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1、UIT2Te Fir Perio RednTcing goal 教学目的 1 arget langug目的语言a 重点词汇和短语ftin, cartoon, deire, satisfctin, asent, lrm, alarmd, smooth, embarass, sypth, eg, pie, scan, fnernl, abrd, hairut,acoany, curtn, son, cape, ait, aful,affar, fi, firmly, deare, victory, envy,arrage, tesout, ing p, turn aron, lave aonb.

2、重点句型.Se felt marrssed and d him to go.2. lirethoht it wsrdculos to effred ympth y a bo.3By tause and ursd look onhfa,Ceknwtha Gladys thughte was haig an affai2. biity gos能力目的:Help student olearn about robots n science ficio.3. Learning bility gls学能目的:Easudnts to realz scence fiioreflct scietic tough

3、; a fitionof thns-to-mebased on tigs-onand.Techig imprnt poit教学重点echstudnts o enjoyscieeficioEabtudts toras wat Tondid to lpClairand hw her emoion dvoped during Toy ty t herous. Hel tudntst sum uharactersticof sciece fictioneaching dificul pits 教学难点Hw Clares emotion deelped durng Tonysstay at herhoe

4、.eachig metos教学措施Dscussing, exlaining,eadngd practisigecing s教具准备Te mulediacomputerTaching prcedes way教学过程与方式Stp I WarmigupDal iarinup. Peent hotoofifferent kin fobos. Thn ask them to say oeing abohisor e vriterbo.T:Good morni /afnoo,clss!s:odmorin/ atenoon, r. MsT: In thclasweae going to learnabo r

5、obos. Who wuldlie t te me wha rbot is?1:A robot s mche:Whkn machie?S: robo kind of machie thca o a varityof ofte complex human tasks.T:ow can roo perform huan task?S3: rbt iscontroed by a coputer.T:You e ight. Th w cangiete diitionfa root le is:Abois a mahine desge do jos that ae sual prformdbyas.Ro

6、bs rerrammedand ntolled a coputeNowlot om pires v themint ifferent tyead deide yravorteoe. StepII Pe-raingAk udents to iscsthe ustins in pre-redin i grops.Sudents areenorage t speak out heir pinin frely,no matterwhat it s. echeshodecurage sudntsou their iaginatio.tpII ReadingDel th radingart.Sanings

7、 th students o nhe te nd findut wt Tonlooks le.T: Ok.Imglad yu ad a ted discusinNow Id lieyu to et Ton- a rob tat looks actly like a hman beng.e is a haraerin he siee iction Stisfacton Guarand by sac Asimov. Plea ad the tex and find the aners to th followin uestionsShowthe llwing uesos onteowPoint.1

8、 ht did Toy lo lke?2.tdid Tony do o m Clire nd h hmlegnt?Sral minutes ter chk teanwers ihhe ol clasuggeste nswe:1 Hewstll and nsome althugh sfial exprssi nv canged hair wa soth and lck nd hisvoice wa dep.2 Tonygavelaire a n aircutandchanged the makeu she woe He also sugsted Claire bu nw curtan,cusho

9、ns, a crpet nd pantfo te houe nnew dresesfor esef.mae improveents n hehuse so that the oue ookedvery eg.Carefu eadinComprehndiguestinonge 2Ak stdentst read te tet aefully ad thn discuss th cmpreheingquestion on ge 12inrous T: Nwts a thtext carlly and te do thecompndng xrciss on Pag 1.eeralmuts ter c

10、hek te answerwihth holeclaSugested ansers:.1. e opned he curasso at te other woeClarsguestsould se them.2ehad reented Caie from harmig heelf hrough r on sense of failure. . Beauseh compny (designes) cao ave womefallngin lovwthmais.1.4 Varu swe ca e acceptd.15 When hfirst saw e obot, se felt larmed T

11、ony ddoklike a machieaall.She fembarasedwhn Tonyask her whethe s nede help dressngClaire thouht twa iiculous tobe ffermpaty byarbtShe was amzed b te fnnils nd the sfness adwarmh f hi kn.She screame, puse iawayran to her rmfr heesof th day.ht sweet vicory to be envie by those won. Sh might nt as autf

12、ul s thm, butnon ofth had suh a handsome ovr Ten she rememberTny as ut a ahine ecriedallnght.2 haacteristicsSimilrieentPhysicalTll, hansoe,lackhar, deep voieFaia expression nver chaedMenalCleer enuh tosolvlkn oprmsCaot hnkf itefEmotionalloveNever exriedsu feelingas mbarrassmt,ar, aner, appess or evyirs emio



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