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1、2022年考博英语-北京体育大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The role of the party system in American politics has always been ( ).问题1选项A.a unity instead of dividingB.unifying instead of a divisionC.not to divide but to uniteD.not dividing but a union【答案】C【解析】固定搭配。根据固定句型 notbut “不是而是.”,可排除A和B选项。且前后结构需要保持一致,句意:政党制度在美国政治中所

2、起的作用一直是团结而不是分裂。因此选项C符合题意。2. 单选题W: Do you mind if I take a couple of hours off this afternoon?M: OK, but what for?Q: What is the woman asking for?问题1选项A.AdviceB.LeaveC.TimeD.Reason.【答案】B【解析】题目中“take a couple of hours off”的意思是“请几个小时的假”,和B选项的“ask for leave”意思相同,B选项正确。3. 问答题The museum is closed this aft

3、ernoon. (There is)【答案】There is no museum available this afternoon.4. 问答题Increasing the tax on household goods is bound to cause trouble. (Its asking)【答案】Its asking for trouble to increase the tax on household goods.5. 单选题Criticism and self-criticism is necessary( )it helps us to find and correct our

4、 mistakes.问题1选项A.by thatB.at thatC.on thatD.in that【答案】D【解析】句意:批评和自我批评是必要的, 因为它有助于我们发现和改正错误。in that为固定搭配, 意为由于, 因为, 在这里引导原因状语从句。所以本题选D。6. 单选题Japan is one of only three countries that now hunt whales and ( )the government says it is an important cultural tradition.问题1选项A.thatB.whichC.whoseD.where【答案】

5、D【解析】考查语法知识。题干中and表示并列关系,连接两个并列的定语从句修饰先行词countries。后一定语从句的主语the government与先行词countries不等同,并且由于有定冠词the,所以关系词不能是whose,而只能是表地点的关系副词where。句意:日本是目前仅有的三个捕鲸国家之一,日本政府表示,捕鲸是一项重要的文化传统。因此D选项符合题意。7. 单选题It was clear that the small grocer was( )people he owed money to.问题1选项A.at the expense ofB.at the risk ofC.in

6、 the way ofD.at the mercy of【答案】D【解析】词组辨析。at the expense of “以为代价”;at the risk of “冒着的危险”;in the way of “妨碍,关于的方面”;at the mercy of “受支配”。句意:很明显,这个小杂货商受他债主的支配。因此选项D符合题意。8. 单选题M: Since you dont like your boss, why are you still hanging around with him?W: Im not. I am going to stop fooling around and q

7、uit.Q: What does the woman mean?问题1选项A.She will resign.B.She will stop her boss hanging around.C.She will fire the man.D.She cannot but stay with the boss.【答案】A【解析】根据女士的话“我不再会这样无所事事下去,我打算辞职。”A选项的resign和题目的quit是一个意思,正确。9. 单选题The government gave a very ( )explanation of its plan for economic developme

8、nt.问题1选项A.comprehensiveB.compoundC.considerableD.complacent【答案】A【解析】形容词辨析题。comprehensive综合的,全面的;compound混合的;considerable重要的,相当大的;complacent满足的。句意:政府对其经济发展计划作了非常全面的解释。选项A符合句意。10. 单选题Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, ( )overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.问

9、题1选项A.whoseB.whichC.thatD.what【答案】A【解析】语法(定语从句)题。分析题目可知,空格处填入的词是引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是beer,跟空格后的overall consumption是所属关系,所以连接词用whose,A选项正确。11. 单选题The newcomers found it impossible to ( )themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.问题1选项A.suitB.adaptC.regulateD.coordinat

10、e【答案】B【解析】固定搭配。根据固定搭配adapt oneself to “使自己适应于”,suit to “合适于,相称”;没有搭配regulate to和coordinate to,可排除C和D选项。句意:新来的人发现他们不可能使自己充分适应新国家的气候,而永久定居。因此选项B符合题意。12. 单选题Why does cream go bad faster than butter? Some researchers think they have the answer, and it comes down to the structure of the food, not its che

11、mical compositiona finding that could help rid some processed foods of chemical preservatives.Cream and butter contain pretty much the same substances, so why cream should sour much faster has been a mystery. Both are emulsionstiny globules (小球体)of one liquid evenly distributed throughout another. T

12、he difference lies in whats in the globules and whats in the surrounding liquid, says Brocklehurst, who led the investigation.In cream, fatty globules drift about in a sea of water. In butter, globules of a watery solution are locked away in a sea of fat. The bacteria which make the food go bad pref

13、er to live in the watery regions of the mixture. “This means that in cream, the bacteria are free to grow throughout the mixture.” He says.When the situation is reversed, the bacteria are locked away in compartments buried deep in the sea of fat. Trapped in this way, individual colonies cannot sprea

14、d and rapidly run out of nutrients. They also slowly poison themselves with their waste products. “In butter, you get a self-limiting system which stops the hotelier growing.” Says Brocklehurst.The researchers are already working with food companies keen to see if their products can be made resistan

15、t to bacterial attack through alterations to the foods structure. Brocklehurst believes it will be possible to make the emulsions used in salad cream, for instance, more like that in butter. The key will be to do this while keeping the salad cream liquid and not turning it into a solid lump.1.The significance of Brockl



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