unit 6The telephone(精读第二版) 答案

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1、精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除Unit 6 Text AThe TelephoneAnwar F. AccawiIVKey to ExercisesPreview 2. Do the following exercises.1 Translate, paying attention to the use of the bold type.1. 这辆二手车买得很便宜。2. 他的讲话被打断/缩短了。3. 在这里建造铁路之前,先要把这里的水抽干。4. 这花瓶擦干净以后看起来就会和新的一样。5. 这房子被刷成了淡绿色。6. 就在此时,门被突然踢开。7. 恐怖分子被枪杀,人质都被释放。

2、8. 在日本,鱼往往是生吃的。9. 这可怜的孩子生下来的时候就是聋的,不久又失明了。10. 据说在皇陵完工的时候,那些建造皇陵的工人都被活活埋在里面。2 Give the corresponding adjectives of the following names of countries.1. Iraqi2. Pakistani3. Yemeni4. Lebanese5. Danish6. Hungarian7. Belgian8. Argentine9. Swedish10. Swiss11. Norwegian12. Polish3 Review how these words are

3、 formed.These are compound adjectives consisting of a noun plus an adjective with the noun serving as a modifier of the adjective. Jet-black for example means as black as jet (a hard black material).4 Point out the word or phrase that doesnt belong in each line.【精品文档】第 页1. crush2. crack 3. crunch4.

4、valueless5. click6. enthroned7. breeze8. commitment9. career10. obliterate5 Complete the verb phrases by putting in prepositions or adverbs listed below.1. for2. up3. for4. for5. for6. for7. down/up8. up9. into/in/down/up10. up11. up12. for13. up14. in15. into16. into17. up18. up19. up20. in21. up22

5、. for23. up24. into25. in26. for/up27. up28. up29. up30. in31. for32. in33. in34. up35. down/up36. into37. for38. into39. for40. into41. into 42. for43. down/up44. up45. up46. down/up47. for48. in49. up50. up51. forVocabulary 1. Translate the following expressions.Into English1. to crack the walls2.

6、 to save souls3. to play hide-and-seek4. to slow to a trickle5. to grab sb by the hair6. to call sb names7. to rip her shirt8. to reveal the secret9. to resist progress10. to come into view11. to gather firewood12. to talk sb out of doing sth13. to wriggle ones way out of14. to run errands15. to del

7、iver sb from suffering16. to assure a steady supply17. to take the pressure off sb18. to keep him out of ones hairInto Chinese1. 梯田2. 多岩石的山脉3. 百日咳4. 周围的村庄5. 林中的一块空地6. 细粉尘7. 羊粪8. 粘乎乎的双手9. 强壮有力的的妇女10. 旌旗如林11. 第一手的资料12. 漆黑的头发13. 一位虔诚的天主教徒14. 家务事15. 一种让人感到在家般自在的声音16. 手卷香烟17. 有利可图/十分挣钱的生意18. 一家肉铺19. 它往日风

8、采的空架子20. 一所教会学校2. Replace the parts in bold type with appropriate words and expressions from the text.1. gave way: caved in buried: trapped2. asked for: chargedprofitable: lucrative3. persuade him not to: talk him out of itobstruct: resist4. a quarrel: a argumentdeveloping: escalating5. sent to: rel

9、ayed to / delivered to gather: assemble/congregate show their strong disagreement with: protest against6. become all skin and bones: been reduced to mere skeletonsrescue: save/deliver7. started to: began to/proceeded tovery seriously and carefully: with utmost gravity8. destroyed: ruined/devastated/

10、wreckedtore: cracked/split9. prevent unwanted visitors from bothering you: keep unwanted visitors off your hair 10. heavily crowded: packed with peoplesqueeze: wriggle3Translate the following sentences into English.1. Incredible as it may sound, I hear that they charge 40 yuan for a bowl of simple n

11、oodles.2. Sun Quan finally talked everybody into agreeing to put Lu Xun, a young scholar, in charge of (commanding) this decisive battle.3. He was arrested on the charge of (charged with) smuggling, but in accordance with the law, no citizen can be arrested without evidence. 4. She dropped the plate

12、 on the ground, but it miraculously did not break, landing without so much as a crack. OR not break. It didnt have so much as a crack5. I can assure you that if we dig a well deep enough here, we will strike water. So if you guys have no objection, lets get started/proceed.6. She takes delight in sh

13、ifting the tables and chairs in this room so as to give the room a new look.7. The focus of our economic development has shifted from the coastal areas in the east to the central and western areas. 8. He shifted/changed to the highest gear, thus leaving all the other cars far behind.9. I maintained

14、that smoking should be forbidden, but he disagreed because he said that the tobacco industry was an important source of government revenue.10. The local people raised a strong objection to installing the cable car over that beautiful mountain.4. Choose the right words in their proper forms.1. assure

15、2. assured3. reassuring4. insured; ensured5. ensure; reassured6. reassuringly 21. twisted/turned2. twisted3. wring4. distorted/twisted5. twisted6. twisted7. wringing31.gathered/assembled2.assembling3.gather; gathered OR collect; collected4.gathering; assembled/gathered; collectors5.collect/gather6.collect; collecting; collection41.crack; break2.cracked


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