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1、2012年揭阳市中考英语专题复习提纲情态动词* 情态动词也可称为情态助动词 (Modal Auxiliaries),因为它和基本助动词(do, have)都属于助动词类。* 情态动词和其他动词连用,可表示说话人的语气。* 情态动词可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等。* 情态动词没有人称和数的变化。* 常用的情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would这九大情态动词;其他的还有ought to, need, dare 等。一、情态动词的变化:(情态动词could,动词 work)1.1 简单型(Simple):表示现在或

2、将来的状态I could work (动词不可加 to )you could workhe could workshe could workit could workwe could workthey could work1.2 完成式型 (Perfect):表示过去的状态(动词是 have + v-ed 过去分词。)I could have worked you could have workedhe could have workedshe could have workedit could have workedwe could have workedthey could have wo

3、rked1.3 进行式型 (Continuous):表示现在或将来还在进行的状态(动词是be + v-ing 现在分词。下同)I could be working you could be workinghe could be workingshe could be workingit could be workingwe could be workingthey could be working1.4 完成进行式型 (Perfect Continuous):表示过去正在进行的状态(动词是 have been + v-ing 现在分词。下同)I could have been workingy

4、ou could have been workinghe could have been workingshe could have been workingit could have been workingwe could have been workingthey could have been working二、情态动词的疑问句:只要将情态动词移到主语(Subject)的前面,句尾加上问号。这样就成了疑问句。1. She can work.(主语she, 情态动词 can,动词 work) Can she work ? (这就是疑问句)2. He would be working. (

5、主语he, 情态动词 would,动词 be working)Would he be working ?3. They should have workeD.(主语they, 情态动词should, 动词have worked)Should they have worked ?4. I could have been working. (主语 I, 情态动词 could, 动词 have been working)Could I have been working ?三、情态动词的否定句:在情态动词的后面加上 not就成了情太动词否定句。1. She can work. She cannot

6、work. (注意:can 和 not 须连在一起)(这就是否定句)2. He would be working.He would not be working. (would not)3. They should have workeD.They should not have workeD. (should not)4. I could have been working.I could not have been working. (could not)四、在口语中,否定情态动词的缩写法:1.cannot - cant2.could not - couldnt3.might not -

7、mightnt(很少用)4.must not - mustnt5.shall not - shant(几乎没人用了)6.should not - shouldnt7.will not - wont(可不是 wint 喔!)8.would not - wouldnt五、情态动词的否定疑问句:将否定情态动词移到主语的前面,就成了否定疑问句。1.Can she not work ? 或 Cant she work ? (看出有什么不同吗?小心看看喔)2.Would he not be working ? 或 Wouldnt he be working ?3.Should they not have

8、worked ? 或 Shouldnt they have worked ?4.Could I not have been working ? 或 Couldnt I have been working ?六、情态动词的反问句:1.She can work.反问句:She can work, cant she ?2.He would be working. 反问句:He would be working, wouldnt he ?3.They should have workeD. 反问句:They should have worked, shouldnt they ?4.I could ha

9、ve been working. 反问句:I could have been working, couldnt I ?谈谈情态动词(Modal Verbs)(二)上回在谈到情态动词的变化中,只举了以情态动词 could 为例子的变化。其他的情态动词(would, should, might.)都可依此类推。七、九大情态动词的时态关系:1. 现在式 can - 过去式 could2. 现在式 may - 过去式 might3. 现在式 shall - 过去式 should4. 现在式 will - 过去式 would5. 现在式 must - 过去式 must (其实must 和 ought都是

10、没有时态的)八、情态动词的用法:表示可能或预测(Can, Could, Will, Would, Shall, Should, Must, Ought to)8.1 can 和 could 用于表示可能或预测:1. He cant be at home. (否定句)他不可能在家。2. Can the news be true ? (将情态动词 can 置于主语 the news 前就成疑问句)这消息可能是真的吗?3. Anybody can make mistake. (只表示理论上的可能性)任何人都可能犯错误。4. At that time we thought the story coul

11、d not be true. (表示过去的可能性)那时我们认为所说的故事不可能是真的。5. An accident can happen if you do this. (表示事情肯定会发生)如果你这样做,可能会发生意外。8.2may 和 might 用于表示事实上的可能性或预测:1. It may rain tomorrow.(表示可能会发生)明天可能会下雨。2. It may snow later this afternoon. (表示预测)今天下午可能会下雪。3. You might be right. (表示有可能)你可能是对的。4. It is possible he may hav

12、e called while we were out. (现在完成式型mayhave called) 当我们出门后,他有可能会打电话来。5. Sam might have taken the money, but it seems unlikely. (过去完成式型might have taken)钱可能会是Sam拿走的,但又不太像。6. If you took some exercise, you might not be so fat. (might 用于条件句) 要是你锻炼锻炼,可能不会这样胖。7. Electric irons could be dangerous; they migh

13、t give you a severe shock. (这里的might表示可能性比may 小一些)电熨斗会有危险的,它可能使你受到严重的电击。8.3will 和 would 用于表示预测或习惯性:1. I think he will be all right now. (will be 表示一定会)我想他现在一定好了。2. That would be his mother.(would be 表示肯定是)那肯定是他母亲。3. He will sit there hour after hour looking at the river.(will 表示经常的) 他经常一连几个小时坐在那儿看着河

14、水。4.He would come to see me when he was in London. (would 表示习惯地) 他在伦敦时,常来看望我。8.4shall 和 should 用于表示必定:1. I shall be rich one day. (shall be )总有一天我发达的。2. That should be Sam and his mother. (should be)那准是Sam 和他的母亲。8.5must 用于表示必定,必会:1. This must be good for you.(must be 肯定)这肯定对你是有益的。2.All mankind must

15、die.(表示必然会发生的事) 所有的人一定会死的。3.Mustnt there be a mistake ? (mustnt 多用于疑问句) 那肯定会有错误吗?8.6ought to 用于表示想必会(语气较must 弱):1. They ought to be there by now.他们想必已到那儿了。2.He ought to stop smoking. 他最好不要抽烟了。谈谈情态动词(Modal Verbs)(三)九、情态动词的用法:表示许可、请求(Can, Could, Will, Would, Shall, Should, May, Might, Must)9.1can 和 could 用于表示许可、请求:1. Can I go



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