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1、 班级 姓名 考场号_ 座位号 答 题 线 乐雅学校2014-2015学年度第一学期九年级英语期中试卷一、听力部分(每题1分,共分)听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读两遍。( )1. Awere B.watch C. want ( )2 . A . Safe B.small C.sick( )3.A.heart B.hat C.half( )4.A.keep off B.get off C.turn off( )5.A.I made it B.Bill give it me C.Bill made it B)听句子,选择最佳答案。每个句子读两遍。( )6.A.Its bad. B.Th

2、ank you. C.Youre welcome( )7.A.Sure.Here you are B.Never mind. C.good luck.( )8.A. Good idea B.Sound great. C.ThatOK.( )9.A. Linda. B .Its five. C.Sorry,I wont.( )10.A.You cant miss it. B.Its too long.C.Five minutes waikC)听对话及问题,选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。( )11.How does the man go to work these days? A.By car.

3、B. By taxi C.By bike.( )12 .Who was playing in the match? A Toms bother B.Toms sister. C.The girls bother. ( )13.What does the man think of the moive? A.He is tired of watching it. B.He likes it very much. C.He dislikes it.( )14.When will Frank come to Mrs Browns office. A.Before work. B.After work.

4、 C.At any time.( )15.Why wont Sam play soccer outside? A.Because its rainy. B.Because he has a cold.C.Because He doesnt like ball games.D)听短文,根据其内容回答下列问题。短文读两遍。( )16.Which floor are the rooms on? A.The 2nd. B.The 4th . C.The 5th.( )17.How far is the hotel from the sea? A.Very far B.Very near. C.1 ki

5、lometer from the sea.( )18.How much does Peter have to pay for his rooms for a night? A.200. B.400. C.600.( )19.Which meal doesnt have to pay for? A.Breakfast. B.Lunch. C.Supper.( )20.When can Peter arrive at this hotel?A.Today. B.Not decided C.Augest 10th. 二、笔试部分( 130 分)I.词汇(20分)A)单词考查(5)1.N_ of th

6、em is a teacher, They are both students.2. Have you h_ _ of the exciting news? Yes,I have.3.There are many children playing here ,It is too n_ .4.Dont all speak at the s_ time ,Please say it one by one.5.I dont like maths, John doesnt like, e_.B) 词型转换(10) 1. twenty(序数词)_ 2.noise (形容词)_ 3.both(反义词)_4

7、. real(副词)_ 5.use(形容词)_ 6.thought (动词原型)_ 7.teeth (单数)_ 8.die(名词)_ 9.success(形容词)_ 10.health形容词_C).用括号中所给词的适当形式填空;(5)1.I havent decided what _(write) about.2.I often hear him_ _(sing) in the next room.3.I find it easy _ (work) out the difficult problem.4.It is too dark to see the blackboard_(clear).

8、 you had better turn off the light.5.-Where is Bob ?do you know?Oh, he _ (go) to the post office.II选出能代替画线部分的选项。(共5分)( )1.She did best in the long jump Awon Blost Cfailed Djoined ( )2.The Great Green Wall is different from the Great Wall Alooks like Bis more difficult than Cisnt the same asDis less

9、difficult than ( )3.You must look after yourself and keep healthy A.look overB.look likeC.look atD.take care of ( )4.Come on!You maybe miss the train,I think AfindBcatchCdont findDdont catch( )5Mr and Mrs Green had a wonderful journey in China last year A.Greens B.Mr Greens C.The Green D.The Greens

10、III、语法与情景会话(每题1分,共25分).( )1、I like playing computer games my spare time. A in B on C with D at ( )2、I have never read interesting story. A such B so C such an D so an( )3、It takes her about fifteen minutes to school. A walking B walks C to walk D walk( )4、Do you think it will rain tomorrow? It hasnt

11、 rained for a long time!Its too dry. A I hope not B I hope so C Im afraid it will D Im sure it will( )5、The building is the second in our town.A high B highest C higher D the most highest( )6、She is a careful girl and makes mistakes in work。 A few B a few C little D a little( )7、My mother was .I had

12、 to look after her .A in hospital,in hospital B in the hospital,in hospital C in hospital,in the hospital D in the hospital,in the hospital ( )8 、If you have any problem ,you can your teacher .A turn on B turn off C turn to D turn up( )9、Do you know the man is sitting behind Nancy?A what B which C who D whom( )10、She said she her new computer for only a week.A has bought B had bought C has had D had had( )11、The he smokes,


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