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1、Refere nee Check背景调查表Refere nee Cheek背景调查表Applied Positi on 申请职位Can didate Name 候选人姓名This reference is someone who knows the candidate in a professional manner. Appropriate examples are employers, supervisors, colleagues or the staff in the HR department. We require a complete, in-depth check of a p

2、rospective applicant s background,employment history, character and abilities. Please provide us with yourcandid and entirely confidential view of the above applicantqualifications and attributes.推荐人应通过工作途径认识候选人。合适的推荐人包括雇主、主管、同事或是人力资源部门的员工。我们需要针对申请人的背景情况、 工作经验、性格能力等的全面、深入的分析检查。请为我们提供您对该申请人资质能力全面真实的评

3、价。All the information in this reference form will keep strictly confidential, and only used for employment purpose within the Firm. 本检查表中的所有信息都会严格保密,而且仅会用于公司招聘之用。Referee Name接受调查人姓名Con tact Details 联系信息Curre nt Employer 现任雇主Job Title 职位CANDIDATE EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 候选人工作信息In what capacity do you know

4、 the can didate您所知道的候选人的能力信息:Employer 雇主Ca ndidate Job Title /Grade候选人职位/等级Referee sJob Title /Grade接受调查人职位/等级Employme nt Period 雇佣时间Report ing Line ofCan didate候选人汇报关系Job Resp on sibilities: 工作职责Performanee Measured表现评定:1. Did the can didate fulfill the requireme nts of his/her positio n?候选人是否完成自己的

5、职责? Yes 是 No (If not, why do you thi nk he/she was un able to meet the requireme nts?否(如果为 否”您觉得为什么他/她未能完成工作职责?)Ver 1.00Page 1 of 3Refere nee Check背景调查表2. Comments on Performanee (Rate from 1 to 5,1 is excellent and 5 is below average) 候选人表现评定(从1至5进行打分,1为最佳,5为最差)Excelle nt 优异-1Good良好-2Fairly Good 一般

6、-3Average平均水平-4Below Average 低于平均-5Work Attitude (Commitme nt, in itiative, aceou ntability)工作态度(积极性、主动性、责任心)In tegrity / Professio nalism 职业操守/专业性Work Efficie ncy 工作效率Commu ni cati on & Prese ntati on Skills 沟通、表达能力Clie nt Relati on ship Man ageme nt 客户关系管理能力In teracti on Skills (in ter nal & exter

7、 nal) 交流能力(对内、对外)Bus in ess Developme nt Skills 业务发展能力Leadership Capacity 领导能力Tech ni cal Kno wledge 技术知识3. How do you evaluate the can didate s key stre ngths and areas for furtherdevelopme nt?您如何评价候选人的优缺点?Key strengths 主要优点:Areas for further development 主要缺点:4. Why the can didate decided to leave

8、the compa ny?候选人为何会离开贵公司?5. Are there any other areas you would like to comme nt on that I have not men ti oned above? 除以上问题之外,您有无要补充的其他方面?6. Will you con sider rehiri ng the can didate in the future?您会考虑将来重新雇用该候选人吗? Yes 是 No (Please specify, if choose No)否(请陈述具体理由)CANDIDATE RFMUNFRATION INFORMATION (OPTIONAI)Ver 1.00Page 2 of 3Refere nee Check背景调查表候选人薪酬信息(可选填)Base Salary 基本工资Bonus奖金Benefits 福利Allowa nee 津贴Other Cash Allowa nee其他现金津贴Tax Pla nning Scheme 税收优惠政策Con ducted by: Date:经办人签名日期Ver 1.00Page 3 of 3



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