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1、李鹊初中2014-2015学年第一学期六年级英语上册第5单元导学案 班级 姓名 组名 组号 学科导学案编号: 1 课 题Unit5 What does he do ?partA课 型新授课执笔人会静审核人光功 存刚 王莉 清云级部审核刘建群导学时间教师寄语勤劳一日,可得一夜安眠;勤劳一生,可得幸福长眠。学习目标:1.能够听、说、读、写与职业有关的英文表达。2.能够听说认读的单词和词组factory, worker, postman, businessman, police officer等。学习重难点:能够在实际语境中运用有关职业的问答句.What does he/she do? HeShe

2、is a/an交流.一、 圈出合适的单词补全句子。1. IsDoes your father here today?2. My teacher often goesgo to other countries.3. Mr Liu is a businessmanbusinesswoman.4. Shellbeis here today.二、 看图片补全句子。1. My aunt is a _ _. 2. -Is your father a _?-Yes, he is. 3. I want to be a _ one day. 4. Zhou Changs mother is a _ _. 三、连

3、词成句。1. What do your does mother (?)_2. Her is father a factory worker (.)_3. father My goes often countries other to (.)_4. want I be to a driver taxi (.) _4. father Is a postman your (?)_培优新乐园四、选择合适的单词的适当形式补全对话。be do what at playerA: _ does your mother do?B: She is a police officer. A: Cool! _ you

4、want to _ a police officer?B: No. A: What do you want to be?B: Im so tall. And Im good _ basketball.A: Oh, you can be a basketball _.B: Great! 五、阅读短文, 判断句子对“”错“”。I live in a city with my parents. My father is a car designer. His company is not far from our home, so he goes to work on foot every day.

5、 My mother is a factory worker. She goes to work by car. They both work hard. I am a student. I want to be a businessman one day. What about you?( )1. I live in a village with my parents.( )2. My father goes to work by bike.( )3. My father is a taxi driver.( )4. My mother is a factory worker.( )5. I

6、 want to be a businessman one day.导学过程:四、【学习反思】五、【教师批阅】时间: 等级或分数: (满分100分,等级为优秀、良好、一般、差)六、【奖励记录】优胜学习小组: 优胜展示小组(个人): 优胜点评李鹊初中2014-2015学年第一学期六年级英语上册第5单元导学案 班级 姓名 组名 组号 学科导学案编号: 2 课 题Unit5What does he do? Part B课 型新授课执笔人会静审核人光功 存刚 王莉 清云级部审核刘建群导学时间教师寄语勤劳一日,可得一夜安眠;勤劳一生,可得幸福长眠。学习目标:1.正确掌握单词,词组:fisherman s

7、cience pilot 2.能够运用有关询问工作地点的英文表达Where does she work?和She works进行回答。学习重难点:能够运用有关询问如何去工作地点的英文表达导学过程:一、看图片,写单词。1. 2. 3. 4. _ _ _ _ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My uncle _ at a sea. workHe _ a fisherman. be2. I like _ computer games. playI want to _ a secretary. be3. -What _ Zhou Jielin do?-Hes a singer.do4. -How d

8、oes Ann go to school?-She _ to work by bike.go5. -Do you _ to be a dancer?-Yes, I do. want三、连词成句。1 at good I am basketball (.)_2. does he How work to go (?)_3. has He healthy very life a (.)_四、 选词填空。 What Where Who How If( )1. -_ does your father do? -Hes a doctor.( )2. -_ does your mother go to wor

9、k?-By car.( )3. _ you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter or a PE teacher.( )4. -_does your aunt work?-She works in a factory.( )5. -_ is the head teacher?-Mr White.五、 英汉互译。有一天, 我要成为一名飞行员。_Tim is a fisherman, and he works at sea._你在哪里工作?_你想成为一名警察吗?_六、 阅读短文, 判断句子对“”错“”。 Sam and Daming

10、are good friends. Sams father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He goes to work by bus every day. His mother is an English teacher. She goes to work by bike. Sam likes playing football. Hes good at football. He wants to be a football player. But, Daming is good at basketball. He often plays basketball on the weekend. He wants to work in a university. ( )1. Sam and Jim are good friends.( )2. Sams father goes to work by bike every day.( )3. Sams mother is an English teacher.( )4. Sam and Daming are good at football.( )5. Sam wants to work in a university.四、【学习反思】五、【教师批阅】时间: 等级或分数:



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