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1、中考易错单项填空题100例江苏江都市昌松中学 佴启龙在教学实践中,我注意到有相当数量的典型题重复出现,学生们重复出错。这些题所涉及到的知识往往是我们教学中的重点、难点。为了对学生容易出现的失误进行剖析和释疑,并给予学生有效的分析、指导,以提高复习效率、加强复习中的针对性,我将学生在做题中出现的正确率很低的典型易错题进行了归纳整理。同学们做做看,都能答对吗?1. -Do you know what he did all day? -He spent as much time playing as he _. A. studying B. was studyingC. studied D. did

2、 studying2. I cant say _I want to see him again. We havent seen each other for a long time. A. how long B. how soonC. how often D. how much3. It is said that land animals _ from sea animals. A. were developed B. developedC. are developing D. develops4. -Would you like some coffee? -Yes, and please g

3、et me some milk, too. I prefer coffee _milk. A. to B. withC. than D. of5. _ made his teacher unhappy. A. Tom came late B. Toms came late C. Toms late D. Toms coming late6. Father asked Edison _. A. what was he doing that forB. why he was doing that for C. how he was doing that forD. what he was doin

4、g that for7. We are going to have the sports meeting _it _tomorrow. A. if, rains B. unless, will rainC. unless, rains D. when, will rain8. _ of the students in our class _ from the country. A. Three fifth, is B. Three fifths, areC. Third fives, are D. Three five, is9. News can _every corner of the w

5、orld with the help of the Internet. A. reach B. arrive C. get D. reach to10. Here is only one seat for the old man_. A. to sit B. sittingC. sitting on D. to sit on11. Though this pair of shoes is a bit expensive, I would like to_. A. try them on B. try on them C. try them out D. try out them12. How

6、can we finish _ much work in _a short time? A. so, so B. such, suchC. so, such D. such, so13. Last night, he had his car_. A. to steal B. stoleC. stealing D. stolen14. Last night several young men _the bank of lots of money. A. stole B. robbed C. took D. got15. Where was this big egg_? A. lied B. la

7、inC. laid D. lay16. _ school, we can get much knowledge. A. Because B. Thanks forC. Thanks with D. Thanks to17. Youd better think about _ a car now. A. whether buy B. if buyC. whether to buy D. if to buy18. He talks too much as if he _everything.A. knows B. knewC. has known D. to know 19. He will co

8、me to stay with us for _ next month. A. some time sometime B. sometime some time C. sometime D. some times20. This radio program is well worth_. A. listening B. listening to C. watching D. to listen 21. He must be a doctor, _? A. mustnt he B. must heC. is heD. isnt he22. This building is taller than

9、 _one around it. A. any other B. another oneC. any D. some other23. Though he live_, he doesnt feel _ because he can enjoy himself at home. A. lonely, lonely B. alone, aloneC. alone, lonely D. lonely, alone24. Yangzhou High School sounds _ a good one. But I would like to have more information about

10、it. A. / B. asC. like D. what25. -How long_ you _ the English dictionary? -About half a year. A. have, got B. did, buyC. have, had D. have, bought26. _ my great surprise, such a little boy can draw so many beautiful pictures. A. In B. With C. To D. For27. _the old man spoke, _he became. A. The more,

11、 the angryB. The more, the more angrily C. The more, the angrierD. The most ,the angrier28. _the help of my English teacher, I did well in English last term. A. Under B. In C. With D. For29. She _a teacher, but now she is a doctor. A. used be B. used to beC. was used to be D. was30. What do you thin

12、k _him change his mind? A. to make B. made C. make D. making31. They are practising _in the hall. A. dance B. to dance C. dancing D. to dancing32. It is _that we all like to read it. A. so good a book. B. such good a book C. so a good book D. such good books33. She often offers _. A. us with some fo

13、od B. some food to us C. us to some food D. money me34. Most sharks feed _ fish and other animals. A. with B. forC. on D. by35. -Can you look after my daughter for me while I am away? -_. A. Its a pleasure B. With pleasureC. Not at all D. Youre welcome36. Can you think of a way _ it? A. doing B. doC. to do D. of do37. Ill get her _harder. You wait and see. A. study B.



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