表示 。 What shall we do this evening? What shall he do next?2) shall 用于第二、三人称,表示 。 You shall fail i

9、f you dont work hard. He shall be punished. .should, ought to译为“应该”1) 表示劝告、建议。should, ought to可通用, 翻译句子:You should / ought to go to class right away. 2. Should I open the window? 2) 表示推测 意思为 。Its nearly seven oclock. He ought to/should be home by now.3)should表示惊讶、遗憾有时与why/who/how等疑问词连用译成“居然、竟然”翻译句子:

10、why should you think so? 4) should/ought to have done 表示 否定形式表示 .will, would译为“愿意、要”1) 表示 等, 更委婉。 Will / Would you pass me the ball, please? 2) 表示 。 I will never do that again. They asked him if he would go abroad. 4) will 常用于第三人称表示 。Fish will die out of water.5)would like/love have done本打算做sth但做了别的

11、事情。 .dare译为“敢”巩固训练一、基础题(level A)1总结:猜测: must, may, might, can, could用于肯定句,非常肯定的猜测是 ;用于肯定句,表示可能的猜测是 用于否定/疑问句,过去时用could的是 ;2翻译下列情态动词的否定形式mustnt ; neednt (=dont have to) cant ; may not ;shouldnt(=ought not to) 3总结:情态动词+ have done 本应该做而没做 ; 本不该某事而做了 本可以做而没做 ; 不必做的做了 可能做了某事(猜测) ; 一定做了(猜测) 一定没有做(猜测) 二、强化题

12、 (level B)( )1. -May I sit beside you, sir? - No, you _. My girlfriend is coming soon.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt ( )2.- _ I speak to Mary, please? -Sorry, she_ come to the phone because she isnt in.A. Might; wont B. Cant; mustnt C. May; cant D. Couldnt; shouldnt( )3. - I want to know if I _ smoke here. - No, you_ .



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