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1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.Period 1Section A(1a-1c)English Proverb: Every cloud has a silver lining. 黑暗中总有一线光明。 【学习目标】:1能够听懂含有used to的对话,会谈论自己和他人的过去(难点)2 反意疑问句及其回答(重点)学 习 过 程:【课前练】 根据汉语意思填所缺单词。1.打扰了,你知道我能在哪买到一些药?Excuse me, do you know where _ _ buy some medicine?2、当然,顺着这条街有个超市。Sure. Ther

2、e is a supermarket the street.3. 请你告诉我怎样到邮局好吗?Could you please tell me _ _ get to the post office?4. 对不起,我不确定怎样到那。_, I am _ _ how to get there. 5. 你能告诉我们今晚乐队什么时候开始演奏吗? Can you tell us _ _ _ _ playing this evening?6. 晚上8点开始。It at 8:00 p.m. 7. 我想知道接下来我们该去哪儿。 I _ where we _ _ _.8. 你应该试试那个新的乘骑设施。You sho

3、uld try that over there.【 自主学习】 used to的用法 “used to动词原形”表示过去常常干某事,现在不在干了。只有一种形式,即过去式。例如:I used to go to work by bus. Now I take a taxi. So the sentence “I used to be afraid of the dark.” means in Chinese: 我过去常害怕黑暗。“used to”的疑问形式和否定形式:Did you use to be afraid of the dark?Yes, I used to be afraid of t

4、he dark.Did he use to be afraid of the dark?No, he did not use to be afraid of the dark.There used to be a church here ,didn t there ?跟踪练习 (1) He_ _ _ after school. 放学后他过去常常踢足球。(2) He _ _ _ _. 他过去不吸烟。(3)He used to play football. (改为一般疑问句,再回答)_【合作探究】 注意谈论外貌和性格的不同句型Whats he she like ?What does he she

5、look like?完成1a两人一组谈论自己过去的外表、性格等及与现在的不同。例如:I used to be short, but now I am tall. (用quiet ,shy/outgoing, have straight hair/have curly hair等谈论P25(1a) )听磁带一次,总体感悟语音语调。听磁带一次,完成1 b跟读磁带一次,把握1 b内容朗读材料,模仿语音语调和句群停顿。两人一组谈论他人过去的外表、性格等及与现在的不同,完成1c。想一想:used to do / be used to doing /be used to do的区别是什么?【引深探究】 A

6、 辨析:used to do / be used to doing /be used to doused to do,表示_,是过去时态,用于描述过去常常发生的动作或存在的状态。我过去害怕黑暗。 I used to_(be) afraid of the dark.be/get used to doing,表示_. 玛利亚习惯早起。Maria is used to_(get)up early.be used to do, 表示_,相当于 _. 火可以被用来做饭。Fire can be used to cook food.= Fire can _ _ _ _ food.【练评】(包含“考点链接”

7、应用探究 ()1.Her son _ Coke, but now he _ milk.Aused to drink; is used to drinking Bused to drinking; drinks Cis used to drinking; used to drink Dis used to drink; is drinking()2.My uncle_ a businessman, but now he is a factory worker. Aused to being Bwas used to be Cuse to be Dused to be()3.Betty _ man

8、y friends to play with. Aused to have Buse to have Cused to having Duse to having ()4.Mary used to _ to work, but she is used to _ to work now.Ariding a bike; taking a bus Briding a bike; take a busCride a bike; taking a bus Dride a bike; take a bus Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.Period 1Sec

9、tion A(2a-2d)English Proverb: Every cloud has a silver lining. 黑暗中总有一线光明。 【学习目标】:1能够听懂含有used to的对话,会谈论自己和他人的过去(难点)3 反意疑问句及其回答(重点)学 习 过 程:【课前练】朗读、翻译短语I havent seen you for four years! a couple of days. Now Im tall. And so are you! you used to wear glasses.youve changed! You used to have short hair.yo

10、u used to be really tall! Not anymore.it used to be red, didnt it? it used to be curly.You used to be short, didnt you? 复习反意疑问句,完成练习:(1)Lily will go to China, _ _? (2)She doesnt come from China, _ _?(3) You havent finished homework, _ _ ?(4) He knows little English, _ _?【自主探究】1. 预习26课文, 划译下列单词短语。 外表

11、 个性 幽默的 沉默的 有帮助的 时常 分数 2. 根据首字母或汉语提示写单词完成句子。1.He used to get good s_ in the final exams.2. I want to be a _(有帮助的) person to my country when I grow up.3.Our English teacher is quite h _.4. Though he has a good a_ _ , he cant do things well.5.My friend used to do things in the s_ way.【 合作探究】1. 辨析:used

12、 to do sth., be used to doing sth, be used to do sth.1.used to do sth. “过去常常做某事”表示过去的习惯动作或状态,现在已不再发生或不存在。 e.g:I never used to eat cakes, but I eat a lot now. 过去我从不吃蛋糕,但是现在我吃很多。2. used to do sth.的否定形式:used not to do sth.或 didnt use to do sth. 一般疑问句形式: Did sb. use to do sth.?或 Used sb. to do sth.?3.相似

13、短语: be/get/become used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 e.g:Mary is used to wearing a T-shirt and jeans. 玛丽习惯于穿T恤衫和牛仔裤。 be used to do sth. 被用来做某事 e.g:Wood can be used to make paper. 木头能被用来造纸。2.Mario, you used to be short, didnt you? (教材25页)本句是一个 问句,特点是 。 回答反疑疑问句和回答一般疑问句一样,如果答语是肯定的,用“Yes+肯定结构”;如果答语是否定的,用 。E.g. -You didnt go to school, did you? -Yes, I did.


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