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1、一篇英语演讲稿最好只有一个主题,这是由演讲稿的特定情景性和时间性所决定的。小编为你分享了初二英语三分钟演讲稿,希望能够帮到你。 初二英语三分钟演讲稿篇 chol i y secod he inmy ife, it vides a oprtunity d a nice nvirent r tstudy I havea lt ffrid ndschool i ondrfl pce tong ut wit te. Iheschoobilg, thereare a o f cssrom, teacroffices,ompuerlabs,toilts, cenc abs,aaeter,ad ibar.

2、I ealylike my school! Mynm seth Im1 yeas old, I td inN Mdd School of Hian.My scol is very bg ad beautiful. I v p i th scho. sualy et at 6:15it rig Tn I do moring xercise in theplagun 6:40, I ve my brkfst. You ee nyttsand taheri t dinng rm. ftakast, oftnra Enlihwih y clasmates W hves lss evryda Te fi

3、rst class egisa 7: a I al the lases,becae m teahes an maketh lasseslivy an interestig. favi ubect is nglish, s I joinEnglis Crneeve ekcaspek Englh t anyoter studeheret vry inerstiganexng.Itink its helfl or me to lear Eng wel. Afte clas,I awysplyames wt my friendsW asketbll, scr ll, vlball,pingong an

4、d sn They ae vrylaxing. I lke m ssons, friedsdy cs. Ina od, Ilov my hoo.I ind m chool lifsm and oe meangfl and coloful. My ollifis wonderul,isnt t 初二英语三分钟演讲稿篇 Goo nin teacher and fllo sude. ody weou like to intrducea fe avortbos ou.My favorte ok s (lin: r). This adiaryritten b ntalian boyEriohe diar

5、y iabout hs lie and study t inlud various touci tois thappened aound Enrc, the motto tauht y hi rent, a l as te wndeul emtlystori ld b hisea uin the lss. Evry d n t cater desres e orov. From triots to fiendshi, andto th le bewee art adchi -reay toucng.Thi oe aught m ht lov,n ho to lern o oe. rl like

6、hs book vey mu Hwaut yu hat iour voritebo My favorite ok s .ave youraitefre ,Iaven redis bo fore. Wha iitbou Wl, i is a tory f h girl who aintaid hernoe characteraer the ankucoher father.Te sory sapp ding. Canyou tll us y yu ovethsbomuh Sr.Is cauehestr aughtu t be brve andtface thalnge ad diffiuties

7、 with cuge.am eepmessedby th trngh n sveracothe ittl pncinte story.Iv decid toarnfro r rm no o. Oh se, th or sunds ey good cnnit readth bokas well. 初二英语三分钟演讲稿篇 ood mning,laiesagentle,today iam s ppto std he to ve u spech.Or rath, area tory ofmnehghwit time inby,i anstill memerwaycetoldm.You odb be g

8、il.miln,oulooedito myyes.Yar n,yaut,nary most of y mi aradg t bitte.Bt ny is simpe ence maie,with beig fogtenin my ife. Ainnain,i can oso myelf romthinkingbout it.S rdinary,smessive,so movin,ust likethebrghtest snse,itheps me throu th dakt ntI am sch astive g yr hertYou sid,myorofulacia xpresin mae

9、ees dtsseHoever,thre is o thin i never tl you,ha , am enabig girl gradual wthyoods ad mles.vertel o abou i,ri beieve oneday,yuasee egrea chanes of mne f urself.h is wa at to do ietuAs i know,that will behe bet giffor y denlyhink aong amed M HEAR WI OON.There s a bauti entnc gin like this.Yo ar aeimy

10、 harMor tha o,wa oed t teasbyitI ow, amalafein yu het.ave alredy frotthn i tol you iwong ve fr Australiats mmer olidyYoussmid as uual,gepeakng.hteer you decdeodo,will b n for ofit,bu, jst oneting,rmbr,whenyou ll onely abroad,o no forgt w areere,prag fo oWral roud u,far acrth distnceand sace tw losed

11、 my es,telck sttd.Te more e had othr,once played gaes on tepayground, payedjoe onecothe,youalwys wro a lof sentenceso y arcles to encoueme.nd the stforeble hin,yo old me,o beeved m culdb a grlSoone rte. t ta seif mme,i suduersoodhe mnin of this sentenc ttaly.oon at day,i mileas you seo,loon atyoue last wdi sid were,kep walking in sushine. Yes,keep walki n unshne.Isaoyou ,alsoto self.kn i anotalon wiht yo cmpan,and w



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