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1、面就是一些需要掌握的常见句型:1.Hardly had sb. done when 知识回顾: had done的动作发生在 从句谓语did 以前,是属于过去的过去,所以用过去完成时。Eg. Hardly had she sat down when the doorbell rang. 她刚一坐下门铃就响了。上海典型例题2006静安二模 她一下火车,我就发现她把电脑忘在凳子上了。(Hardly)Hardly had she got off the train when I found that she left her laptop on the chair. 2.The first time

2、/The last time/Every time /The moment+从句 知识回顾:诸如 eachtime,everytime,themoment,thefirsttime,thelasttime等名词短语可用作连词来引导一个时间状语从句.Eg. EachtimeI go home I can see her sittingthere.上海典型例题2010卢湾二模 / 每次叫他做家务,他总是假装在看书。(every time)Every time he is asked to do housework, he pretends to be reading books.2010闵行二模每

3、当灾难发生时,总有热心的人们向受难者伸出援助之手。(every time) Every time disasters happen, warm-hearted people will lend helpful hands to the victims (those suffering from the disaster).3. makes it a rule to do sth. .知识回顾:makesitaruletodo是固定表达,意思是将某件事情定为常规,it作形式宾语,不定式作真正的宾语。上海典型例题2011普陀二模 我校同学每逢节假日都到周边社区去当志愿者/义工。(make it a

4、 rule)The students in my school make it a rule to work as volunteers in the nearby neighborhood in holidays. 4.I would appreciate it very much if you could上海典型例题2010虹口二模 如果你一收到消息就能给我答复的话,我将不胜感激。 (the moment)I would appreciate it very much if you could reply to me/give me a reply the moment you recei

5、ve the message.5.Whatever+名词+主语+谓语 无论上海典型例题2007崇明一模 不管遇到什么困难,他总是不灰心。(Whatever)Whatever difficulties he meets with, he wont lose heart/ confidence/feel discouraged.2010黄浦一模 不管遇到什么困难,继续努力,直到实现你的梦想。(Whatever)Whatever difficulties you may meet with, keep working (hard) until you realize your dream.6. It

6、 will/would be+时间段+before 要过多久才知识回顾:“Itwill/wouldbe时间段before句子” 表示“要过多久才”。上海典型例题2010松江二模 那位科学家认为还要好几年这个理论才能付诸于实践。(before)The scientist believed that it would be years before the theory was put into practice.2010奉贤一模还要过很长一段时间,普通人才能去太空旅行。(before)It will be a long time before common people can travel t

7、o space/ can go travelling in space.7. 主句,which引导从句上海典型例题2009黄浦二模 异常的天气表明我们的生存环境正日益恶化,而这正是大自然给予我们的警告。(which)Unusual weather indicates that our living environment is getting worse, which is the warning to us from nature.2009卢湾一模 这次旅行持续了两个多星期,这让我们感到疲惫不堪。 (which)This trip lasted for over two weeks, whi

8、ch made all of us worn out.2008黄浦一模 我过生日时,他送给我一件漂亮的毛衣,那正是我想要的。(which)He sent me a beautiful sweater for my birthday, which was what I wanted.2008浦东一模 黑人当选总统,开创了美国政治的先河。(which)A black man was/ has been elected president of the United States, which (has) created/ set/is a new record in the American po

9、litics.8. As long as 只要知识回顾:例句与用法: 1. As long as you dont betray me, Ill do whatever you ask me to (do). 只要你不出卖我,要我做什么我都愿意。 2. Well ship the goods at an early time as long as there is a steamer. 只要有船,我们就尽早装货。 3. As long as live, I will help you. 只要我活着,我都会帮助你。 4. As long as you drive carefully, you w

10、ill be very safe. 如果你开车小心,你就会很安全。 5. I dont mind as long as it doesnt rain. 只要不下雨就行了。 上海典型例题2008闵行二模 只要你对自己充满信心,你迟早会实现童年的梦想。(as long as)As long as you are confident about yourself, you will realize your childhood dream sooner or later.2008崇明一模 我坚信,只要相互理解,来自不同文化的人能和谐相处。(as long as)I firmly believe th

11、at people from different cultures can live in harmony as long as they understand each other.2008高考 管遭受如此严重的自然灾害,但只要不灰心,我们终会克服暂时的困难。(Although.) Although we are suffering such a severe natural disaster, we will eventually overcome the temporary difficulty as long as we dont lose heart. 9. What引导主语从句 使

12、/让某人的是知识回顾:what引导的主语从句的谓语动词应该用单数。上海典型例题2007闵行二模 让我最感迷惑的是他如何能徒步走这么远。 (What .)What puzzles me most is how he could cover such a long distance on foot.2006奉贤二模 使我担心的是,这孩子除了电脑,似乎对什么都不感兴趣。(What makes me)What makes me worried is that the child seems to be interested in nothing except computers.二、解题注意事项之时态

13、语态在中英不同的语言文化中,主动和被动的表达存在着一定的差异。有时中文看似主动,译成英语却应用被动形式;有时中文是被动的意思,在英语中却用主动形式。以下情形中常用英语的主动形式表示中文的被动意思:(1) 某些连系动词(如look, sound, smell, feel, taste, prove等)要用英语主动形式表达中文被动意义。Eg. 他告诉我的事情被证实是真的。 What he told me proved to be true.(2) 某些“be+形容词+to do”结构中的不定式通常要用英语的主动形式表示中文被动意义。Eg.这篇学术论文很难被翻译过来。The academic art

14、icle is difficult to translate.(3) be worth后的动名词要用英语主动形式表中文被动意义。Eg. 这可能值得考虑。This might be worth thinking about.(4) 在need, want, require等少数表示“需要”的动词后接动名词用主动形式表被动意义。Eg. 这些植物得天天浇水。The plants need watering every day. 此外,也有很多情况下,英语的被动形式表示中文的主动含义。这时很多同学就可能会忽略被动语态的使用。Eg. 坐在树下的人是我叔叔。The man who is seated un

15、der the tree is my uncle. 批注:这样的例子不胜枚举,同学们在练习时应注意多积累和总结。三、解题注意事项之语序问题在某些情况下,英语的主谓必须全部或部分倒装。有时为了保持句子平衡,各部分顺序会发生颠倒,这与中文表达顺序有所不同。 例如: 我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样强大过。(Never) Never before has our country been as powerful as it is today. 老师仅靠一支粉笔上课的日子一去不复返了。(Gone) Gone are the days when a teacher gave lessons only with a piece of chalk. 我认为你找不到自行



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