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1、M5U3 学考同步复习学案Part. Part 单元基础知识Part单元基础知识一、重点单词构词法1.normal adj.正常的 _ adv.正常地 _ adj. 不正常的2 .adopt vt.收养;采用 _ adj. 被收养的 _n.收养3.general adj.全体的,普遍的 _ adv 大体上,普遍地4.concentrate vi.专心,聚精会神 _n.专心5.announce vt.宣布,宣称 _n.通知,宣告6.value vt.重视 _n.价值 _ adj.有价值的7.success n.成功 _adj.成功的 _ adv.成功地 _vi. 成功8.science n.科学

2、 _adj.科学的 _ adv.科学地9.intention n. 意图,想法 _ vt. 想要10.agreement n.同意 _ vt.同意 _n.不一致构词法填空:1.If you clone an embryo, you can produce _(value) human tissues.2.In general, the scientists were praised for their wonderful _(science) advance.3.However, some people believe that cloning human embryos with the _

3、(intend) ofdestroying them shows no respect for human life.4.Though Tom is an _(adopt) child, his parents treat him very well.5.China has _(success)in producing clones of cows and goats.6.I am in complete _(agree) with human cloning, which I think is fantastic.二、重要词组:1. 一方面 .另一方面 . one the one hand,

4、 on the other hand (Page42,lines2-5)2. 戏弄,摆弄;把 .当做儿戏 toy with (page42,line6)3. 集中注意力于,全神贯注于 concentrate on (page42,line17)4. 为了.,以.为目的或意图 with the intention of (page42,line19)5. 义无反顾地进行,努力推进 push ahead with (page42,line26)6. 成功做成某事 succeed in (page42,line31)7. 供出售,待销售 for sale (page43,line36)8. 对.进行

5、评论 comment on (page43,line44)9. 同意;与 .一致 in agreement with (page43,line45)10. 有意义,有道理,讲得通 make sense (page43)11. 结果是,证明是,生产 turn out (page46 )12. 将.落实到位,实施 put in place (page46)13. 耗尽体力,累垮 beget burnt out (page51)14. 关于,有关 as to (page59 ,line20)15. 效仿某人 follow in one s footsteps(page56)16. 总之,概括起来 i

6、n summary (page56)17. 认真考虑 take- into consideration (page56)18. 支持,赞同 in favour of (page58,line9)19. 观点 point of view (page58 ,line 10)20. 满足某人的需要 meet one s needs (page58 ,line11)21. 对.谨慎、小心 be cautious with (page59 ,line27)22. 限制,限定 limit to (page59 ,line17)23. 保护-不受,防御 defend-against (page59 ,lin

7、e12)24. 以快速的步伐 at a fast pace (page58 ,line18)25. 数十年 decades of (page58 ,line14)三、 重点句型(理解句子结构,能英汉互译)1.However, some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroyingthem shows no respect for human life. (以摧毁他们为目的来显示对人类生命的不尊重).(Page42,lines18-20)2.I don t want to adopt some

8、one else if Ihasdcthhieldc, hance,I would have a cloned babyright now. (如果我有这个机会,我会立即要一个克隆婴儿 ).(Page42,lines23-24)3. On a personal note, (就我个人而言 ),cloning would totally transform my life .(Page43,line48)4.From the point of view of some people, ( 根据有些人的观点 ),we are only doing what humanshave always do

9、ne, using nature to meet our own needs.(Page58,lines9-11)5.Research has been limited to increasing production profits, rather than making sure GM foodsare safe. (而不是确保转基因食品的安全 ).(Page59,lines17-18)Part单元考情分析:双向翻译: (P58 Project)For a long time, our natural resources have been seriously affected by ou

10、r carelessness. Manypeople believe that technology and mankind are destroying nature. But if we focus only onenvironmental protection, then people may suffer.21 Not everything that is best for nature is goodfor people. We are moving towards an important point of understanding in our relationship wit

11、hnature. After decades of destroying nature and using up Earth s现n a在tu许ral多re发sources, 22.达国家关注保护自然。 rather than developing or destroying it. 23.However, many poorer nationsmust focus on meeting the everyday needs of their people. In doing so, they are using up naturalresources at a fast rate.In br

12、ief, 24. 这应该不是一个人类胜利和自然失败的问题。 Humans can only really win byprotecting nature. And 25. it is mankind rsesponsibility to find solutions that are acceptable foreveryone, and everything.21. _ 。22. _.23. _ 。24. _.25. _ 。Part.单元考点预测:预测一: 完型填空 (P45 Part E)Dear Editor,I read your article about human cloning

13、 with great 1._. I first heard of 2._ animalsfrom a single cell when I went to a seminar about Dolly the sheep, which was 3._ clonedin 1996. At the time, I thought that the whole concept of cloning was 4._. Why do somepeople think they have the right to 5._ nature? Who will 6._ the possible negativeconsequences? If we interfere with nature, we might create problems. It seems that I was correct your article says that Dolly died at a much 7._ age than a non-cloned sheep. Also, I cannotaccept the idea of cloning 8._



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