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2、于拉丁文术语的词头缩写。其中的大写、句点.的使用是可选的版式风格。列表中不包含处方中常见的药品的缩写。列表中红色条目是在美国不建议使用,褐色条目是其他组织不建议使用。处方缩写词列表1缩写拉丁文中文英文注释aaana每,各of eachAAA用于治疗部位apply to affected areaa.c.ante cibum饭前before mealsa.d.auris de*tra右耳right eara can be mistaken as an o which could read o.d., meaning right eyead lib.ad libitum随意,任意量use as m

3、uch as one desires; freelyadmov.admove用于applyagitagitastir/shakealt. h.alternis horis每隔1小时;每2小时every other hour也写作a.h.a.m.m.ad manu medicaeat doctors handa.m.ante meridiem上午morning, before noonamp安瓿ampuleamt数量amountaqaqua水watera.l., a.s.auris laeva, auris sinistra左耳left eara can be mistaken as an o

4、which could read o.s. or o.l, meaning left eyeA.T.C.昼夜不停,24小时连续around the clocka.u.auris utraque双耳both earsa can be mistaken as an o which could read o.u., meaning both eyesbisbis两次twiceb.d./b.i.d.bis in die每天两次twice dailyB.M.排便bowel movementBNF英国国家药典British National Formularybol.bolus大剂量给药通常是静脉注射as

5、 a large single dose (usually intravenously)B.S.血糖blood sugar体外表积body surface areasb.t.就寝时间,临睡前bedtimemistaken for b.i.d, meaning twice dailyBUCCbucca颊内inside cheekcap., caps.capsula胶囊capsulec, c.cum与.常写作cwith (usually written with a bar on top of the c)cib.cibus食物foodcccum cibo与食物也用作表示毫升with food,

6、(but also cubic centimetre)mistaken for U, meaning units; also has an ambiguous meaning; use mL or milliliterscf与食物with foodp.复方poundcr., crm乳膏;霜剂creamCST继续同样治疗Continue same treatmentD 或 d天,或者 剂days or dosesambiguous meaning, write out days or dosesD5W5%葡萄糖溶液de*trose 5% solution (sometimes written a

7、s D5W)D5NS含5%葡萄糖的生理盐水de*trose 5% in normal saline (0.9%)D.A.W.按所写医嘱配药dispense as written (i.e., no generic substitution)dc, D/C, disc中断 或 排出discontinue or dischargeambiguous meaningdieb. alt.diebus alternis每隔一天;每2天every other daydil.稀释的dilutedisp.配药dispersible or dispensediv.分次.服用dividedL分升deciliter

8、d.t.d.dentur tales doses给予同剂量give of such dosesDTO去味鴉片酊劑deodorized tincture of opiumcan easily be confused with diluted tincture of opium, which is 1/25th the strength of deodorized tincture of opium; deaths have resulted due to massive morphine overdoseD.W.蒸馏水distilled watereli*.酏剂eli*ire.m.p.e* mo

9、do prescripto按照指示,按处方处理as directedemuls.emulsum乳剂emulsionetet并且andeod每隔一天every other daye* aqe* aqua水中in waterfl., fld.液fluidft.fiat任其发生,顺其自然make; let it be madeg克gramgr格令graingtt(s)gutta(e)滴drop(s)H皮,皮下注射hypodermich, hrhora小时hourh.s.hora somni就寝时at bedtimeh.s睡眠时 或 半强度hour sleep or half-strengthambi

10、guous meaningID皮肤的intradermalIJ, injinjectio注射injectionmistaken for IV, meaning intravenouslyIM肌肉注射intramuscular(with respect to injections)IN鼻内intranasalmistaken for IM, meaning intramuscular, or IV, meaning intravenouslyIP腹膜内的intraperitonealIU国际单位制en:international unitmistaken for IV or 10, spell

11、out international unitIV静脉治疗intravenousIVP静脉推注intravenous pushIVPBintravenous piggybackkg千克kilogramL.A.S.label as suchLCD煤焦油coal tar solutionlinlinimentum搽剂linimentliqliquor溶液,液体solutionlot.洗剂lotionMAE活动四肢Moves All E*tremitiesmanemane晨时in the morningM.misce混合mi*m, minminimum最小值a minimummcg微克en:micro

12、gramRemended replacement for g which may be confused with mgm.d.u.more dicto utendus按照指示使用to be used as directedmEq毫当量milliequivalentmg毫克milligrammg/dL毫克/分升milligrams per deciliterMgSO4硫酸镁en:magnesium sulfatemay be confused with MSO4, spell out magnesium sulfatemist.mistura混合mi*mittemitte发送sendmL毫升millilitreMS硫酸吗啡 或硫酸镁en:morphine sulfateoren:magnesium sulfatecan mean either morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate, spell out eitherMSO4硫酸吗啡en:morphine sulfatemay be confused with MgSO4, spell out morphine sulfatenebulnebula喷雾a sp



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