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1、六年级英语下册随堂笔记一、常用句型(一)形容词的比较级句型A+be动词+形容词的比较级(如:taller,stronger,older)+than+BA比B更例如:You are taller than your brother .I am fatter than Xiaojun .(二)A比B高或重或大或小多少的句型A + be动词+数字+单位(如:cm,kg)+形容词比较级+ than+ B例如:You are 4 cm taller than me .I am 10 kg heavier than Tom .John is 2 years younger than her .(三)描述身

2、高的句型:主语 +be动词 + 数字+ 长度单位(如:cm、m)+ tall .例如:Im 160 cm tall .My mother is 1.62 m tall .(四)询问对方身高、体重、年龄、大小、长度的句型:问句:How+形容词(如:tall/heavy/old/big/long)+be动词+主语?答句:主语 +be动词 + 数字+ 单位(如:cm/kg/years)+ 形容词 .例如:How tall are you ?Im 160 cm tall .(五)形容词比较级的变化规则构成方法原级比较级规则变化一般在词尾加ertallhighshortstrongyoungtaller

3、highershorterstrongeryounger以字母e结尾的词,加r。finelatefinerlater末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,应先双写这个辅音字母,再加er。fatbigthinfatterbiggerthinner以y结尾,并且y前面是辅音字母的词,先把y变为i,再加er。easyfunnyheavyeasierfunnierheavier不规则变化goodbad/illmany/muchlittlebetterworsemoreless(六)如何用“how”问体貌How tall are you ?How old are you ?How heavy is you

4、r brother ?How long is its tail ?How big are your hands ?(七)“one”做代词的用法one是数字“一”的意思,但有时用它做代词,用来代替上文中已经出现过的单词,以避免重复。例如:Which monkey do you like ?I like the yellow one .(八)“up to”的含义“up to”表示“达到”,后面常接数字。例如:each up to 20 cm longUp to ten people can sleep in this room .二、常用短语from shorter to taller fromt

5、oI wear size 17 . up todive into jump out ofgood swimmer have a try三、单词dinosaur house schoolbag tall long short strong old young heavy thin big small funny its tail brown think only about hair head hand eye arm leg foot tooth meter ton each squid lobster shark seal deep swimmer little cm(centimeter)

6、 than kg(kilogram) even 第二模块 Whats The Matter ?一、常用句型(一)关心他人的“Whats the matter ?”“Whats the matter ?”表示“怎么了?”例如:Whats the matter , John ?I have a toothache .如果询问具体某个人怎么了时,要用句型“Whats the matter with + 某人?”,例如:Whats the matter with them/him/her/you ?类似的句型还有“Whats wrong ?”Whats wrong , Tom ?I cant find

7、 my schoolbag .(二)关心他人的“How are you ?”“How are you ?”表示“你好吗?”例如:How are you , John ?Fine , thank you .(三)询问对方的感觉时,可以用以下句型:How do you feel ?I feel + 表示感觉的形容词(happy/sad/tired/sick)。例如:How do you feel ?I feel sick .(四)询问第三方的感觉时,可以用以下句型:How does he/she/it/John feel ?He/She/It is + 表示感觉的形容词(happy/sad/tir

8、ed/sick)。例如:How does Amy feel ?Shes tired .(五)如何描述对方看起来的状态-“You look +形容词”“You look +表示状态的形容词(happy/sad/tired)”句型,表示“你看起来”。“look”在这里是“看起来”的意思,例如:You look so happy .(六)听到坏消息应该怎样表示难过-“Im sorry to hear that”“Im sorry to hear that”表示“听到那件事我很难过”例如:- Whats the matter , John ? You look sad today .- I faile

9、d the math test .- Im sorry to hear that .(七)现在进行时表示将来I am going on a big trip .(我将要进行一次长途旅行)用现在进行时表示将来要发生的事情或动作,常用的动词有:go,come,take等表示位置移动的动词。例如:He is coming to see you this afternoon .Miss White is taking her students to the zoo tomorrow .(八)人人讨厌的“fail”“fail”表示“不及格;失败”,例如:I failed the math test .D

10、id you fail the Chinese test ?(九)讨人喜欢的“pass”“pass”表示“通过”,例如:Amy passed the English test .“pass”还表示“传递”,“把某物传给某人”可以用“pass sth. to sb.”例如:John passed the ball to Tom .(十)表示两者之间的“between”“between”的意思是“在之间”,当表示两者之间时,常与“and”搭配,构成“betweenand”结构。例如:There is a football match between Class 1 and Class 2.Tom

11、is sitting between John and Amy .(十一)“another”和“other”的区别1、“another”表示“又一个”、“另一个”,例如:Another goal !Have another cup of tea .2、“other”前常加定冠词“the”,表示两个人或物中的第二个,意思为“另一个”;表示一组中其它的人或物,意思为“其它的”。例如:I have two friends . One is Mike , the other is Peter .Tom is here , but the other boys are at school .(十二)“l

12、augh”与“laugh at”的区别1、“laugh”表示“笑,大笑”。例如:The children are laughing and playing games .2、“laugh at”表示“嘲笑”。例如:Dont laugh at the little boy .(十三)“be going to”表示一般将来时“be going to +动词原形”结构表示“打算或将要做某事”,是“一般将来时”的一种表达方式。例如:I am going to fly kites next Sunday .(十四)“have”的用法1、表示“得病”,例如:have a cold have a fever

13、2、表示“吃,喝”,例如:They often have bread and milk for breakfast .3、表示“有”,例如:I have a new pen .(十五)让人疼痛的“ache”“ache”是个名词,表示“疼痛”,常放在表示身体部位的名词之后,表示“疼”,例如:headache toothache earache stomachache backache(十六)时间状语从句简介引导词例句时间状语从句when(当时)How do you know when you have the flu ?before(在之前)The game was over before you came .after(在之后)We went to the park after the rain stopped .till/until(直到)The little girl stopped crying ti



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