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1、英语课堂教学用语(Classroom English)1 上课( Beginning a class )( 1) Class begins. /Let s start now Let s begin our class lesson 上课!( 2) Stand up , please 起立!( 3) Sit down , Pease 请坐!2 问候(Greeting )(4) 4) Hello , boys and girls children 同学们好!(5) Good morning , class everyone everybody children boys and girls 同学

2、们早上好!(6) Goodafternoon , class everyone everybody children boys and girls 同学们下午好!(7) How are you today ?你好吗?3 考勤(Checking attendance )8) 8) Who s on duty today ?Who s helping this morning today ?今天谁的值日!9) 9) Is everyone everybody here present ?大家都到齐了吗?10) 10) Is anyone away ? Is anybody away ?有人缺席吗?

3、11) 11) Is anyone absent ? Is anybody absent ?有人缺席吗?12) 12) Who s absent ? Who s away ?今天谁缺席?13) Where is he she?他/ 她在哪?14) Try to be on time Don t be late next time 下次别迟到!15) Go back to your seat , please 请回座位!16) What day is it today ?今天星期几?17) What s the date today ?今天几月几日?18) What s the weather

4、like today今天天气怎么样?19) What s it like outside ?今天外面天气如何?4宣布(Announcing )( 20) Let s start working Let s begin /start a new lesson Let s begin start our lesson 上课!( 21) First , let s review do some review 首先我们来复习一下!( 22) What did we learn in the last lesson ?上一节课我们学了什么?( 23) Who can tell remember what

5、 we did in the last lesson yesterday ?谁来说一说上一节课我们学了什么?( 24) ) Now we re going to do something new different Now let s learn something new 下面我们来上新课!( 25) We have some now words sentences 卜面我们来学新单词!5 提起注意(Directing attention )( 26) Ready? Are you ready ?准备好了吗?( 27) Did you get there ? Do you understan

6、d ?明白了吗?( 28) Is that clear ? 清楚了吗?( 29) Any volunteers ? 有志愿者吗?( 30) Do you know what to do?你知道该做什么吗?( 31) Be quiet , please Quiet , please 请安静!( 32) Listen , please 请注意听!( 33) Listen carefully , please 请注意听!( 34) Listen to the tape recorder the recording请听录音!( 35) Look carefully , please 请仔细看!( 36

7、) Look over there 请看那边!( 37) Watch carefully 请仔细看!( 38) Are your watching ? 你在注意看吗?( 39) Please look at the black-board picture /map,请看黑板/图画/地图!( 40) Pay attention to your spelling pronunciation 请注意你的拼写 / 发音 !6 课堂活动(Classroom activities )41) 41) Start ! Start now 上课! / 现在开始!42) 42) Everybody togethe

8、r All together 大家一起来!43) 43) Practise in a group Practise in groups In groups , please 分组练习!44) ) Get into groups of three/four 三人 / 四人小组练习!45) Everybody find a partner friend 找同伴练习?46) In pairs , please 分组练习!47) One at a time Let s do it one by one 一个接一个地来!48) Nowyou , please Your turn(Students nam

9、e) 现在轮到你了!49) Next , please Nowyou do the same, please 下一位!50) Let s act Let s act outdo the dialogue 下面进行展示/ 表演对话!51) Who wants to be A ? 谁来当A?please 52) Practise the dialogue#卜面我们来进行对话练习!( 53) NowTomwill be A, and the other half will be B,现在TOW A,其余同学当B进行联系( 54) Please take (play ) the part of 请进行

10、分角色练习!( 55) Whose turn is it ? 现在轮到谁了?( 56) It s your turn. 现在轮到你了!( 57) Wait your turn , please 请等候!( 58) Stand in line Line up 排队等候!( 59) One by one One at a time , please 一个接一个来!( 60) In twos In pairs 两个两个地练习!( 61) Don t speak out 别说出!( 62) Turn around 向后转!7 请求(Request )你能再试一试?( 64) Could you ple

11、ase try the next one ?你能试一试下一个吗?( 65) Will you please help me ?请你帮帮我好吗!8 鼓励(Encouraging )( 66) Can you try ? 你能试一试吗?( 67) Try , please 请试一试!( 68) Try your best Do your best 尽力而为!( 69) Think it over and try again 好好想想,再试一试!( 70) Don t be afraidshy 别害怕! / 别害羞!9 指令( Issuing a command )7) Say Read after

12、 me , please 请跟我读!72) Follow me , please 请跟我读 / 说/ 唱!73) Do what I do 像我一样做!7) Repeat , please Repeat after me 请重复我说的话!75) Oncemore, please Onemore time , please 请再来一次!7) Come here, please 请到这儿来!77) Please cometo the front Comeup and write on the blackboard chalkboard 请到前面来! / 请把它写在黑板上!78) Come and

13、write it on the blackboard 请过来把它写在黑板上!79) Please go back to your seat 请回座位!80) In English , please 请用英语!81) Put your hand up , please Raise your hand , please 请举手!82) Put your hands down , please Hands down, please 请把手放下!83) Say it in Chinese English 请用汉语 / 英语说!Write it in Chinese English请用汉语 / 英语写!

14、84) Please take out your books 请拿出书!85) Please open your books at page 45.Please find page 45.Turn to Page 45.请翻到 45 页!86) Please answer the question questionsPlease answer my question questions 请回答这个/ 这些 / 我的问题!87) Please read this letter word sentence out loud Please read out this letter word sentence 请大声朗读这个字母 / 单词 / 句子 !88) Please stop now Stop now , please Stop here , please 请停下!89) Clean up your desk the classroom , please 请收拾你的书桌/ 教室!90) It s clean up time Tidy up your desk t



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