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1、职场双语:如何承受一份工作offer?职场双语:如何承受一份工作offer?Step 1 好好写封感谢信Once you are offered the job, thank the prospective employer for their consideration, assure them you are excited about the position, and ask for time to consider it. Then, get away from the situation and do something to relax before beginning to p

2、repare your counteroffer.一旦拿到offer,首先应该写信感谢雇主为你提供这个时机。让他们感觉到你对这份工作是很有兴趣的,然后请他们给你时间考虑。跟着放松一下,准备自己的工作确认回函。Step 2 理解该行业的收入情况To prepare a counteroffer you will first need to decide what your desired ine level is, and then research your career field and locale to determine if this goal is even feasible.

3、If your ine needs are significantly more than the position offered, it may be best to politely decline and move on. You will not be successful trying to get an employer to increase their offer from $44,000 to $78,000, for exle, and will only burn bridges for the future.首先你要决定的是自己应该提出多少期望薪金。先去查一查你所在的

4、行业的收入情况,再决定一个能被雇主承受的目的薪资。假如你期望的薪金远远高出职位所能提供的,那最好还是回绝这份工、去找新的。根本上,你不太可能让雇主把你的职位薪金从44000提到78000,即使你提出来。Step 3 把你的有利条件都列出来、凭此和老板讨价还价pile a list of your bargaining chips. Your skill set is obviously principal among these, but you may have other leverage as well. If you do not need health insurance be su

5、re to point this out in your counteroffer. If your employer is a small business this may save them several thousand dollars a year. Ask for part of that savings to be given back in increased salary.列一个单子出来,写好自己的优势。比方,假如你不想要安康保险,那要明确说出来。这可以帮一家公司每年节省上千元。然后要求老板把这局部折算到给你的工资里。Step 4 工资底线进步点In preparing y

6、our counteroffer, ask for more money than you realistically expect to settle for so you have room to negotiate. You may ask for a “throw away” benefit or two, but be careful, as the employer might decide to cede those benefits but not the ones you truly want. Your counteroffer can also request that

7、you work from home or have more vacation in lieu of a higher salary. Be sure you know what youre willing to give up in order to get what you want (I.E. accepting $5,000 less than the employers original offer in order to work from home).你提出的工资应该比你实际期望的略高,这样才有空间和老板讨价还价。你也可以要求一两个你并不是很想要的福利,这样即便老板不容许给你、你也损失不大。但对老板而言,就等于他已经回绝了你的某项要求,他可能在其他地方想要补足你的回函里同时声称降低薪金以换取家工作、或更多的假期。最重要的是,你要想清楚自己要什么、舍弃那些不真的想要的。Step 5 选择自己擅长的回复方式最后,你要正式承受这份工作了。选择一个你擅长的方式。假如你对表达很自信,那么争取和公司的人面谈;假如你的文笔更好,那么就写封信回复。写信的时候,注意不要吝啬你的感谢之情,同时,尽量用委婉、亲切的女气提出你的要求,并提醒公司的人你能为他们创造多少价值。最后,表达你要承受这份工作的诚意,并表示你会尽全力为新公司效力。第 页 共 页


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