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1、总分核分人 中考模拟试卷英语试卷(一)考生注意:本试卷分卷和卷两部分;卷为选择题,卷为非选择题.本试卷考试时间为120分钟.满分为20分.得分评卷人 卷I(选择题,共95分)听力部分(第一节)I. 听句子,选出句子中所涉及的信息。(共5小题,每题1分,计5分)( ). A mis B. sels C. smels( )2.ok trip B.tk ship C ade cake ( ).AWelstay up tnt. B Well aea tet omorrow. We usd o sty p lte. ( )4. .Hdoenthave enoughmoney to by theswt.

2、B. He oesnt e the swetr C He doesn wntt buy the expsiveweate. ( )5. A He haanaccidet. .e wacarless. C. He wa il得分评卷人I 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每题1分,计5分)( )6. A. m gado ear thatB. Imgldyou jyed t! C. need to do eter ( )7. A. With pleasure Thank you al tesae.C.Im afrai not.( )8.A. Thats g dea.B.Thas rght C

3、. Thatsallrht. ( )9. . For to ears. B No, I won o, never. ( )0. . Ler? Im sy. B Im afaid ot, but I heto go C ,ank yu. 得分评卷人II. 听对话和问题,选择合适的选项。(共5小题,每题1分,计分)( )11. What ill te grprobbly do? A. Walk t thezoo. B Gt o the bus. . Cross tesretto wait r the u ( )12. owoes h oy l? A. H fees worred. B. He fe

4、ls hpy. C.Hefees conent. ( )1. a does he irsuggest? . Taing smer lasses B. Fidi sumerjbC. kg and tuding. ( )14 hatilPetr b? A B C ( )1 Watd he by do nthe aftnoo? A C 得分评卷人IV.听对话、短文和问题,选择对的答案。(共小题,每题2分,计10分)( )16.ow oe Jim goto Susan hse?A.By bu. .By bike. C. O fot. ( )17Were s Susas houe?A t the vnh

5、ouse rom te corner o rght. B. tste sevententhhose from h crer t his left.C. Is theeenteth huse from th coner nhis rght.ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg( )8. Whs wro wit Bll? A.H cauht badco. He ada traffic cidnt.C. ehut hisleg.( )1. Wh ill a?A. ecaue iteamwa wa B.Becse hstea lo the ga

6、me. C. Bcause cnt py forth eam. ( )2.Wat wil te ter snAndy? . His teasotball sirts. . Sophts C A football. 得分评卷人笔试部分 V 单选(共2小题,每题1分,计0分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。()1. I like Chiatown s_ godpe to do eshoppi n dnin. A. a B. n . e D. 不填( )2. Kate ha ost _ s. She aks_ for lp. A. hr; his B.hers; h . she; me D.h; m

7、e ( )2. My hoes_from our school.So er de m bke toschol. A.ten minutes wal B. tn mnut walk .tn minuteswalD.ten-nt walk ( )2. Ysrday was myfren ruesbrhdy.He nvied me _ is birthda prty A forB. to . at D. on ( )25 woweks passed _ I received m fathes letter. A.beoeB. afr C. util D as soon as( )26 e donth

8、veuchhomework now nd or scho bags re _ heused t be. A ashevy a. not as ev sC.asevily s D. ashevily a ( )2Mu I finshthe w today? Ys, but ou _finih it nwA.mtB.edC.need t D. dont heto ( )28.Man ld bildings were _ ad newbuiligsare bng buit. A dowB. pulled own . lbed downD fel don ( )29 here ar so may in

9、s of Mp3sn th shop.Wecant decie _.A. wha to y. touy what which tobuy Dtbuy hich( )30Moe thanwo _ yars o, peenew lite abut he nvee. . thousandsBtousnd. and of thousnds of( )31. _interestng bokit is!I watto reait again .hat anB. How an C WhaD. ow ( )2 Hesfd he dg and te cat, _? Aoesnt heB. isnt he . w

10、ast eD.has ( )3. Wait a iut! He i go with you s soon as e_ s work. A. ill fs. sll finishC.fiissDfinished( )34 I _ m omewor last nightwen heard ao knock oth do. A. didB. w oig Chvedne . hddone( )35 How ote do o g to the d eoles ou, To? _. A. One a montB.In a mont C. Ater a ont D. For mnt( )3. e I got ee, thencrt _for en minutes. Ahas benonB ha ganC as gu.ha


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