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1、第一册Unit 19 Modern agricultureI单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器高考须掌握的词汇:1protect 2technical 3irrigate 4produce 5gold 6discover 7practice 8First高考须掌握的短语:1depend 2on 3in 4against 5after考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分一、重点词汇1cause vt引起,造成eg: The drought caused the plants to die久旱造成植物枯萎。相关链按:cause n原因 eg:What is the caus

2、e of the fire?起火的原因是什么?用法拓展cause sth引起(造成) cause sbsth一cause sthto sb对某人造成 cause sbto do sth使某人干某事特别提醒:cause n强调导致某事发生的原因,reason n强调说明某事的理由。 如考题12案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三考题1-1 (典型例题)The horrible noise from the mans room simply her to tremble. A. put B. caused C. drove D. turned考题1-2 (典型例题 分) I think youd bett

3、er tell roe the for your being late again and again. A. reason . B. cause C. purpose D. desire考题11点拨:答案为B。cause sbto do sth使某人干某事。句意为:“从那个男人房间里传来的可怕的声音使她吓得浑身发抖。”考题12点拨:答案为A。the reason for sth某事的理由。通常cause与of搭配,reason与for搭配。 2raise vt抬起;举起;增加;饲养;抚养eg:Raise your hand if you want to ask aquestion如果想问问题

4、,请举手。 The farmer raised many sheep and crops 那个农民饲养了很多绵羊,种了很多庄稼。 He ralsed the children by hiroself after his wifes death妻子去世后他一人抚养孩子。考题2 (典型例题分)Though in a big city, Jim always prefers to paint the primitive(原始的)scenes of country life Araised Bgrown Ccared Dfed考题2点拨,答案为A。主句中的主语Jim与raise(表示“抚养”)之间是被

5、动关系,与grow是主动关系。所以不选B。c、D项意义不通。句意为:“尽管是在大城市被抚养长大的,但吉姆更喜欢画乡村的原始的景色。” 3I atest adj最近的,最新的eg: Going fishing is his latest hobby钓鱼是他最近的爱好。用法拓展:at the latest最迟;最晚 eg:Passengers、should check in onel hour before their flight time at the latest乘客最迟应在班机起飞前一小时办理登机手续。 考题3 Have you heard news about the war? A. t

6、he late B. a late C. the latest D. a latest考题3点拨;答案为C。the latest news最新消息。二、重点短语 4brjng in把拿进来;赚得;有收入;扭送警局 eg:How much can you bring in from your new job?你可以从新工作中赚多少钱? Bring the clothes in,it looks like rain把衣服收起来,好像要下雨了。用法拓展bring about产生,引起;使(船)转向 bring around使改变主意 bring back(使)归还;取回来 bring down使降下

7、;降落;降低(价格)bring up教育,养育;呕吐考题4 ( 典型例题 分 ) The policeman _ two boys whom he had caught stealing. A. brought up B. brought back C. brought down D. brought in考题4点拨:答案为D。bring in在此句中表示“扭送警局”。句意为:“警察把正在行窃的两个男孩抓住,扭送到警局。5go against违背;违反 eg:It goes against my principles这违背了我的原则。 She is always going ageinst h

8、er mother 她老是违背她妈妈的话。考题5 (典型例题What you did the school rule. So next time you are late, dont try to slip into the classroom without _ by the teacher. A. go against; being noticed B. goes against; being noticed C. went against; noticing D, went against; noticing考题5点拨:答案为B。what you did作主语,用单数谓语动词;notic

9、e与主语you之间应是被动关系,故选B。6year after year年复一年地 eg:we used to go to the mountain viIlage for a holiday year aftar year我们以前年年都去那个山村度假。相关链接:year by year逐年,一年一年地用法拓展:year after year强调重复 year by year强调变化类似表达:day after day日复一日 day by day一天天地考题6 The lady is very glad that her only son has grown up A. day after

10、day B. day by day C. every day D. each day考题6点拨:答案为B。day by day一天天地,强调变化。句意为:那位女士因为她的独生子二天天地采大而高兴。,三、重点交际用语7If I were you假如我是你 这是虚拟语气的一种,表示与现在事实相反。 eg: If I were you,I WOUld buy that car如果我是你,我就会买那辆汽车。特别提醒:主语是第一人称或第三人称单数,系动词一般用were而不用was。考题7 If he _ 10 years younger, he would study harder. A. was B.

11、 were C. is D. are考题7点拨:答案为B。虚拟语气中主语是第三人称单数,一般用系动词were。四、重点句型8No matter+hOW/what/who/where “无论如何/什么/谁/哪里”,引导让步状语从句。 eg:No matter who breaks the law,he will be punished无论谁违法都将受到惩罚。 No matter where you work,you can always find time to study 无论你在哪里工作,你一定能找到时间学习。考题8 (典型例题 分 ) _ _ difficult it may be. we

12、 are sure to stick to our principle. A. How B. No matter how C. What D. No matter what考题8点拨:答案为B。difficult是形容词,因此用副词how进行修饰,这又是一个让步状语从句,因此用no matter how来引导。句意为:“不管情况有多困难,我们都要坚持我们的原则。”五、词语辨析9Iatest,Iate,later,Iately latest adj最近的,最新的 the latest fashion最新的款式 late adjadv晚,迟 eg:He is often late for scho

13、ol他经常上学迟到。 He came late他来晚了。 later adv以后;后来 eg:Three days laterhe came back三天后。他回来了。 lately adv近来,最近(=recently) eg: Have you heard from him lately?最近你收到他的来信了吗?考题9 (典型例题)-I have seen so little of Mike Is he away on business? Oh. no. He just leaves for his of-rice and comes very A. later; lately B. la

14、ter; later C. lately; late D. late; lately考题9点拨:答案为C。第一空lately表示“最近,近来”,第二空late用作副词,表示“晚,迟”。语法归纳 精通规则 游刃有余it用于强调句 it引导的句子是常考的强调句结构。 It is(was)+被强调部分+that(who)+句子其他部分。此结构强调的成分仅限于主语,宾语和状语。 eg: It is from the sun that we get light and heat我们是从太阳那里得到光和热的。 It was not until I had read your letter that I understood the true state of affairs直到读了你的来信,我才明白事情的真相。 典型例题:1It was last night I saw the comet考题1(典型例题who was that calIed him“Comrade”? Aone Bthat Cit Dher考题2(典型例题is it has made Pete



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