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1、摘 要3Abstract4第一章 绪论51.1研究的背景与意义51.2湿地景观设计的相关概念51.2.1湿地定义、分类及其特点51.2.2湿地的价值61.2.3景观设计61.2.4中国湿地分布71.3湿地景观可持续设计国内外研究的现状81.3.1国外研究情况81.3.2国内研究情况91.4研究的内容和方法101.4.1研究内容101.4.2研究的方法及步骤10第二章湿地景观分类及我国湿地景观环境可持续发展的现状分析112.1湿地景观生态分类研究112.1.1湿地分类体系的概述112.1.2 HGM分类的应用122.1.3 3S技术在湿地分类中的应用122.1.4国外湿地景观生态分类的研究评述1



4、65.2.2西溪湿地景观景观可持续设计理念265.3西溪湿地景观湿地可持续设计的实际应用275.3.1西溪湿地水体可持续景观设计285.3.2西溪湿地地文景观可持续设计295.3.3西溪湿地绿脉景观可持续设计315.3.4西溪湿地人文景可持续观设计335.4湿地景观可持续设计的实践效应33第六章,总结与展望35致 谢36参考文献:37湿地景观的可持续设计研究以杭州西溪湿地景观规划与设计为例中国农业大学 张小武摘 要湿地景观的可持续设计是当今世界倡导保护自然资源、低碳环保前提下的必然产物。湿地景观可持续设计可以促进湿地景观生态环境的健康发展,对湿地水资源,交错景观带,湿地动植物生态多样性的良好都



7、观规划设计,着重把握湿地水体水质的修复与保护、陆地景观资源的合理开发、交错带景观的综合处理、湿地动植物保护与开发、人文景观延续与表现等方面进行研究,找出妨碍该湿地景观可持续发展的原因,最后从湿地的水体景观,地文景观,绿脉景观及人文景观等四个方面结合毕业设计,展示湿地景观可持续设计的设计方法及讲述将理论应用到实际项目后重要成果。关键词:湿地景观;可持续设计Draft sustainable landscape design of wetland-Taking the example of planning and landscape design of Xi-xi wetland in Hang

8、zhouAbstractThe advocation of sustainable landscape design of wetland is the inevitable outcome, which following the principles of low-carbon environment, conservation of natural resources, adherence to sustainable development. Some methods in the landscape design of wetland, specifically which are

9、of positive leading purpose to the positive sustainable development of water resources in wetland, landscape staggered with waterfront area, the diversification of animals and plant in wetland. Therefore it is important to wetland, especially the sustainable development of wetland in the same geogra

10、phical environment. In this paper, based on the relationship between sustainable development, ecological landscape, aesthetics, ethics and sustainable landscape design of wetland, the methods of landscape design are concluded by the angle of sustainable design, as well as the consideration of exampl

11、e of Xi-xi landscape design and planning. In the example of Xi-xi, finally it becomes to a living wetland system with the functions below: travelling and leisure, recreation, protection of wetland, science education, water treatment and eco-tourism, etc. Under the high requirements of wetland design

12、, the core philosophy of design of Xi-xi is to regard the landscape as an living individual, to design an alive system, to provide overall services of wetland to cities, and finally to provide a unique place with a sustainable ecological civilization in Zhejiang. In this paper, the example of Xi-xi

13、can be regarded as typical case of the landscape design in this area. The key points of this paper are “sustainable and ecological”, together with the art design and ecological ethics. Finally the outcome of the realization of this landscape design and the specific methods are illustrated in this pa

14、per, based on water landscape, physiographic landscape, vegetation landscape and cultural landscape .Keywords: landscape of wetland; sustainable design 第一章 绪论1.1研究的背景与意义湿地景观的发展态势影响着整个湿地的环境变化,所以湿地景观的可持续发展趋势是必须的,也是符合时代发展要求的。水是可利用的宝贵的地球资源之一,在自然界里有水的地方又产生了湿地景观,湿地景观的水生态又是湿地环境生态的核心。历史证明,凡是水污染超出水生态承受能力范围的水环境和其治理代价是极其巨大的。湿地景观可持续发展作为地球环境可持续发展目标的一个重要分支,要完成对他



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