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1、2022高中英语Module3AdventureinLiteratureandtheCinemaReading句型篇课时作业外研版必修5 .用所给词的适当形式填空1_(threat) by the robber,she was frightened to cry for help.2To my_(astonish),he should have lied to me.3He found the boat_(tie) to the tree.4There were two men_(swim) in the river.5He persuaded me_(go) for a walk with

2、him.6She looked_(terrify) by the noise.7He suggested_(leave) the used things behind.8I became out of_(breathe)9She had a_(satisfy) expression on her face.10He_(particular) enjoyed making fun of others.答案1Threated2.astonishment3.tied4swimming5.to go6.terrified7.leaving8breath9.satisfied10.particularl

3、y.完成句子1当我到达山顶的时候,我累得完全上气不接下气。By the time I got to the top of the hill,I was quite_ _ _2当他下班后回到家时,他发现他的房子被人闯入了。He found his house_ _when he arrived home after work.3他们一直跑到安全的距离才停下来。They didnt stop running until they were_ _ _ _4你不必解释!我受够你了!There is no need to explain! I_ _ _ _ _!5为了不吵醒婴儿,他们像老鼠一样悄无声息地

4、离开了房间。In order not to wake the baby up,they left the room,_ _ _ _ _.6听起来好像有人在敲门,去看看是谁。It_ _ _somebody is knocking at the door.Go and see who it is.7一旦她下定决心就没有什么可以说服她改变主意。Nothing can_ _ _change her mind once it is made up.8中国的长城是迄今为止所建造的最长的人造建筑。The Great Wall of China is the longest manmade structure

5、_ _9购物时,我们看到她在给孩子们买书。When_ _,we saw her buying books for the children.10直到12点他的爸爸才下班回家。It was_ _12 oclock_his father came home from work.答案1out of breath2.broken into3a safe distance away4.have had enough of you5keeping as quiet as mice6.sounds as if7persuade her to8.ever made9.going shopping10not u

6、ntil;that.阅读理解AWhen everything seems out of control,it can be difficult to remain encouraged at work and in life.Everyone goes through stretches of highs and lows,although stomaching the lows can seem impossible at times.To remain encouraged you must take steps to lessen the negativity around you.Yo

7、ur coworkers,friends,family and even your job itself can help you overe any low point you face in life.Take time off.If you have available personal days,use them to your advantage.When things arent going as planned,showing up day after day to work isnt going to overe the problem.Take a day or a few

8、days off to mentally relax so you can return to normal.Note the things that are going your way.Its difficult to acknowledge the good when the bad seems so overwhelming,but take time to write down everything positive in your life and in the workplace.If you see that good things are happening,its some

9、times easier to overe the negativity.Continue to perform at a high level.You cannot afford the consequences that e with slacking_off at work,and refusing to perform at a high level wont make anything better.In fact,staying away for a while will benefit.Push through and continue to plete your tasks t

10、o the best of your ability.Seek support in friends,families and coworkers.Staying encouraged during tough times is not a task you should take on yourself.Talk to people you trust about the problems youre having and ask for advice.Simply talking about whats bothering you may help as you deal with the

11、 problems.Relieve stress by focusing on hobbies and events after work.For example,if you enjoy fishing,take a trip to the lake one night after work.If you enjoy bowling,ask a friend to acpany you to the local alley.1What does the author intend to tell us?AHow to stay encouraged when things are going

12、 wrong.BHow to deal with the trouble when making friends.CHow to make wise use of your spare time in life.DHow to learn to be selfcontrolled facing difficulty.2According to the passage we can know that_Aremaining encouraged doesnt mean negativityBexperiencing frustration is a must in lifeCfamily and

13、 friends cause trouble to youDcoworkers will lessen the pressures around you3If the thing goes out of your plan,_Ayou must insist on carrying it outByoud better abandon it in no timeCyou should stop working at it for a timeDyou must change your plan at once4What does the underlined part “slacking of

14、f” in Paragraph 4 mean?AWorking hard. BSticking to.CRelaxing yourself. DGiving up.答案与解析1A写作意图题。这是一篇应用文,文章讲述了如何在困境中保持信心,坚持下去的方法。2B细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Everyone goes through stretches of highs and lows,although stomaching the lows can seem impossible at times.”可知,人生中要经历成功和挫折。3C细节理解题。根据文章第二段后两句可知,当事情没有按计划进行时,要停一两天,放松精神,再回归到计划中去。4C词义猜测题。根据该词所在段落的“In fact,staying away for a while will benefit.”可知,作者建议你稍事休息也许对工作有益,故选C项。BI came to study i


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